First, read this story from New York Times and then i shall explain what do i mean by "Change of attitude makes all the difference"
"In 1997, Ms. Van Deren had a lobectomy, surgery to remove a part of her temporal lobe that was implicated in a series of frightening grand mal seizures(epilepsy). The surgery cured her epilepsy, but with a cost: she has lost part of her memory and organizational skills. She also has lost sense of time and place, making her a formidable force in a lonely sport that requires participants to endure runs of 100 miles or more.
Since brain surgery, she just runs, uninhibited by the drudgery of time and distance, undeterred by an inability to remember exactly where she is going or how to get back."
Since brain surgery, she just runs, uninhibited by the drudgery of time and distance, undeterred by an inability to remember exactly where she is going or how to get back."
After reading this short story few questions arises in mind, such as
1. What is Epilepsy?
2. What are its effets?
3. What is lobectomy? etc.
I shall answer each of them, one by one:
Firstly, What is Epilepsy?
Epilepsy is a neurological condition, which affects the nervous system. Epilepsy is also known as a seizure disorder. It is usually diagnosed after a person has had at least two seizures that were not caused by some known medical condition like alcohol withdrawal or extremely low blood sugar. Sometimes, according to the International League Against Epilepsy, epilepsy can be diagnosed after one seizure, if a person has a condition that places them at high risk for having another.
2. Symtoms of Seizure (epileptic attack):
2. Symtoms of Seizure (epileptic attack):
a. Early seizure symptoms (warnings)
i. Sensory/Thought:
Deja vu ,Jamais vu, Smell, Sound, Taste
Visual loss or blurring Racing thoughts
Stomach feelings, Strange feelings
Tingling feeling
Fear/Panic Pleasant feeling
Dizziness, Headache, Lightheadedness
Nausea, Numbness
iv. No warning:
Sometimes seizures come with no warning
b. Seizure Symtoms:
i. Sensory/Thought:
Black out, Confusion, Deafness/Sounds
Electric Shock Feeling, Loss of consciousness, Smell
Spacing out, Out of body experience,
i. Sensory/Thought:
Deja vu ,Jamais vu, Smell, Sound, Taste
Visual loss or blurring Racing thoughts
Stomach feelings, Strange feelings
Tingling feeling
Fear/Panic Pleasant feeling
Dizziness, Headache, Lightheadedness
Nausea, Numbness
iv. No warning:
Sometimes seizures come with no warning
b. Seizure Symtoms:
i. Sensory/Thought:
Black out, Confusion, Deafness/Sounds
Electric Shock Feeling, Loss of consciousness, Smell
Spacing out, Out of body experience,
Visual loss or blurring
ii. Emotional:
iii. Physical:
Chewing movements, Convulsion, Difficulty talking
Drooling, Eyelid fluttering, Eyes rolling up,
Falling down, Foot stomping, Hand waving,
Inability to move, Incontinence, Lip smacking,
Making sounds, Shaking, Staring,
Stiffening, Swallowing,
ii. Emotional:
iii. Physical:
Chewing movements, Convulsion, Difficulty talking
Drooling, Eyelid fluttering, Eyes rolling up,
Falling down, Foot stomping, Hand waving,
Inability to move, Incontinence, Lip smacking,
Making sounds, Shaking, Staring,
Stiffening, Swallowing,
Sweating, Teeth clenching/grinding, Tongue Biting,
Tremors, Twitching movements,
Tremors, Twitching movements,
Breathing difficulty,
c. After-seizure symptoms (post-ictal)
i. Thought:
Memory loss, Writing difficulty
ii. Emotional:
Confusion, Depression and sadness Fear
Frustration, Shame/Embarrassment
iii. Physical:
Bruising, Difficulty talking, Injuries
Sleeping, Exhaustion, Headache
Nausea, Pain, Thirst
Weakness, Urge to urinate/defecate.
3. Treatment:
Out of a number of possible treatments, I would like to mention one only which is concerned with the story mentioned above
Temporal Lobe resection:
Temporal Lobe resection:
A temporal lobe resection is an operation performed on the brain to control seizures. In this procedure, brain tissue in the temporal lobe is resected, or cut away, to remove the seizure focus. The anterior (front) and mesial (deep middle) portions of the temporal lobe are the areas most often involved.
Above mentioned story was of Diane Van Deren, 49, who has become one of the world’s great ultra-marathon runners following surgery to remove part of her brain.
This is an amazing tale of science and the human spirit, and gives a glimpse into the challenges and difficult choices people with epilepsy must make to live normal lives.
This is an amazing tale of science and the human spirit, and gives a glimpse into the challenges and difficult choices people with epilepsy must make to live normal lives.
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