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Tuesday, December 07, 2010

FCPS PAST PAPERS: Surgery October 2008

1. A boy with lean body mass with fracture of arm osteopenia
a) VIT D deficiency
2. Regulation of PO2 and breathing rate is controlled by
a) Carotid bodies
3. Pallor, Lithargic patient with difficulty of walking have
Hb 5, TLC 3500cm,
a) Vit B 12
4. Hot souses on tongue, taste sent co taste centre by
a) Chemoreceptor

5. Which is not a cause of anaerobic?
a) Granulation formation

6. Right Gastric artery is a branch of
a) Hepatic artery

7) GFR is increased by increase in resistance
a) Efferent arterioles

8. Atypical Tuberculosis
a) Does not responds to common Anti TB drugs

9. Which blood group have no agglutinin?
a) AB+

10. Essential fatty acid is
a) Leniolenic acid

11. If large amount of Dextrose water is given to a patient
a) Decrease ADH

12. Interstitial fluid is
a) 1/3 of TBW

13) Not includes in enzymes of necrosis
a) Protease
c) Hyaluronic acid

14. In lymph nodes, seen
a) Caseous necrosis

15. Iron deficiency anemia best diagnosed?
a)Increase TIBC
b) Serum ferritin

16. Bones of Ear
a) Amplify sound waves

17) Immune mechanism of Liver lies in
a) Kuffer cells

18. in Liver Cirrhosis
a) Increase PT

19. Smell fibers from nose
a) Does not reach Thalamus

20. Heat Loss Mechanism lies in
a) Posterior hypothalamus

21. Lymph nodes of lower lip drain into
a) Submental and submandibular lymph nodes

22. Insulin deficiency
a) Ketogenesis in liver

23. Subcapsular afferent lymph is in
a) Lymph nodes

24. SA node is supplied by
a) RCA

25. SA node is located on
a) Above the sulcus terminals

26. Death from food poisoning occur with
a) C. Botulism

27. Pretracheal fascia completely covers
a) Thyroid

28. Narrowest part of male urethra is
a) External meatus

29. Which cranial nerves are parasympathetic?
ANS: CN 3, 7,9,10

30. Contusion to Lateral border of Fibula result in
a) Common peroneal nerve damage

31. What causes depolarization?
a) Na+ influx

32. Helps in diagnosis of colonic carcinoma
a) CEA

33. What is called juvenile polyp?
a) Hamartomatous

34. Which is a characteristic of Cancer?
a) Pleomorphism---ANSWER
b) Increase mitotic figure

35. Increase of Platelets aggregation is by:
a)Thromboxane A2

36. A 20 year old boy with Headache and photobphobia
With high grade fever. LP shows in CSF neutrophils 40,000
Glucose 3.5mg

a) Acute Bacterial meningitis

37. Ansa cervicalis is
a) Hpoglossal nerve and C1, 2, 3

38) Mitral valve lies between
a) Left atrium and left ventricle

39. If resected 10inch ilium,
a) Decreased bile salts reabsorption

40. Wound heals poorly if absent
a) VIT C in diet

41. High level of creatinine is seen in

42. Neurogenic shock is
a) Vasomotor injury

43. In Down syndrome seen
a) Short stature

44. XXY is
a) Klinefilter syndrome

45. Patient with some pituitary tumor has infertility, possibly due to
a) Increase level of prolactin in serum

46. Cause of lymphoid tumor in HIV patient is
a) EBV

47. a patient developed HAV completely recovered. Biopsy will show
a) Normal hepatic architecture

48. Neurohypophysis contains
a) Pititicytes

49. Melanocytes are derived from
a) Neural crest cells

50. Erythropoietin is produced by
a) peri tubular capillaries

51. ADH works on
a) Collecting ducts

52. Posterior to Urinary bladder is
a) Fascia Donovillaris

53. In adults, the spinal cord ends in
a) Below L1

54. Malignant malaria is caused by
a) Falciparam malaria
55. Dorsal column damage leads to loss of
a) Proprioception
56. What is buried in lateral sulcus?
a) Insula
57. A patient can utter few words. Where is lesion?
a) Broca's area
58. Spinal cord is supplied by
a) Vertebral artery

59. Complements are decreased in
a) SLE
60. If infection of abdomen spread to retroperitonium, can reach to colon?
a) Descending colon
61. IgE is present on
a) Basophils
62. A patient has some gastric problem
a) Iron Deficiency anemia
63. If Gastric mucosal permeability is increased
a) H+ comes out in lumen of stomach and damage mucosal barrier
64. Anterior Cardiac veins into
a) Right Atrium
65. Most common cause of malignancy is
a) Asbestosis
66. in bronchial Asthma, seen
a) Eosinophilia
67. END arteries are seen in
a) Spleen
77. Medially rotate and abduct the thigh is
a) Gluteus Medius and and Gluteus Minimus
78. Source of folic Acid is
a) Vegetables
79. Neurovascular bundle is in
a) inner and innermost muscles

