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Saturday, March 06, 2010


1. Gland of cloquet is located in:

a. inguinal canal

2. Below is a carcinogen:

a. methyl alcohol
b. propyl alcohol
c. benzidine (C)

3. Incidence is:

a. number of new cases in a population (C)

4. Following is correct about femur:

a. the head is in line of medial condyle
b. the angle between the neck and shaft is average 125 degrees. (C)

5. Subclavian artery passes:

a. above the 1st rib (C)
b. below the 1st rib

6. Abdominal angina is caused due to:

a. Superior mesenteric artery (C)
b. inferior mesenteric artery
c. celiac trunk
d. abdominal aorta

7. Left Suprarenal vein drains into:

a. inferior vena cava
b. left renal vein (C)
c. phrenic vein
d. portal vein

8. Squamous cell carcinoma of urinary bladder is caused due to:

a. shistosoma (C)

9. The species which causes carcinoma in urinary bladder is:

a. shistosoma mansoni
b. schitosoma hematobium (C)

10. Oxidative breakdown of glucose during glycolysis generates:

a. 1 pyruvate
b. 2 pyruvate (C)
c. lactic acid

11. Referred pain to shoulder is via:

a. C1, 2
b. C2, 3
c. C3, 4, 5 (C)
d. C5, 6

12. Following is not palpable on per rectal examination:

a. Ureter
b. Prostate
c. Seminal vesicle
d. ??
e. ??

13. Spinal cord ends at:

a. S2
b. L1-2 (C)
c. L3
d. L5

14. Femoral sheath is composed of:

a. transversus abdominis fascia
b. internal oblique fascia
c. iliacus fascia (C)

15. Fracture at neck of fibula:

a. injury to common peroneal nerve (C)
b. superficial pernoeal nerve
c. deep perneal nerve
d. tibial nerve

16. Posterior displacement of knee is prevented by:

a. Anterior cruciate ligament
b. Posterior cruciate ligament (C)
c. Tibial collateral ligament
d. fibular collateral ligament

17. A patient had cut in the center of wrist during a suicide attempt, he has no abduction or adduction of fingers plus no abduction of the thumb, the injury is to:

a. ulnar nerve
b. median nerve
c. radial nerve

18. Lymphatic supply of mammary glands is:

a. parasternal lymph nodes
b. abdominal lymph nodes
c. axillary lymph nodes (C)

19. Defecation is because of:

a. mass reflex
b. myenteric reflex
c. S2, 3, 4 (C)
d. Parasympathetic reflex

20. Prolonged coma is because of lesion of:

a. both frontal lobes lesions (C)
b. one frontal lobes lesion
c. periaquaductal area lesion
d. midbrain lesion

21. Retrograde amnesia:

a. can be abolished via prefrontal lobotomy
b. appears in amygdala lesions and propranolol therapy

22. Projection fibers of cerebral cortex travel through:

a. internal capsule (C)
23. Regarding neural tube which one is correct:

a. Involved in CNS development (C)
b. Involved in meninges development

24. Primordial germ cells are of:

a. ectodermal origin
b. mesodermal (C)
c. endodermal

25. Urorectal septum divides the cloaca into:

a. anus and urinary bladder
b. anorectal canal and urogenital sinus (C)

26. ADH and Oxytocin are released from:

a. suprachaismatic
b. preoptic
c. adenohypophysis
d. neurohypophysis (C)

27. Termination of subarachnoid space is at:

a. L2
b. S2 (C)
c. L5
d. S4

28. Following is true about middle meningeal artery:

a. Passes through foramen spinosum (C)

29. Mass reflex is elicited by:

a. decortication
b. complete section of spinal cord
c. lesions of cervical or thoracic spinal cord (C)

30. Medial lemniscus system mediates:

a. Pain
b. Temperature
c. Tickling
d. Fine touch (C)
31. What prevents muscles from over-stretching:

a. Golgi spindles
b. muscle spindles (C)

32. Hamartoma is a:

a. neoplastic condition with no malignant potential
b. non-neoplastic condition (C)
c. completely benign
d. malignant

33. In chronic hemolysis, following will deposit in tissues:

a. bilirubin (C)
b. biliverdin
c. conjugated bilirubin
d. lipofuscin
e. iron

34. Premalignant lesion of mouth is:

a. ??
b. ??

