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Monday, July 16, 2012

Engineering vs Medicine

Students across the world find themselves at the crossroads after completing their high school. For toppers, the decision to opt between engineering and medicine is the most difficult task. Of course, the choice is never entirely yours and is influenced by several external factors. These include your parents, the success of your elder siblings in a particular...

Laughter is medicine for the soul But ...

Laughter is medicine for the soul and has many health benefits. It decreases stress and releases the endorphins that make you feel good. In other words laughter helps you lighten up, enjoy your life and enjoy your relationships. But it is not true with all laughter. There is a mean spirited humor that has gone viral in our culture which poisons the soul. It is rampant...

Positive and Negative Effects of Video Games on Health

Concerned about the effects of video games on your kids health? Or perhaps you're just curious about this stuff or need to research it for a paper. Below you'll find the information you'll need on this topic with links at the bottom for further reading. This whole article is about how video games affect people's health in general. The general positive and negative...