80. Liver transplant, the cause of hepatitis is
a) CMV
81. END diastolic volume is
a) 120ml
82. Palpable anterior Auxiliary lymph nodes, most probably due to
a) CA breast
83. 1st heart sound is best listened on
a) On Mid clavicular line, 5th ICS
84. S3 is produced by
a) Rapid filling of left ventricle
85. Berry aneurysms are mostly found in
a) cerebrum
86. Cause of edema is
a) Decreased colloidal osmotic pressure
87. Patient with bronchial asthma has
a) Decreased FEV1
88. Structure not related to Right kidney is
a) Descending colon
89) Temporal arteritis best diagnosed by
a) Temporal artery biopsy
90. Aneurysm of abdominal aorta compresses
a) Thoracic duct
91. in EAC, young patient came with fracture of arm.
On attempt to measure the B.P, tetany is seen, mostly due to
a) Vit. D deficiency
92. Remittent of paramesonephric duct in male is
a) Appendix testis
93. Direct inguinal hernia in
a) Medial to inferior epigestric artery\
94. Achalasia is due to
a) Absent ganglions in LES
95. During fasting, circumference of mid arm is decreased after one month due to
a) Decreased protein of body
96. Myelination of peripheral nerves are by
a) Schwann cells
97. Myasthenia gravis improves on taking
a) Anti cholinesterase drugs
98. Hydrocephalas occurs blockage of
a) Aqueduct salvias
99. Which structure passes through shoulder joint cavity?
a)tendon of long head of biceps
100. Impaired metabolism of purine cause in urine
a) Increased uric acid
101. Most important muscle of inspiration is
a) Diaphragm

102. Most sensitive to radiotherapy
a) Lymphocytes
103 What is branch of ICA?
ANS: Ophthalmic artery
104. Squamous cell is cervix is an example of
ANS: Metaplasia
105: Thoracic duct drain all except
ANS: cerebrum
106: Increase blood in heart chamber is
ANS: Isovolumatric relaxation
107: If Clavicle is fractured, its lateral part is pulled down by:
ANS: Subclavius muscle
108. For uncoupled oxidative phosphorylation, which hormone?
ANS: Thyroid hormone
109: Diarrhea improves on fasting is
ANS: Osmotic
110: Source of energy to brain during fasting:
ANS: Amino Acid
111: Which of the following is not antiseptic?
ANS: Acetyl Salicylic Acid
112: Aging determined by bones?
ANS: Angle of mandible is less obtuse
113: Lacrimal gland is supplied by?
ANS: Ptyrigopalatine ganglion
114: During Episiotomy, damaged
ANS: Lavator Ani muscles
115: Broadmann's area 312 is also called
ANS: somatosensory area
116: Surfactant is produced by?
ANS: Pneumocyte II
117: Sigmoid sinus is continuous with
ANS: Internal carotid artery
118: In shock, what will decrease?
ANS: Venous compliance
119: Is a sign upper motor neuron lesion?
ANS: Babinsky sign
120: If numerous epitheliod cells are surrounded by lymphocytes, called
ANS: Caseous necrosis (Granuloma)
121: Fracture of medial epicondyl of humerous, on hand lost sensations?
ANS: medial 1/3 of hand palm, and dorsal 1/3 of hand
122: Winging of scapula is due to damage of?
ANS: Serratus anterior muscle
123: Right adrenal gland is
ANS: Pyramidal shape
124: Submucosal gland is in ?
ANS: Duodenum
125: Which is true?
ANS: Right brochus is longer
126: In bronchial asthma?
ANS: increased breathing by stimulating beta –adrenergic
127: inferior rectal artery is a branch of
ANS: internal pudendal artery
128: Is not a carcinogen?
ANS: Cyclophosphamide
129: Microsomal metabolism is
ANS: Liver
130: Half life is
ANS: time to metabolism of half of drug
131: Most of the drug is metabolize in
ANS: Liver
132 Diverticulosis occurs:
ANS: sigmoid colon
133: Stimulation of RBC from bone marrow by?
ANS: Erythropoietin
134: Occult blood in stool is in
ANS: Iron deficiency anemia
135: Partial gastrectomy
ANS: Pernicious anemia
136: Fat store is increased by
ANS: insulin
137: In stress which hormone is released?
ANS: Cortisol
138: Temperature regulator centre is in?
ANS: Hypothalamus
139: In heart
ANS: Right atrium lies anterior to left atrium
140: In hypovolumic shock
ANS: Rapid intravenous fluids
141: Not seen in DIC
ANS: Thrombocytosis
142: Best method of diagnosing ectopic pregnancy
ANS: Laparoscopy
143: superior parathyroid is
ANS: supplied by superior thyroid artery
144: The supra renal gland
ANS: The supra renal gland is supplied artery which is direct branch of aorta
145: Gas gangrene is not caused by
ANS: Bacterial endocarditis
146: permeability of a substance depends on
ANS: Total crosses sectional area
147: A patient can't abduct arm, but if supported up to 30 degree, can do. What is?
ANS: Supraspinatus muscle
148: incision between umbilicus and ribs passes
ANS: external oblique, anterior fibers of internal oblique, Rectus muscle
Posterior fibers of internal oblique, transverse muscle
149: Lymph from posterior 1/3 drain into
ANS: deep superior cervical lymph nodes
150) Negative Montoux test is seen in
a) Steroid therapy
b) Immunosuppressive Therapy
151) Permeability of a substance depends on

