Pediatric Neuropathology: A Text-Atlas, 1st ed. 2007Dawna L. Armstrong, William Halliday, Cynthia Hawkings, and Sachio TakashimaISBN-10: 4431702466ISBN-13: 978-4431702467SpringerNeuropathology is the foundation for understanding developmental neuroscience, pediatric neurology, and neurosurgery, but until now a comprehensive volume covering all aspects of pediatric neuropathology was not available. This atlas is thus a unique, comprehensive reference...
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Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Download Kaplan and Sadock's Study Guide and Self-Examination Review in Psychiatry, 8th ed. 2007 Free
Kaplan and Sadock's Study Guide and Self-Examination Review in PsychiatryBenjamin J. Sadock, Virginia A. Sadock, and Ze'ev LevinISBN-10: 0781780438ISBN-13: 978-0781780438Lippincott Williams and WilkinsWhether it's used in conjunction with Kaplan and Sadock's Synopsis of Psychiatry, Tenth Edition or as a stand-alone review book, this study guide is an excellent aid in preparing for boards and other psychiatry exams and in reinforcing your knowledge....
Monday, December 27, 2010
Download Plum and Posner's Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma, 4th ed. 2007 Free
Plum and Posner's Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma(Contemporary Neurology71)Jerome B. Posner, Clifford B. Saper, Nicholas Schiff, and Fred PlumISBN-10: 0195321316ISBN-13: 978-0195321319Oxford University PressDelirium, stupor and coma are common clinical states that confront clinicians in almost every medical specialty. With appropriate diagnosis and treatment, coma can often be treated successfully. Conversely, delay in diagnosis and treatment may be...
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Download Molecular Genetics of Liver Neoplasia, 1st ed. 2011 Free
Molecular Genetics of Liver Neoplasia, 2011Xin Wei Wang, Joe W. Grisham, and Snorri S. ThorgeirssonISBN-10: 1441960813ISBN-13: 978-1441960818SpringerPrimary liver cancer is the third most deadly and fifth most common cancer worldwide (~500,000 deaths annually), with a sharp increase of incidence in the United States in recent years. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and cholangiocarcinoma...
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Download The Vitamins, 3rd ed. 2008 Free
The Vitamins, Third EditionGerald F. CombsISBN-10: 012183493XISBN-13: 978-0121834937Academic PressThe third edition of this bestselling text will again provide the latest coverage of the biochemistry and physiology of vitamins and vitamin-like substances. Extensively revised and expanded on the basis of recent research findings with enlarged coverage of health effects of vitamin-like...
Friday, December 24, 2010
Download Oxford Handbook of Genitourinary Medicine, HIV, and AIDS, 1st ed. 2005 Free
Oxford Handbook of Genitourinary Medicine, HIV, and AIDSRichard Pattman, Michael Snow, Pauline Handy, and K Nathan SankarISBN-10: 0198520778ISBN-13: 978-0198520771Oxford University PressGenitourinary medicine (GUM) is an expanding specialty which is primarily related to the treatment and prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). A number of GUM departments also...
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Download Type 2 Diabetes, Pre-Diabetes, and the Metabolic Syndrome, 2nd ed. 2011 Free
Type 2 Diabetes, Pre-Diabetes, and the Metabolic Syndrome(Current Clinical Practice)Ronald A. CodarioISBN-10: 1617375896ISBN-13: 978-1617375897Humana PressWell-known and highly respected diabetes authority Ronald A. Codario, MD, details for busy primary care practitioners the state of the art in diagnosing and managing diabetes, as well as in reducing patient risk factors....
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Download Blueprints Medicine, 5th ed. 2010 Free
Blueprints Medicine(Blueprints Series)Vincent B. Young, William A. Kormos, Davoren A. ChickISBN-10: 0781788706ISBN-13: 978-0781788700Lippincott Williams and WilkinsOne of the best selling and most highly regarded volumes in the Blueprints series, Blueprints Medicine provides a concise review of what students need to know in their rotations or the Boards. Each chapter is brief...
