1. Gastric emptying inhibited by
Ans. CCK
2. Which hepatitis has the most mortality
a. hepA
b. hep B
c. hep C
d. hep D ( ans)
e. Hep E
3. Aldosterone secretion increases in response to
a. hyponatremia
b. increase ACTH
c. hyperkalemia (ans)
4. 65% Na reabsorption is in
a. PCT (ans )
b. DCT
5. osmotic pressure depends on
a. increase molecular size
b. increase no of particles (ans)
c. electric charge
6. regarding heamoglobin
a doesnot carry CO2
b. acts as a buffer (answer )
c. contains 2 alpha and 2 gamma chains
7. diffusion is inversely proportional to
a. thichness of the membrane (ans )
8. infants tend to defecate immediately after they eat because of
a. gastroileal reflex
b. gastrocolic reflex (ans)
9. cause of achlasia is
a. loss of myenteric plexus (ans )
10. appendix
a. does not have tenia coli (ans )
11. what is the energy source after 48 hrs of starvation
a. muscle glycogen
b. liver glycogen
c. muscle proteins (answer)
12. which is not the part of portal tract
a. hepatic artery
b. connective tissue
c. portal vein
d. hepatic vein (ans)
e. bileduct
13. what results after portal hypertension
a. increase portal diameter (ans )
14. Benedict test is used for
a. urine glucose
b. urine ketones (ans)
c. serum glucose
15. iron absorption increases in
a. ferrous form (ans)
16. total gasrectomy results in
a. iron def anemia
b. microcytic anemia
c. pernicious anemia (ans)
17.women with gravida 4 hb 8 occult blood in stool cause
a. iron def anemia (ans)
18.which hormone is responsible for fetal brain development
a. growth hormone
b. prolactin
c. thyroid hormone (ans)
19.adrenal cortical def results in
a. hyperglycemia
b. hypokalemia
c. hyponatremia (ans)
20. hyperPTH will be in all except
a. brown atrophy
b. dystrophic calcification (ans)
21.pseudohyper PTH is seen in
a. vit D def
b. paraneoplastic PTH release from tumours ( I think it is the answer )
22. diagnostic criteria for pre malignant condition
a. increase nuclear cytoplasmic ratio
b. pleomorphism
c. mitotic figures
23. diagnostic criteria for malignant tumours
a. pleomorphism
b. mitotic figure
c. local invasion
24. diagnostic criteria for soft tissue tumours
a. pleomorphism
b. mitotic figures
c. increase vascularity
25. patient with decrease hb, decrease platelets but increase TLC with generalized lymphadenopathy. Lymphocytes normal appearance cause
a. tuberculous lymphadenitis
b. non Hodgkin lymphoma
c. hairy cell
d. CLL
26.patient with CML develop joint pain, which investigation
a. uric acid (ans)
b. RA factor
27. most important chemotactic agent
a. leukotriene B4
b. C5 complex (ans)
c. histamine
28. heparin is released by which cells
a. mast cells
b. basophils ( I think so it is the ans )
c. platelets
d. neutrophils
29. most radiosensitive tumour
a. bone
b. lung
c. lymphnode
d. brain
30.least site of metastasis
a. brain
b. lung
c. liver
d. lymphnode
e. spleen ( ans )
31.sideeffect of theophylline
a. hypertension
b. seizures (ans)
c. nausea vomiting
d. apnea
32. most common side effect of estrogen contraceptive
a. thromboembolism ( ans)
33. which hormone decrease cholesterol
a. progesterone
b. estrogen ( ans)
34.women with lower abdominal pain on 18 day of LMP presented with secondary infertility . diagnostic D&C will show endometrium in which sage
a. ovulatory
b. secretory
c. proliferative
d. premenstrual
35. insulin def will result in
a. protein synthesis
b. glycogen syntheseis
c. ketogeneis in liver (ans)
36. which is a stress hormone
a. cortisol (ans)
b. NE
37. severe dehydration will result in
a. loss of ICF only
b. loss of ECF only
c. loss of total body water (ans)
38. most imp ICF electrolyte in excess
a. K+(ans)
b. Na
c. Cl-
d. HCO3
39. Bilesalts absorb from
a. ileum (ans)
b. jejunum
40.factor 1X def what should be given
a. cryoprecipitate
b. FFP
c. whole blood
41.heavy smoker with hoarseness vocal cord will show
a. hyperplasia (ans)
b. tumour
c. atrophy
42.what is not present in bowman capsule
a. podocytes
b. stratified epithelium (ans)
43. habitual smoker the epithelium will be
a. continuous stratified sq epi
b. pseudo stratified epi with patches of stratified sq epi
44. regarding CSF
a. produced by chroidplexus which is cauliflower in shape coverd by smooth muscle
b. daily production is 500 ml per day(ans)
45. axon doesnot contain
a. mitochondia
b. nissl substance (ans)
46. PDGF released from which organelles of platelets
a. alpha granules (ans)
b. dense granules
c. cytoplasm
d. cell membrane
47. smooth muscle is
a. striated
b. cardiac muscle is a specialized smooth muscle (ans)
48.somites are formed from
a. ectoderm
b. mesoderm (ans)
c. mesenchyma
49.pt has difficulty rising from sitting position but flexion of leg is normal, which musle is involved
b.gluteusmaximus (ans)
c. sartorius
50.pellagra is due to
a. niacin def (ans)
51.which enzyme common to metabolism of both NE and serotonin
b. MAO (ans )
