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Thursday, October 20, 2011

What is the treatment for narcissists?

Narcissism is not an easy personality disorder to deal with. The problem with this disorder is that not only does it affect just the patient but his entire family suffers as well because the patient is unable to form emotional bonds with his family members. There is no known cure for Narcissism though psychotherapy and continuous counselling has helped many people for several years.

The first step towards dealing with Narcissism is accepting it. Psychologists say that accepting a disorder is winning half the battle and the same holds good for patients suffering from Narcissism personality disorder as well. Once the patient understands that he has a medical disorder, he can take concrete steps towards trying to make a conscious effort in changing as a person. This is where a good psychiatrist or a psychologist comes in to picture, to guide the patient towards developing better self esteem, having more realistic and approachable expectations and giving consideration towards others feelings as well.

While many patients also feel that therapy alone doesn't help them at all, psychiatrists do prescribe certain drugs which can help the therapy in a constant combination. However, with patients suffering from Narcissism there is always a chance that they will abuse drugs and alcohol to deal with their situation and the therapist must be very cautious. With continuous therapy for several years, patient can get better insight and understand what led to their Narcissist tendencies in the first place. That makes them more capable of solving the problem right from the root and working upwards to see better results. A good psychologist, however, is vital to make progress. There will be days in the life of a person suffering from Narcissism when no therapy will work and the insecurities will seem larger than life itself. But trust in the therapist, understanding of the problem and constant support from friends and family will help anyone deal through even the toughest of days.

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