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Friday, March 04, 2011

Important Questions of Anatomy MBBS 1st Professional (Part-1) Exam

Describe ossification of bones? What are different types of ossification? Give examples?

Name the different types of bones in axial and appendicular skeletons?

Classify synovial joints? Give examples?

Describe microscopic appearance of different types of cartilage. Give their examples.

Draw and label the diagram of microscopic appearance of hairy skin. Mention its appendages.

Describe placenta and enlist its functions.

Draw and label transverse section of midbrain at the level of superior colliculus. What is the functional significance of superior colliculus?

Describe the boundaries and contents of femoral triangle?

Name the invertors and evertors of foot. Give their nerve supply.

Define supination and pronation. What are the muscles and nerves involved. At which joint these movements take place?

Describe the structural classification of bones with examples. What are the function of bones.

What are the characteristics of a synovial joint? Name the synovial joints of upper limb?

Name different components of cell. Briefly describe their functions/

What are the types of cartilage found in humans body? Draw and label the microscopic appearance of hyaline cartilage?

Define following: Capacitation, Fertilization, Zonal Reaction

What are the rotator cuff muscles? Describe their actions and nerve supply?

Describe the boundaries and contents of cubital fossa?

Name the glutei muscles? Give their actions and nerve supply?

Describe the arches of foot. Name the factors which are responsible for maintenance of these arches.

Describe briefly the coronary circulation?

Give a brief account of anatomical planes of the body?

Briefly describe cartilaginous joints?

Describe the cell cycle?

Describe the striation and functions of cilia?

Describe microscopic structure of adipose tissue and its functions?

Describe microscopic structure of neutrophils and their functions?

Describe microscopic structure of Cardiac muscle?

Name the encapsulated nerve endings and briefly describe the pacinian corpuscles?

Describe the microscopic structure of splenic pulp?

Describe oogeneisis?

Define cortical and zona reactions? What is their role in fertilization?

Discuss implantation? Name abnormal sites of implantation?

Describe the development of neural tube?

Name the derivatives of ectoderm?

What are important morphological feature of 5 weeks old embryo?

What are various parts of decidua and what is their fate?

Describe briefly placental circulation?

Name common viral infections which may cause congenital malformation. Discuss role of rubella virus as teratogen?

Define following terms : phenotype, karyotype, Alleles

Describe medial longitudinal bundle?

Name the basal ganglia and describe caudate nucleus?

What is striate cortex, give its connections?

Define cisterns, give their names and describe cisterna pontis?

Describe important features of olivary complex?

Give an account of formation, course and termination of fornix?

Name the arteries which supply superolateral surface of brain and describe anterior cerebral artery?

Name the deep nuclei of cerebellum and describe dentate nucleus?

Describe external feature of thalamus?

Give an account for lymphatic drainage of lower limb?

Give origin, insertion, actions and nerve supply of gluteus maximus muscle?

Describe femoral canal and give its clinical importance?

Describe the capsule of knee joint, name its ligaments, what are the openings in this capsule?

Give an account of course and relations of tibial nerve, name its terminal branches?

Describe deltoid ligament of ankle joint? What is its role in strengthing of this joint?

Give an account for anastomsis around knee joint?

Give an account for origin, insertion, nerve supply and actions of 1st layer of muscles of sole?

Describe extensor retinacula?

Name the movements of foot? Give a brief account of joints at which inversion and eversion take place?

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