Q#1.a 45 yr old male comes with the complaint of acute abdominal pain with migratory thrombophilibitis. what is the diagnosis?a. Acute pancreatitisb. Chronic relapsing pancreatitisc. C.a pancrease (ans)d. D.MQ#2.Iron is stored in parenchyma as:a. Ferritinb. Hemosiderrinc. TransferrinQ#3. Least site of metastasis is:a. Spleenb. Liverc. Lungd. Kidneye. Lymph nodesQ#4.Major stress hormone is:a. ACTHb. Epinephrinec. NorepinephrineQ#5. Benedict test is...
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Monday, December 07, 2009
FCPS past papers: Radiology January 2009
1. Most imp. stress hormoneACTH*EpinephrineNorepinephrineGrowth hormone2. wat is not in relation with right kidneydecending colon*ascending colonduodenumspleen3. wat is not in relation with pitutary glandFacial nerve*Abducent nerveSphenoid sinusTrigeminal4. tributery of external carotid veinAnterior jugular vein*Facial vein5. side effect of thophyllinnausea and vomiting*hypertensionbradycardiaseizures6. Nor-epinephrine & serotonin degration byMAO*COMT7....