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Monday, December 05, 2011

Role of Multivitamins In Pregnancy

Adding prenatal vitamins to my already long list of things I must do or not do for the coming baby seemed a bit much. However, the doctor recommended it and I went along. Now, I know better and in turn, I recommend that you use them.

You may wonder why you need a special formula during pregnancy. Why wouldn't a regular vitamin do the job? While you aren't eating for two, you are providing nourishment for two, and that means you need more of certain vitamins and minerals.

When I was growing up, there was a saying handed down for generations. A woman lost a tooth per child born. In a way, that is correct. Without enough calcium in your diet or your vitamin, the baby will get it from your bones. That translates to early osteoporosis, and it may also mean tooth loss.

There have been both commercials and news reports about the necessity for folic acid during the early part of a pregnancy. In the first few weeks of pregnancy, your baby's nervous system is being developed. Without proper amounts of folic acid, there is a strong chance that there will be problems in this development.

The scary thing is that most women don't know they're pregnant until it's too late. If you're trying to conceive, start taking the vitamins immediately so as to make certain an adequate amount is taken.

Iron is used by the blood, and now you need to provide enough for two bodies. In order to make sure both you and the child have enough, prenatal vitamin/mineral tablets add it.

B-Complex is mostly for you. The B vitamins provide energy, and that's important while you're gestating. Pregnancy is hard on your body and you will find yourself lagging without adequate intake.

Some women can't tolerate prenatal vitamins well. This is especially true if you're already dealing with morning sickness. Talk to your doctor so that you can find a vitamin you can tolerate. There are liquids and chewable tablets available now, and they may not make you feel sick.

When it comes to choosing a brand, you may want to ask your doctor for guidelines. Not all of these products are the same. Some may not have enough of one nutrient or too much of another. Many doctors have a specific brand in mind when they recommend them to you, and it's a good idea to listen. This means they've already reviewed the nutrition information on it and they feel confident it will provide you what you need.

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