Download Vander's Human Physiology: The Mechanism of Body Function, 8th ed. 2001 Fre
Vander Human Physiology The Mechanism of Body Function, 8th ed. 2001Eric P. WidmaierISBN-10: 0073378100ISBN-13: 978-0073378107Career PublishingVander's Human Physiology, carries on the tradition of clarity and accuracy, while refining and updating the content to meet the needs of today's instructors and students. This edition features a streamlined, clinically oriented focus to the study of human body systems. It has also responded to reviewer requests...
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Download Differential Diagnosis Mnemonics, 1st ed. 2001 Free
Differential Diagnosis MnemonicsThomas J. Donnelly and Christopher C. GizaISBN-10: 1560533110ISBN-13: 978-1560533115Hanley and BelfusMemory aid to help the reader form comprehensive differential diagnoses for common internal medicine and neurology problems. Sometimes witty mnemonics allow the reader to organize diagnostic possibilities for a wide variety of clinical scena...
Monday, December 20, 2010
Download Key Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery, 1st ed. 2001 Free
Key Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery, 2001Steven SternISBN-10: 0865779228ISBN-13: 978-0865779228ThiemeIn comparison to large, overly detailed specialty texts, this practical new book is designed to give you the basic clinical steps of the most frequently performed orthopaedic procedures -- all in a clear, reproducible, easy-to-follow format. For quick review before an operation, a handy refresher, teaching tool, or learning aid, it is ideal!Accompanied...
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Download The Cytokine FactsBook, 2nd ed. 2001 free
The Cytokine FactsBook 2001Katherine A. Fitzgerald, Luke A.J. O'Neill, Andy J.H. Gearing, and Robin E. CallardISBN-10: 0121551423ISBN-13: 978-0121551421Academic PressCompletely revised and expanded, this second edition of The Cytokine FactsBook is the most up-to-date reference manual available for all current well-characterized interleukins, cytokines, and their receptors. An additional 52 cytokines are included, doubling the number of entries from...
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Download Oxford Textbook of Surgery 2nd ed. 2000 Free
Oxford Textbook of Surgery (3-Volume Set)Peter J. Morris and William C. WoodISBN-10: 0192628844ISBN-13: 978-0192628848Oxford University PressIt not only provides a comprehensive and authoritative reference on all aspects of general surgery, but also offers substantial sections on subspecialties such as orthopedics, paediatric surgery, neurosurgery, and cardiac surge...
Friday, December 17, 2010
Download Atlas of Orthopaedic Surgical Exposures, 2000 Free
Atlas of Orthopaedic Surgical Exposures, 2000Christopher Jordan, Edwin MirzabeigiISBN-10: 3131244518ISBN-13: 978-3131244512Thieme Medical PublishersThis book Covering all major approaches from the shoulder to the foot, the book gives you step-by-step visual instruction - revealing the anatomy as it actually appears to the surgeon. Each chapter takes you through each layer of the approach from the initial incision to the final step in exquisite d...
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Download Dewhurst's Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology for Postgraduates, 6th ed. 2000 Free
Dewhurst's Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology for PostgraduatesKeith EdmondsISBN-10: 0865426511ISBN-13: 978-0865426511Wiley-BlackwellThe sixth edition of this classic work continues the tradition established by Dewhurst of a genuine postgraduate textbook (a rare thing today) which truly integrates the disciplines of obstetrics and gynaecology. Despite the fact that the...
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Download Instant Anatomy 2nd ed, 2000 Free
Instant AnatomyRobert H. Whitaker and Neil R. BorleyISBN-10: 140519961XISBN-13: 978-1405199612Wiley-BlackwellInstant Anatomy uses a unique structure to provide core information in an easily accessible ‘dip-in’ format. It neatly catalogues anatomy and anatomical relationships in a schematic, dictionary-style manner to aid rapid understanding and retrieval of anatomical facts and d...
Monday, December 13, 2010
Download Differential Diagnosis in Neurology and Neurosurgery, 2000 Free
Differential Diagnosis in Neurology and Neurosurgery, 2000S. A. TsementzisISBN-10: 0865778302ISBN-13: 978-0865778306ThiemeThis pocket-sized Thieme flexibook offers quick, reliable clarification of a wide and often confusing array of presenting symptoms. The book provides vital diagnostic information in a convenient tabular format that leaves "no stone unturned" in considering...