52. thin filament is covered by
a. titin
b. tropomyosin ( ans)
c. troponin t
53.narrowest part of urethra
a. external meatus (ans)
b. membranous urethra
c. navicular fossa
54.dorsal rami contribute to
a. extensors of trunk(ans)
b. flexors of neck
c. extensors of leg
55.diapgragm doesnot arise from
a. T10(ans)
b. 7th costal cartilage
c.9th rib
d. L1
56.bones of carpel
a. proximal row contains scaphoid, lunate,triquetral, pisiform(ans0
57.lattismus dorsi nerve supply
a. thoracodorsal n (ans)
58.artery which is adjacent to the phrenic nerve
a. internal thoracic
b. musculophrenic
c. pericardiophrenic (ans)
59.lt recurrent laryngeal n not associated with
a. arch of aorta
b.ligamentum arterisus
c. trachea and esophagus
d. sup vena cava (ans)
60.foreign body enters into rt lung because
a. it is more vertical and wider than left lung(ans)
61.enlargement of which part of the heart causes esophageal obs
a. left atrium (ans)
b. rt atrium
c. rt ventricle
62. which vein of heart is located in posterior interventricular sulcus
a middle cardiac vein(ans)
b. anterior cardiac vein
c. great cardiac vein
63.contraction of diaphragm causes
a.increase thoracic pr
b.decrease abdominal pr
c. increase thoracic volume (ans)
64.medial quadrant of breast lymph drainage
a. internal thoracic nodes (ans)
b. posterior nodes
c. axillary nodes
65. tumour of cervix will spread to labius majora via
a. roung ligament of uterus (ans )
66clavipectoral fascia
a. invests pectoral minor muscle (ans)
b. is pierced by axillary artery
c.is continuous with prevertebral fasia
67. blockage of rt marginal artery will result in interruption of blood supply to
a. SA node
b. interatrium wall
c. rt atrium (ans)
68.thoracic duct
a. passes thru aortic opening (ans)
69.structure precent b/w celiac trunk and sup mesenteric artery
a. pancrease and jejunum
b. pancrease (ans)
70. structure not lying posterior to left kidney is
a. duodenum (ans)
b. spleen
c. tail of pancrease
71. most anterior structure in popliteal fossa is
a. popliteal vein
b. common peroneal n
c. tibial n
d. popliteal artery (ans)
72. regarding autosomal recessive trait
a. chances of siblings to be affected is one in four
73. sup petrosal sinus is related to
a. diaphragmatic sella
b. tentorium cerebelli
c. sella turtica
d. falx cebri
74. middle cerebral vein drains into
a. cavernous sinus
b. straight sinus
75. proximal portion of CBD is supplied by
a. cystic artey (ans)
b. rt hepatic artery
c. left hepatic artery
76.cbd is divided in to following portions
a. retroduodenal+infraduodenal+supraduodenal+intraduodenal(ans)
77. lesseromentum is divided inti following portions
a. gastrohepatic+hepatoesophageal+hepatoduodenal+gastrodenal (ans)
78. regarding mekels diverticulum
a. it is a remanant of embryonic yolk sac (ans)
b. it is precent in 10% of population
c. it is 60cm distal to ileocecal valve
79. what is the commenest site of ureter stone obstruction in a standing male patient
a. lateral wall of pelvis
b. pelvic brim (ans)
c. upper part of ureter
80. calculate the median in following data 20,24,25,30,30,35
a. 30
b. 28.5(ans)
c. 35
81. regarding behavioural sciences , how is the professionalism of a doctor judged
a. punctuality
b. reputation
c. knowledge
82. in order to disclose news regarding fatal disease
a. patient should know fist
b. relatives should be told first
c. information should be hidden
83. two gps of patients given haemmorhoidal treatment and their effect seen with time
a. prospective cohort study(ans)
84.antibodies are produced by which cells
a. neutrophils
b. plasmacells(ans)
c. macrophages
d. lymphocytes
85fat embolism all are true except
a. take place with damage to fat tissue only (ans)
b. trauma to the breast
86.in atherosclerosis following are seen
a. foam cells (ans)
87. migratory thrombophlebitis is seen in
a. acute pancreatitis
b. chronic recurrent pancreatitis
c. pancreatic tumour (ans)
88.which structure crosses the aorta
a.left renal vein (ans)
b rt renal vein
c. left ovarian vein
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
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» FCPS PAST PAPERS: Radiology January 2009
FCPS PAST PAPERS: Radiology January 2009
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FCPS PAST PAPERS: Radiology January 20091. Gastric emptying inhibited byAns. CCK2. Which hepatitis has the most mortalitya. hepAb. hep Bc. hep Cd. hep D ( ans)e. Hep E3. Aldosterone secretion increases in response toa. hyponatremiab. increase ACTHc. … Read More
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FCPS Past Papers: Medicine January 2009Q#1.a 45 yr old male comes with the complaint of acute abdominal pain with migratory thrombophilibitis. what is the diagnosis?a. Acute pancreatitisb. Chronic relapsing pancreatitisc. C.a pancrease (ans)d. D.MQ#2.Iron is store… Read More
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