ANSWER a) Total cross sectional area-
b) Carrier
c) Receptors
152. A patient developed type I anaphylactic reaction. Treatment of choice?
ANS: Adrenaline
153: Amputated leg is the result of
ANS: Amniotic bands

154. Widal test is positive? Don’t Know
A) 1: 80 for O antigen
B) 1:180 for O antigen
C ) 1: 100 for O antigen
D ) 1:180 for O and H antigen
E) 1:80 for H antigen
155. Actin physically binds with
A) Troponin
B) Tropomyosin-------ANS
C) Myosin

156. congenital omphaloseal?
A) Not associated with any congenital Heart diseases----- wrong
B) Associated with VSD?
c) Associated with ASD?
D) B and C?

157.Polysithemia rubra vera associated with
a) bone tumors----ANS
b) lung diseased
c)Living on Himalayan mountain
158. Ptyrigopalatine canal is supplied by
a) Deep branch of petrosal nerve- ANS OK
b) superficial branch of petrosal nerve
c) maxillary nervr branch
159. Insertion of 1st lumbrical
160. Cholangiocarcinoma caused by
a) S. mansonei
b) S. Japonicum
c) S. Colonarisa ----ok
161. What passes through ligament teres of head of femur
a) obturator nerve branch---ok
b)branch of femoral artery
162. Contraindication for platelet
a. Auto antibodies to platelets ---ok
b. DIC
c. Splenomegaly
163. InG is in Largent quantity
164. At Mac burny point located
Tip of appendix
Base of appendix
In infants, tip of conical ceacum has appendix attached—ok?
165. Appendicectomy can damage to
Inferior epigestric artery
iliohypogastric nerve ----- I wrote This answer , Don’t know exact
ilioinguinal nerve\
166. In Osteomylitis of long bones, portal entry of infection by hematogenous route
a) Through epiphysis-ok
b) Metaphysis
167. Primary cartilageneous joint
a) Connect the to bones together- I wrote This answer , Don’t know exact
b) Present in pinna of ears
c) is fibrocartilage
168. The premalignant condition is
a) Psoriasis
b) Cervical erosion
c) myelodisplastic syndrome---------ok
d) leukoplakia
169. Common side effect of Isoprenlene, Nitroglycerine, Histamine, is- Don’t know
a) Hypertension
b) increased bronchial constriction
d) ?

170. Muscrinic receptors respond to

a) preganglionic parasympathetic
b) Postganglionic parasympathetic---------------Sok

171. What begins with Premalignant conditions?
a)Adenocarcinoma stomach

172. Stratified cuboidial epithelium is present in

a) Ducts of Salivary glands------ok
b) Distal convoluted tubules of nephron
c) Lacrimal gland ducts

173. The concentration of a substance in the blood is 10mg and in in urine is 100mg. The flow rate of urine is if 2 ml / min , what is its renal clearance?
HINT: use formula UV/ p
ANS: 20

174. 35 year old female Type I diabetic got fracture due to osteoporosis. The cause?
ANS: Insulin
a) insulin
b) Estrogen

175. Autosomal Dominant is

176. Amyloidosis result in
a) Adenocarcinoma stomach
177. Regarding RBC
a) buffer as accepter of oxygen
b)Only mature forms contain Hemoglobin
c) Adult hemoglobin is alpha and Gamma
d)Not transport oxygen
178. Does not cause Gangrene
a) Bacterial endocarditis
b)???? ANS

179. ADH will decrease in

a) Nausea
b) Pain
c) Anxiety
d) Decrease serum osmolrity

180. Varicose veins
a) Somewhat associated with smoking-------------ok
b) Only in lower limbs
c due to defect in adventitia

181. Primary ossification centre is
a) Epiphysis
b) Metaphysis
c) Diaphysis
182. A patient with sepsis is best diagnosed with
a) Pulse > 100
b) Pulse > 120
c) Positive bacterial culture

183. intestinal motility is decreased by

a) C C K
b) Gastrin
c) Trypsin
e) Insulin

184. Gross increase level of HCO3

a) Persistent vomiting
b) CRH
c) Lung fibrosis

185. Primary brain vesicle is

a) Mesencepholan
b) Telencepholan
c) Diencephalan

186. Microtubules are part of
a) Centrioles
b) Cell membrane

187. BP is increased when there is
a) Increased sympathetic output
b)Increased total peripheral resistance

188. Cardiac Muscles are

189. Femoral artery is best palpated on?
ANS: mid inguinal ligament
190. Carotid cartilage is
ANS: on base of thyroid
191. In brochhocscopy, Fist structure to be visualized is:
ANS: Right lower bronchus

193. Fatty Acids are transferred from adipose to liver in the form of?
a) Chylomicrons
b) HDL
c) LDL

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