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Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Download Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy: Based on the International Nomenclature, 4th ed. 2000 Free

Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy: Based on the International Nomenclature

Heinz Feneis and Wolfgang Dauber
ISBN-10: 0865779287
ISBN-13: 978-0865779280
Thieme Medical Publishers

This book is completely illustrated in black, white, and gray. There is a consistent style of terms on the left page and illustrations on th e right page. There is a handy tabbing system in blue at the right margin. The book moves from general anatomy at the beginning, progressing to bones in a cranial-to-caudal fashion. The book then illustrates soft tissues such as ligaments, muscles, tendons, and fascia. There are extensive illustrations of brain structures as well as nerves (spinal and cranial) and the autonomic nervous system. Each of the sensory organs in illustrated...especially useful for brain anatomy if one needs to review fiber locations and specific cell-type location...a good text for those who are building a library to assist in their clinical practice or update their knowledge on neuroanatomy.

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