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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Stroke Risk Factors, Symptoms, Warning Signs, and Treatment

Stroke can be a very life-changing experience. It is very important to be aware of the risk factors, symptoms, and signs of stroke. The quality of your life could depend on it.

Some of the risk factors for stroke are:
1. Being over the age of 55 (however, stroke can happen at any age)
2. A family history of stroke, mini-stroke, or heart disease
3. Having previously experienced any of the factors in number 2
4. Being a man although women are also at risk.
5. Being a diabetic

First of all, some may wonder exactly what is a stroke. A stroke is a brain attack, not unlike a heart attack. When a person has a stroke, the blood flow to the brain simply gets interrupted. In about 85 % of cases this is caused by a blockage. A blood clot develops in the brain or elsewhere in the body and travels to the brain. (You can see the similarity to a heart attack.) Since diabetes can be hard on your body, including your arteries, this raises the stroke risk for us diabetics.

One of the main long-term effects of a stroke is paralysis, as was the case with my mother. She was paralized on her right side. Other long term effects are vision problems, memory loss, behavior changes, etc. The long term effects are determined by which part of the brain is effected when the stroke occurs. It is very important to know the signs of stroke because immediate treatment is necessary.

Watch for the following signs:
- confusion or trouble speaking (this includes talking clearly but not making sense or using wrong words)
- dizziness or a loss of balance
- a sudden severe headache with no explanation
- a numbness or weakness, especially on just one side of the body
- one side of the face having a droopy look, especially around the mouth

Medication can help to alleviate long term effects but only if given within three hours of the onset of symptoms. Do not hesitate in seeking help! Being hesitant or thinking, "Oh, it is probably nothing" could be the biggest mistake of your life.

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