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Thursday, December 15, 2011

10 weird pregnancy symptoms your Doctor might forget to Mention

Aside from being a Master Herbalist, I'm the mother of two. I remember many details about being pregnant, some with pleasure, some with gratitude and some I would have been happier not having to deal with. Here are a few of the things you may notice during your pregnancy, and what (if anything) you can do about them.

1) Abdominal Movement: As your baby approaches the time to be born, he or she is fairly sizable. I remember watching our daughters turning over and moving around. You could see the movement, and it can cause a lot of stares if you're out in public.

2) Cravings: There are two types of cravings, one is psychological and one is biological. The psychological part is that we're told that pregnant women crave things, therefore we should, too. The biological, I believe, is your body telling you that you are missing something in your diet. As an example, if you are craving orange juice, you may low on Vitamin C. Try to notice if there is a pattern to your cravings and mention them to your OB. It may be important information.

3) High Blood Pressure: This could be the sign of pre-eclampsia or toxemia in pregnancy. Consider it an emergency and get medical help right away. If it's after hours, call the doctor for instructions and be prepared for a trip to the emergency room.

4) "I Gotta Go!" When the girls would kick out in the area of my bladder, it caused an intense urge to head to the bathroom. If I was lucky, I got there in time, but...

5) Kicking Daddy Awake: We were sure our younger daughter was going to be a hockey star. Not only could she wake *me* up with kicking, she could kick my husband awake. That's some pretty powerful kicking.

6) Losing the Mucus Plug: At the beginning of labor, your cervix will dilate enough that the plug protecting the baby from outside infections comes out. That is called the mucus plug, and it is a sign that your baby is ready to be born.

7) Milk Letdown: This also usually occurs towards the end of pregnancy. Whether you intend to breast feed or not, milk production will start prior to labor and delivery. You'll notice it most strongly if you are around a crying baby. I recommend that you get the lactation pads normally used for breastfeeding moms and wear them when you go out. It can be very embarrassing, otherwise.

8) Prelabor Contractions: These are actually called Braxton-Hicks contractions. They are normal, and they're helping you prepare for the birth.

9) Relaxing the Pelvis: In order to allow the child to pass through the birth canal, the joints in your pelvis need to be stretched somewhat. A hormone is released that will relax the joints. It doesn't feel very good, but it is normal.

10) Swollen Ankles: Some swelling is expected, but it can also be a sign that you are heading into pre-eclampsia and/or toxemia. Make sure to mention this to your OB, so it can be checked out.

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