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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What Is Sinus Bradycardia?

What is sinus bradycardia and where does it start from. Sinus bradycardia starts from the sinus node; it is a heart rhythm and has a rate of fewer than 60 beats per minute (bps). Simple words on what is sinus bradycardia they are the sinus beat when a resting heart strikes 60 bps or even less. The sinus rhythms cause a P-wave on the ECG which means it is normal in terms of...

Friday, February 17, 2012

Introduction to Creativity and Creative thinking

You often hear the term "Creative Genius" when referring to an individual who has created something extraordinarily different. Whether it's a new fashion line, cooking a meal a different way, designing an ad, or developing the next social network. It's dynamite! It's electric! It's inspired! What ever your definition, you want it but you don't think you have it. The first...

Saturday, February 11, 2012

What Cuases Stillbirth and Miscarriages?

Miscarriages and Stillbirths:Miscarriages are medically referred to as spontaneous abortions. This term is used to describe the loss of a fetus in the first half of pregnancy (before 20 to 24 weeks). After this time, if a baby dies in a mother's uterus on or after the 24 week mark, it is known as a stillbirth.Both events can be devastating for prospective parents, so understanding the causes, what precautions can be taken and how to deal with the...

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Medical Comics: US Teen Pregnancies At 40-Year Low


Wednesday, February 08, 2012

How Does the Face Age - what is actually happening that makes us look older?


Chun Chun is the Heaviest Newborn in the World

Chinese mother has given birth to a 15.52 pound baby.A mother in central China has given birth to a 15.52 pound (7.04 kilogram) baby, possibly the largest newborn on record since the country's founding in 1949.The state-run Tianjin Post said Tuesday that the 29-year-old mother in Henan province gave birth to the boy Saturday by cesarean section. It said delivery took just...

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

The Psychology of Smoking - Why do People Smoke?

Smoking is one of the most difficult addictions to break. Scientists estimate that cigarettes are more addictive than cocaine, heroin, or alcohol. According to the World Health Organization, smoking kills more people than any disease in the world. With all this information readily available, why do people continue to smoke?Most people who smoke do so because they can't stop....

Monday, February 06, 2012

What is the Cause of a False Positive Pregnancy Test?

False positive pregnancy test basically means HCG was detected in the urine. HCG is present in the placenta when the embryo is attached to the uterus. False pregnancy is rear by do occur. If you have done the home pregnancy test and result shows positive, we blindly accept it, after all pregnancy tests are supposed to be 99% accurate. However there are several reasons sighted...

Sunless tanning: A safe alternative to sunbathing

Today, people are making use of many advanced technologies to darken their skin effectively. In the earlier days, sun bathing was a popular tanning method among the people due to its effective results. Ultraviolet radiations that are emitted by the sun are responsible for stimulating melanin production which ultimately results in darkening of skin. However, it is found that...

Sunday, February 05, 2012

Head patch watches over stroke patients’ blood flow in brains

Stroke is one of the silent killers just like heart attacks, and the amount of damage it does to the body varies, with many of those who suffered from a stroke before having to live with limited movement as well as slurred speech. Not only that, statistics show that nearly 33% of stroke patients experience another stroke – all the while when they are still stuck in the hospital....

The anorexic mom who wears the same cloths as her 7-yr-old daughter

Standing side-by-side in matching outfits, you'd be forgiven for mistaking Rebecca and Maisy Jones as sisters. But, in fact, this is a picture of a 26-year-old woman and her seven-year-old daughter. After suffering from anorexia half her life, Rebecca's tiny frame fits easily into clothes designed for seven to eight year olds. Weighing just five stone, the young mother weighs...

Pupils who shout out in class achieve better results than their counterparts

Impulsive children who find it irresistible to shout out in class score higher in tests than their peers, who seem to be better behaved and quiet, state researchers.A Durham University study that looked at 12,000 primary school pupils in England found children who "blurt out" responses perform better in maths and English."Although it may seem disruptive, blurting out of answers...

What is Restless Leg Syndrome? Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

A lot of us may not consider restless leg syndrome (RLS) as a serious condition, but for those who are affected, it is a different story. Restless leg syndrome, or Willis-Ekburn disease, is a condition that is neurological in origin. It is the irresistible need to move a certain body part just to cope with stress, anxiety, pain or other external factors. It usually affects the legs, hence the name, but it could also affect the arms, the trunk area...

What is Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease? Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

GERD, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease, is a condition wherein the contents of the stomach are being regurgitated back up the esophagus. Because of the acidity of the contents of the stomach, the lining of the esophagus can become injured or inflamed. Even though GERD is a life-long condition, there are certain measures that can relieve and minimize its symptoms.The reflux or the regurgitation of the stomach's contents back into the...

Saturday, February 04, 2012

Lower Abdominal Pain and Probable Diagnosis

Also known as abdominal cramps, it is mostly associated with the digestive parts of the body. Although there can be a large number of causes, the distinct areas of pain provide a series of clues on the possible causes of lower abdominal pain. Furthermore, depending on the type of pain felt, the seriousness and urgency for medical help can be determined. This means that thorough assessment is needed with some tests to accurately determine the cause.Lower...

How is depression diagnosed and treated?

Depression is a medical condition. It is not just on one's mind. It is not an imaginary illness. It is a real disorder that requires diagnosis. Hence, a person who suspects himself or herself of being depressed must undergo a depression test to confirm the existence of the said disorder. Eventually, depression is like any other illness that demands treatment.Medical practitioners...

What causes Sweaty Palms and How you can naturally Cure it

Sweaty palms is not a new phenomenon and recent estimates have shown that nearly 1 percent of people the world over suffer from this problem. It is a kind of skin condition that is known as hyperhidrosis where you cannot stop your hands from sweating. It is also known as palmar hyperhidrosis. Earlier, medical science had blamed the cause of sweaty palms on psychosomatic illness, which has been challenged by recent research on the subject in the last...