35. Complication of betel nuts chewing is:

a. haemorrhage ??
b. ulceration ??

36. Cleft palate is caused due to:

a. Viral
b. carbamazepine
c. multifactorial (C)
d. antiepileptics

37. A House surgeon is operating on posterior triangle, which structure is at risk:
a. spinal portion of accessory nerve (C)
b. cranial portion of accessory nerve

38. During surgery on submandibular glands, how will you protect labial branch of facial nerve:

a. lift the deep fascia of hyoid bone
b. nerve stimulation studies
c. protecting it as it enters surgical field
d. lifting the blood vessels

39. Enzyme for breakdown of serotonin and Norepinephrine is

a. Catechol - o - methyltransferase
b. Monoamine oxidase (C)

40. Inducer of drug metabolism is:

a. ketoconazole
b. phenobarbitone (C)

41. Lesions of cerebellum causes:

a. failure of initiation
b. resting tremor
c. rigidity
d. ataxia (C)

42. Essential amino acid is:

a. Glycine
b. glutamate
c. tyrosine
d. phenylalanine (C)

43. Slow growing tumour of thyroid is:

a. papillary
b. follicular
c. adenoma

44. Following are features of thyroid tumour:

a. ??

45. Premalignant condition of colon carcinoma:
a. inflammatory polyp
b. hyperplastic polyp
c. hamartomatous
d. adenomatous (C)
46. Among the following statements about parotid gland, which is false:

a. It has two lobes
b. parotid duct arises from deep lobe
c. retromandibular vein is related to its inferior pole
d. ??
e. ??

47. Which nerve lies in the cavernous sinus cavity:

a. III, V
b. IV, VI
c. VI (C)
d. IX

48. Muscles of facial expression are all of the following except:

a. orbicularis oris
b. orbicularis oculi
c. buccinator
d. platysma
e. ?? (C)

49. Taste is sensed by all of the following except:

a. fungiform
b. filliform (C)
c. circumvellate

50. Tympanic membrane forms:

a. lateral wall of tympanic cavity

51. Thyroid gland is surrounded by which fascia:

a. investing
b. pretracheal (C)
c. prevertebral
d. deep

52. Azygous vein:


53. Facilitated diffusion is:

a. energy dependent
b. carrier mediated (C)

54. The most significant prepotential is that of:

a. atria
b. ventricles
c. SA node (C)

55. Best mechanism for temperature loss:

a. Vasonconstriction
b. thirst

56. Acute inflammation:

a. transudate
b. exudate (C)

57. alpha-adrenergic discharge leads to:

a. cardioacceleration
b. baroreceptor reflex

58. Which organ gets less than required oxygenation during exercise:

a. Skeletal muscle (C)
b. kidney
c. skin
d. brain
e. heart

59. H+ ion secretion is in:

a. hyperkalemia
b. acidosis (C)
c. alkalosis
60. H+ secretion is associated with:

a. excretion of bicarbonate
b. reabsortion of bicarbonate (C)
61. Central and peripheral regulation of respiration is via:

a. PCO2
b. PO2
c. pH
d. CO

62. A fisherman came to emergency department with pallor. The most probable cause for this is:

a. Diphylobothrium (C)

63. Ileal resection leads to:

a. Increased iron absorption
b. Decreased amino acid absorption.

64. Aldosterone production is stimulated via:

a. Heart failure
b. Decreased perfusion of kidney
c. Renin (C)
d. Increased Na

65. Another use of thyroid hormone is:

a. Weight loss
b. Appetite
c. Hair loss
d. ??
e. ??

66. Anabolic hormone is:

a. Insulin (C)
b. Glucagon

67. Adult Polycystic Disease is:

a. Autosomal recessive
b. X- linked recessive
c. Autosomal dominant (C)
d. X linked dominant
e. Mitochondial

68. Lymphatic supply of ovary is:

a. Internal iliac lymph nodes
b. external iliac lymph nodes
c. deep inguinal
d. lumbar/paraaortic (C)
e. sacral

69. Remnant of mullerian factor is:

a. Duct of gartner
b. Round ligament
c. Appendix of testis (C)

70. Tuberculous ulcer has which type of edges:

a. Everted
b. Punched out
c. Sliding
d. Undermined (C)
e. Elevated

71. Severe infection in a post-transplant patient is due to:

a. Influenza virus
b. Streptococcus
c. Staphylococcus
d. Cytomegalovirus (C)

72. Within 10 hours acute transplant rejection is due to:

a. Type I
b. Antibody-mediated (C)
c. Type III
d. Cytotoxic T cells
e. Type V

73. Following is true about MAI:

a. Widespread resistant to TB drugs
b. Only causes lung disease
c. Very common

74. Following is true about cryptorchidism:

a. Failure of descent of testis from abdomen into scrotal sac.