Download Practical Gastroenterology and Hepatology: Esophagus and Stomach, 1st ed. 2010 book Free
Practical Gastroenterology and Hepatology: Esophagus and StomachNicholas J. Talley, Kenneth R. DeVault, and David E. FleischerISBN-10: 1405182733ISBN-13: 978-1405182737Wiley-BlackwellThis comprehensive resource for fellows/trainees and candidates for recertification in gastroenterology summarizes the field in a modern, fresh format. Prominent experts from around the globe...
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Download Anatomic Basis of Echocardiographic Diagnosis, 1st ed. 2011 Free
Anatomic Basis of Echocardiographic Diagnosis, 2011Kwan-Leung Chan and John P. VeinotISBN-10: 184996386XISBN-13: 978-1849963862SpringerThe aim of this book is to provide a systematic approach to echocardiographic diagnosis based upon a comprehensive understanding of cardiac anatomy. We shall provide abundant anatomic correlates of echocardiographic findings throughout the...
Download Dictionary of Medical Acronyms & Abbreviations, 5th ed. 2005 Free
Dictionary of Medical Acronyms and AbbreviationsStanley JablonskiISBN-10: 1560536322ISBN-13: 978-1560536321Hanley and BelfusDictionary of Medical Acronyms and Abbreviations is described by the American College of Physicians as "the best acronym book available" in a previous edition, this best-selling resource presents accurate definitions for medical acronyms and abbreviations...
Poor Plaque protein Elimination is Linked to Alzheimer’s disease
Alzheimer’s disease appears to be caused by the brain’s poor elimination of a plaque component, beta-amyloid protein, rather than simply the accumulation of it, researchers from Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis revealed in the journal Science. We already knew that beta-amyloid protein accumulation occurs in Alzheimer’s patients; this study reveals something nobody knew – that it is the poor clearance of the protein rather than...
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Download Robbins Review of Pathology, 1st ed. 2000 Free
Robbins Review of Pathology, 1st ed. 2000 Edward C. Klatt Edward C., MD Klatt Vinay, MD KumarISBN-10: 0721682596ISBN-13: 978-0721682594W.B. SaundersThe perfect study aid for coursework, self-assessment, and examinations in patholo...
Download Clinical Manual of Fever in Children, 1st ed. 2009 Book Free
Clinical Manual of Fever in ChildrenA. Sahib El-Radhi, James Carroll, and Nigel KleinISBN-10: 3642097332ISBN-13: 978-3642097331Springer Berlin HeidelbergFamily doctors, pediatricians and other professionals who deal with children are regularly consulted because of febrile children. During the past few years remarkable advances on this subject of fever have been made. Among others, this book covers: - Different types of fever with possible complications,...
Friday, December 10, 2010
Download Rare and Uncommon Gynecological Cancers: A Clinical Guide, 1st ed. 2011 Book Free
Rare and Uncommon Gynecological Cancers, 2011Nicholas Reed, John Alan Green, David M., Nadeem Siddiqui, et al.ISBN-10: 3642134912ISBN-13: 978-3642134913SpringerThis book is intended as a reference manual that will provide the busy clinician with up-to-date information on the diagnosis and treatment of uncommon and rare gynecological cancers. While standard textbooks briefly cover these tumors, this is intended as a more comprehensive yet easy-to-use...
Download Adult Chest Surgery, 1st ed. 2009 book Free
Adult Chest Surgery, 2009David Sugarbaker, Raphael Bueno, Mark Krasna, Steven Mentzer, et al.ISBN-10: 0071434143ISBN-13: 978-0071434140McGraw-Hill ProfessionalHere, in a single all-inclusive volume, is the sum of clinical knowledge in chest surgery, primarily drawn from the perspectives of internationally known innovators in thoracic surgery. In this text you will find all of the concepts and procedures that comprise the core of the discipline, making...
Download Pathology and Pathogenesis of Human Viral Disease, 1st ed. 2000 Free
Pathology and Pathogenesis of Human Viral DiseaseJohn E. CraigheadISBN-10: 012195160XISBN-13: 978-0121951603Academic PressThis book can be useful to experimental and diagnostic pathologists who deal with issues of infection regularly in the course of their work. It will be of value to virologists who have an interest in the medical as pects of their field, and infectious disease physicians who wish to garner a better appreciation of the pathology...
