General ArticlesTwelve types of medical studentsChildren who have low levels of self-control at three are more likely to have a Criminal Record by the age of 32Holy ZAMZAM water is 1000 times better than other water and Nothing is Negative about itLack of Sleep at night is Linked to early DeathMobiles have more germs than toiletsHow to differentiate Seasonal and Swine flu, common cold and allergies with their possible managementAllergy Animation,...
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Saturday, January 30, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Histology and Explanation of Purulent Meningitis

Purulent leptomeningitis (suppurative leptomeningitis) is a diffuse purulent inflammation. The leptomeninges (arachnoida and piamater) contain purulent exudate (pus): leukocytes (neutrophils), fibrin, germs, proteins, necrotic debris. Blood vessels in the subarachnoidian space and those intracerebral are congested and neutrophil margination is present. (Hematoxylin-eosine,...
MBBS 3rd year OSPE 2010 - UHS
Behavioural Sciences OSPE
Behavioural Sciences OSPE 2010
Pathology OSPE
Pathology OSPE Part 1Pathology OSPE Part 2Pathology OSPE Part 3Pathology OSPE Part 4Pathology OSPE Part 5Pathology OSPE Part 6Pathology OSPE Part 7Pathology OSPE Part 8Pathology OSPE Part 9Pathology OSPE Part 10Pathology OSPE Part 11Pathology OSPE Part 12Pathology OSPE Part 13Pathology OSPE Part 14Pathology OSPE Part 15
Pharmacology OSPE
Pharmacology OSPE 2010 part 1Pharmacology...
Doctor's Lounge
Live Long and ProsperThe most iconic component of medical education may be dissection of the cadaver for anatomy
A Family Doctor in the Land of the AmishI Choose to become a Doctor, Because I want To Save Lives
A Cry of a Pakistani Doctor
Left coronary artery, the widow maker
Funny Doctor's StoriesFive Tips to Develop Positive attitude - PermanentlyWhat is Happiness and how can you live a Happy Life?Seven qualities of good active listeningInteresting...
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Anatomy Books Instant Anatomy 2nd ed, 2000Lange Case Files Anatomy 2008AtlasPocket Atlas of Human Anatomy: Based on the International Nomenclature, 4th ed. 2000Atlas of Thyroid Lesions, 1st ed. 2011AnesthesiaMayo Clinic Analgesic Pathway: Peripheral Nerve Blockade for Major Orthopedic Surgery, 1st ed. 2005Textbook of Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management, 1st ed. 2007Lecture Notes Clinical Anesthesia 2edBiochemistryFunctional Biochemistry...
Medical Technology
Medical iPhone ApplicationsPlan your acticities by using iStudiez application for iphoneListen to Heart sounds with your i-phone by using iStethoscope Expert applicationBlausen Human Atlas for AndroidControl your diabetes by using simple smartphone application by VreeMobile MerckMedicus for the iPhoneRecord Electrocardiogram (ECG) By using I-Ph...
Thursday, January 07, 2010
How to Excise Thrombosed External Hemorrhoid
Indications: Painful thrombosed external hemorrhoid Contraindications: Coagulopathy (PT or PTT >1.3× control) Thrombocytopenia (platelet count < 50,000/mm3) Nonthrombosed prolapsed hemorrhoid Anesthesia: 1% lidocaine (mixing lidocaine with 1/100,000 epinephrine may reduce bleeding) Equipment: Scalpel handle and #15 blade Sterile prep solution 25-gauge needle and syringe Forceps Small clamps Vaseline or Xeroform gauze Positioning:...
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
1-Etiology of cleft palate.a-anticonvulsantb-multiple pregc-multifactoriald-inc maternal age2-left cleft palat dt malformation of.,a-palatine shelvesb-maxillary prominencec-med nasal prominenced-lat nasal prominencee-incisive foramen3-germ cells derived from.,a-ectodermb-endodermc-mesodermd-neural crest cell4-karyotype of turner syndrom,,.......,,,,(smethng like dat exactly nt remembr)a-45XO5-which 1 contain granulosa cell,,a-graffian follicleb-,,,...,..,6-in...