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Friday, July 30, 2010

Mobiles have more germs than toilets

Mobile phones are writhing bug factories that can harbour 18 times more bacteria than a flush handle in a men's toilet, a new study shows.With iPhone 4 fever about to hit Melbourne, a researcher who swabbed 30 mobiles found at least seven had unacceptably high levels of bacteria.The results point to potentially poor hygiene among millions of mobile phone users that could result...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Cecil Medicine 23rd Edition Free Download


Clinician's Pocket Reference-9th Edition free download


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Study Compares 'Competing To Win' And Competing To Excel'

Is being competitive a good or a bad thing when you're a teenager? Well, a bit of both actually: competing to win is detrimental to girls' social relationships and was linked to higher levels of depression, whereas this was much less the case for boys. However, competing to excel is beneficial to the well-being of both genders. A new study1 by Dr. David Hibbard from California State University and Dr. Duane Buhrmester from the University of Texas,...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010



Sunday, July 18, 2010

Netter’s Interactive Human Anatomy Software-FREE DOWNLOAD

DOWNLOAD IT HERE:Pw: www.chipollo.i...

Robbins Review of Pathology by Edward C. Klatt, Edward C., MD Klatt, Vinay, MD Kumar


Hutchison’s Clinical Methods: An Integrated Approach to Clinical Practice, 22nd edition, 2007---Free download


Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Pharmacology secrets-free Download




Saturday, July 03, 2010

PreTest Pharmacology and Review

Gives medical students 500 questions, answers, and explanations to prepare for the pharmacology section of the USMLE Step 1. The new edition includes many new questions in the two-step clinical format to simulate the USMLE Step 1.* 500 USMLE-type questions, answers & explanations* High-yield facts reinforce key concepts* Targets what you really need to know* Student-tested and reviewedPreTest® is the medical student’s most dynamic weapon for...

gray's anatomy of the human body (20th edition)

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