Download Adult Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia, 1st ed. 2011 Book Free
Adult Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia: Biology and Treatment(Contemporary Hematology)Anjali S. Advani and Hillard M. LazarusISBN-10: 1607617064ISBN-13: 978-1607617068Humana PressThe current explosion of new areas of controversy in the treatment of acute lymphocytic leukemia in adults and young adults makes this comprehensive book a much needed reference for hematologists and oncologists....
Download Contact Dermatitis, 5th ed. 2011 book Free
Contact Dermatitis, 5th ed. 2011Jeanne Duus Johansen, Peter J. Frosch, and Jean-Pierre LepoittevinISBN-10: 3642038263ISBN-13: 978-3642038266SpringerThe fifth edition delivers up-to-date coverage of every conceivable aspect in modern-day management of contact dermatitis. Leading experts have thoroughly updated the previous edition, while adding new chapters on genetics, the skin barrier, respiratory symptoms to chemicals and an extensive section on...
Download Essential Evidence-Based Medicine, 2nd ed. 2010 Free
Essential Evidence-based Medicine(Essential Medical Texts for Students and Trainees)Dan MayerISBN-10: 0521712416ISBN-13: 978-0521712415Cambridge University PressEssential Evidence-Based Medicine teaches the principles of research study methodology and design so that the reader can become better at critically analysing scientific and clinical studies. It describes the basic...
Download Digital Mammography, 1st ed. 2010 Free
Digital Mammography, 2010(Medical Radiology / Diagnostic Imaging)Ulrich Bick and Felix DiekmannISBN-10: 3540784497ISBN-13: 978-3540784494SpringerThis state-of-the-art reference book provides in-depth coverage of all aspects of digital mammography, including detector technology, image processing, computer-aided diagnosis, soft-copy reading, digital workflow, and PACS. Specific advantages and disadvantages of digital mammography in comparison to screen-film...
Thursday, December 09, 2010
Download Musculoskeletal Aspects of Haemophilia, 1st ed. 2000 Free
Musculoskeletal Aspects of Haemophilia E. C. Rodriguez-Merchan, Nicholas Goddard, and Christine A. LeeISBN-10: 0632056711ISBN-13: 978-0632056712Wiley-BlackwellEdited by two leading orthopaedic surgeons specializing in the treatment of haemophilia, and by an acclaimed haematologist, Musculoskeletal Aspects of Haemophilia draws together, within a single volume, all the information needed for the practical treatment of the musculoskeletal complications...
Download Dorland's Electronic Medical Dictionary, 29th ed. 2000 Free
Dorland's Electronic Medical Dictionary [ISO]ISBN: 0721694934W.B. Saunders CompanyEncompassing the whole of medicine today, this dictionary provides omprehensiveness, accuracy, clarity and ease to use.For over 100 years, health care professionals have relied on Dorland's for its unmatched comprehensiveness, accuracy, clarity, and ease of use. Now, the 30th Edition of the world's finest medical dictionary features an all-new design with full-color,...
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Download Paediatric Cardiology, 3rd ed. 2010 Book Free
Paediatric Cardiology, 3rd ed. 2010Robert H. Anderson, Edward J. Baker, Andrew Redington, and Michael L. RigbyISBN-10: 0702030643ISBN-13: 978-0702030642Churchill LivingstoneThis is not a book to pick up for a quick answer between patients seen in the clinic (although the index is complete), nor is it at the trendy or cutting edge of the field. Rather, it is like an old sea novel, a book for readers who have the time and energy to pore over it in...
Download CURRENT Procedures Surgery, 1st ed. 2010 Book Free
CURRENT Procedures Surgery, 2010(LANGE CURRENT Series)Rebecca Minter and Gerard DohertyISBN-10: 0071453164ISBN-13: 978-0071453165McGraw-Hill ProfessionalThis book covers basic surgical procedures at an appropriate level of detail for midlevel surgical residents....The book is unique in that it presents information in a bullet-point format, making for fast and efficient reading....This book does a good job of breaking down the steps of a common general...