75. Definition of Behaviour sciences is:

a. Scientific study of human behaviour
b. Scientific study involving epidemiology, biostatistics, ethics, psychology, sociology. (C)

76. Good communication skills are in a person who:

a. Who does presentations (C)

77. RER function is:

a. Protein synthesis (C)
b. Transcription
c. Post-translational modification

78. Following is true about sarcomere:

a. Is formed between two intercalated discs
b. Is formed between two Z-discs (C)

79. Calcium is released into muscles via:

a. Mitochondrion
b. RER
c. Sarcoplasmic reticulum (C)

80. Lymphatic nodules are not present in:

a. Thymus (C)
b. Spleen
c. Peyers patches
d. Tonsils

81. In Pnemothorax following happens:

a. Lung collapses and chest expands
b. Lung collapses and chest indraws (C)
c. Lung expands and chest expands
d. lung expands and chest indraws
e. lung expands and chest remains same

82. Vaccine of Bacillus-Calmette-Guerin is which type of vaccine:

a. Formaline killed Toxoid vaccine
b. Heat killed organism
c. Live attenuated (C)

83. Vaccine of Bacillus-Calmette-Guerin induces which type of immunity:

a. Active (C)
b. Secondary immunity
c. Passive

84. Which one is true about corynebacterium diphtheria:

a. Produces powerful exotoxin (C)
b. Produces powerful endotoxin

85. The most common cause of pneumonia in 6 months to 2 years age group is:

a. Neisseria
b. Streptococcs pneumonia
c. E. Coli
d. Haemophilus influenza
e. Streptococcu pyogenes

86. Pseudo membranous colitis is caused by:

a. Clostridium tetani
b. Clostridium botulinum
c. Clostridium perfringens
d. Clostridium difficile

87. Clostridium perfringens causes injury via following mechanism:

a. free radicals
b. hypoxia (C)
c. Invasion

88. Neisseria best diagnosed most easily via:

a. Gram stain (C)
b. Culture

89. Ocular opacity can be caused by:

a. Ethambutol

90. Hydatid disease caused due to ingestion of:

a. Cyst
b. Eggs (C)

91. Patient is having MCV=78, MCH=28, it is:

a. Normochromic normocytic anemia
b. Normchromic microcytic
c. hypochromic microcytic
d. hypochromic normochromic

92. Patient is vomiting: ph = 7.25, PCO2=45 (35=45), HCO3=35. Cause is:

a. metabolic acidosis
b. metabolic alkalosis
c. partially compensated metabolic alkalosis

93. Most common cause of Deep Venous Thrombosis is:

a. Contraceptive pills
b. Trauma
c. Surgery
d. Immobility (C)

94. Most common cause of hospital acquired pnuemonia is:

a. Streptococcus
b. Pnemococcus
c. Pseudomonas (C)

95. Following is an important component of Counter current exchange mechanism:

a. Vasa recta (C)
b. Proximal tubule
c. Distal tubule

96. Submucous glands are present in:

a. Stomach
b. Dudenum (C)
c. Iluem
d. Large intenstine

97. Patient is having bone pains, PO4 is decreased, Ca++ is raised, most probable cause is:

a. Pagets disease
b. Osteoporosis
c. Osteopenia
d. Hyperparathroidism (C)

98. Calcitonin works by:

a. Increasing bone resorption.
b. Decreasing bone resorption (C)

99. True hermaphrodite genotype is:

a. XY
b. X0
c. XXY (C)

100. Testosterone is produced by:

a. Sertoli cells (C)
b. Leydig cells

101. The vasculature of kidney is:

a. Afferent -> glomerulus -> efferent -> vasa recta