Download Minimally Invasive Cancer Management, 2nd ed. 2010 Book Free
Minimally Invasive Cancer ManagementFrederick L. Greene and B. Todd HenifordISBN-10: 1441912371ISBN-13: 978-1441912374SpringerAs minimal access approaches to cancer diagnosis, staging, and therapy become more widely used, it is vital for general surgeons, along with laparoscopists, surgical oncologists and medical oncologists, to stay up to date. The editors, a team consisting...
Download Atlas of Thyroid Lesions, 1st ed. 2011 Book Free
Atlas of Thyroid Lesions, 2011Arne Heilo, Eva Sigstad, and Krystyna GroeholtISBN-10: 1441960090ISBN-13: 978-1441960092SpringerAtlas of Thyroid Lesions provides a broad overview of the variety of lesions in the thyroid gland and their different characteristics and features, in the unique combination of ultrasound, cytologic and histologic appearance. Nodules in the thyroid gland are quite common. Studies estimate that more than 70% of the adult population...
Electrophysiological Recording Techniques, 1st ed. 2011 Book Free Download
Electrophysiological Recording Techniques (Neuromethods)Robert P. Vertes and Robert W. Stackman Jr.ISBN-10: 1603272011ISBN-13: 978-1603272018Humana PressApplying neurophysiological methods to the study of brain-behavior relationships proved to be a major advance in the early days of neuroscience research. Considerable technological progress has been made very recently, and the impact on modern neuroscience will be invaluable. In Electrophysiological...
Download Functional Biochemistry in Health and Disease, 2nd ed. 2010 book free
Functional Biochemistry in Health and Disease, 2010Eric Newsholme and Anthony LeechISBN-10: 0471931659ISBN-13: 978-0471931652WileyFunctional Biochemistry in Health and Disease provides a clear and straightforward account of the biochemistry that is necessary to understand the physiological functions of tissues or organs essential to the life of human beings. Focusing on the dynamic aspects of biochemistry and its application to the basic functions...
Download Fundamentals of Biochemistry: a Textbook, 2008 Free
Fundamentals of Biochemistry: a TextbookH. P. Gajera, S. V. Patel, B.A. Golakiya,ISBN-10: 8181891651International Book Distributing CoBiochemistry is a gateway of all the branches of life science. It's a field of enormous interest and utility. Biochemistry is a study of the molecule of life. Our understanding of the molecular nature of life is growing at an incredible rate.It is difficult to embody all the information related to this subject in a...
Download Renal Cell Carcinoma: Molecular Targets and Clinical Applications, 2nd ed. 2009 Free
Renal Cell Carcinoma: Molecular Targets and Clinical Applications,Ronald M. Bukowski, Robert A. Figlin, and Robert MotzerISBN-10: 1588297373ISBN-13: 978-1588297372Humana PressIn the second edition of their critically acclaimed book, Ronald Bukowski, Robert Motzer, and Robert Figlin have thoroughly updated and expanded their survey of clinical, biological and pathological management...
Download Whole Body Ultrasonography in the Critically Ill, 1st ed. 2010 Free
Whole Body Ultrasonography in the Critically IllDaniel LichtensteinISBN-10: 3642053270ISBN-13: 978-3642053276SpringerOver the past two decades it has been increasingly recognized that whole-body ultrasound is an invaluable tool in the critically ill. In addition to offering rapid whole-body assessment, it has the advantage of being a bedside approach that is available at all times and can be repeated at will. Accordingly, it permits the immediate...
Download Kaplan and Sadock's Pocket Handbook of Clinical Psychiatry, 5th ed. 2010 Free
Kaplan and Sadock's Pocket Handbook of Clinical Psychiatry(Spiral Manual Series)Benjamin J. Sadock and Virginia A. SadockISBN-10: 1605472646ISBN-13: 978-1605472645Lippincott Williams and WilkinsThoroughly updated for its Fifth Edition, Kaplan and Sadock's Pocket Handbook of Clinical Psychiatry remains a staple for medical students on psychiatric rotations, psychiatric residents, practitioners, and mental health professionals. In an easy-to-scan outline...
Download Macleod's Clinical Examination, 12th ed. 2009 Free
Macleod's Clinical Examination, 12th ed. 2009Graham Douglas, Fiona Nicol, and Colin RobertsonISBN-10: 0443068488ISBN-13: 978-0443068485Churchill LivingstoneThe 12th Edition of this famous medical textbook, which was 'Highly Commended' in the 2006 British Medical Association Medical Book Competition, builds on the extensively rewritten previous edition. Over 500 clinical photographs and diagrams now illustrate the text, whilst new topics have been...
Download Clinician's Handbook of Prescription Drugs, 2001 free
Clinician's Handbook of Prescription DrugsEli D. Chrenpreis and Seymour EhrenpreisISBN-10: 0071384804ISBN-13: 978-0071384803McGraw-Hill ProfessionalThe busy healthcare practitioner's first reference for timely, accurate, and relevant drug information. Alphabetically organized by generic name (with trade names cross-referenced) and presented in an at-a-glance drug chart format. All entries are reviewed by an editorial advisory board of academic an...
Download Essential Histology, 2nd ed. 2001 Free
Essential HistologyDavid H. CormackISBN-10: 0781716683ISBN-13: 978-0781716680Lippincott Williams and WilkinsAn introductory textbook for medical students, designed for those with little background in medical cell biology and a restricted amount of study time. Features improved color plates and further molecular information. Complements the author's other text, Clinically Integrated...
Download The Fungi, 2nd ed. 2001Free
The Fungi, Second EditionMichael J. Carlile, Graham W. Gooday, Sarah C. WatkinsonISBN-10: 0127384464ISBN-13: 978-0127384467Academic PressThe fungi are one of the great groups of living organisms, comparable in numbers of species, diversity and ecological significance with animals, plants, protists and bacteria. This textbook deals with all fundamental and applied aspects of...
Download Millers Review of Orthopedics, 3rd ed. 2000 Free
Miller's Review of Orthopedics, 3rd ed. 2000Mark D. Miller, Mark R. BrinkerISBN-10: 0721681530ISBN-13: 978-0721681535SaundersDr. Miller and more than a dozen expert contributors have fully revised and updated the review - distilling the broad body of literature on orthopaedics into a single easy to understand volume. Readers will find the very latest contributors from review courses, textbooks, current journal articles, Academy publications, videos,...
Download Medical Microbiology And Infection At a Glance, 2000 Free
Medical Microbiology and Infection At a Glance,Stephen Gillespie, Kathleen Bamford,ISBN: 0632050268Blackw...
Download Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy: Based on the International Nomenclature, 4th ed. 2000 Free
Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy: Based on the International NomenclatureHeinz Feneis and Wolfgang DauberISBN-10: 0865779287ISBN-13: 978-0865779280Thieme Medical PublishersThis book is completely illustrated in black, white, and gray. There is a consistent style of terms on the left page and illustrations on th e right page. There is a handy tabbing system in blue at the right margin. The book moves from general anatomy at the beginning, progressing...
Download Color Atlas of Pathophysiology, 1st ed. 2000 Free
Color Atlas of Pathophysiology, 2000Stefan Silbernagl, Florian LangISBN-10: 0865778663ISBN-13: 9780865778665ThiemeQuick access to texts for all important disorders... 181 clear color images show causal relationships between disturbances of physiological processes and the resulting malfuntion and illne...
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
FCPS PAST PAPERS: Surgery October 2008
1. A boy with lean body mass with fracture of arm osteopenia a) VIT D deficiency2. Regulation of PO2 and breathing rate is controlled by a) Carotid bodies3. Pallor, Lithargic patient with difficulty of walking have Hb 5, TLC 3500cm, a) Vit B 124. Hot souses on tongue, taste sent co taste centre by a) Chemoreceptor5. Which is not a cause of anaerobic? a) Granulation formation6. Right Gastric artery is a branch of ...
Sunday, December 05, 2010
Past Paper FCPS Part-1 Medicine 25th May 2010
CONFIRM ANSWERS:1ECG changes can be seen in the following conditions EXCEPTa) Change in body positionb) MIc) Sleepd) Mitral stenosise) Aortic regurgitationAns:A:2About NEURAL TUBEa) Forms primitive streakb) Forms notochordc) Cns develops from itd) Forms three germ layerse) …Ans;C3SACRALIZATIONa) Union of 1st sacral vertebra with 5th lumbarb) Union of 5th lumbar with 1st sacralc) Fusion of all sacral vertebra to form sacrumd) Flexion at sacrume) …Ans:...