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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Histology and Explanation of Coronary atherosclerosis - fibro fatty plaque

Coronary artery with atherosclerosis (fibro-lipid or fibro-fatty plaque). The atheromatous fibro-fatty plaque is characterized by the accumulation of lipids in the intima of the arteries, narrowing the lumen and compressing the muscular layer. Beneath the endothelium it has a "fibrous cap" covering the atheromatous "core" of the plaque, which consists in cholesterol, cholesterol...

Histology and explanation of Passive congestion (Passive hyperemia) (lung)

Hyperemia (congestion) represents the increase of blood in a territory, due to dilatation of small vessels. According to the mechanism, it may be active or passive.Active hyperemia (congestion) is a result of arteriolar distension (e.g., skeletal muscle activity, inflammation, local neuro-vegetative reaction).Passive hyperemia (congestion), also termed stasis, is a consequence...

Friday, March 18, 2011

Histology and Explanation of Pulmonary Edema

Edema represents the accumulation of excess liquid in the interstitial (extracellular) spaces of a tissue or in pre-existing cavities. It may affect any organ, but most often it appears in : subcutaneous tissues, lung and brain.According to the etiology, edema may be localized (in inflammation or in impaired venous drainage) or systemic (in right heart failure or in nephrotic...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Histology and Explanation of Benign microcystic teratoma of the ovary

Teratoma is a tumor which arises from tutipotent germinal cells. Frequently, it is localized in gonads (testis, ovary). It contains a variety of tissues (derived from one, two or three embryonic cell layers - mesoderm, endoderm or ectoderm), tissues which normally are foreign to the site of grow...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Download Clinical Nutrition: Enteral and Tube Feeding, 4th ed. 2005 Free

Clinical Nutrition Enteral and Tube Feeding 4th 2005Rolando Rolandelli, Robin Bankhead, Joseph Boullata, Charlene CompherISBN-10: 0721603793ISBN-13: 978-0721603797This definitive reference presents the most comprehensive, clinically relevant coverage of nutrition in enteral and tube feeding. The New Edition has been completely revamped by a multidisciplinary editorial team to reflect all of the latest technology and nutritional knowledge, as well...

How to Treat Diabetes Mellitus

There are two types of diabetes, Type 1 and Type 2.Type one diabetes is when cells in the pancreas have been destroyed which causes a lack of insulin being produced. There may be many reasons for this to happen. An infection caused by a particular virus or bacteria, exposure to chemical toxins in food, exposure to cow milk as a really young infant are three ideas of causes...

Helpfull Tips for you to survive in a Medical school

Here are few tips to help you keep going when the going get tough:The volume of material to be learned in medical school is greater than you have experienced before. Feeling helpless and pressured is normal. Exhaustion, can at times be overwhelming. But you are not alone.1-Take care of yourself first:Taking care of yourself is not selfish act bu...t a fact that can help your personal and professional growth. Many of us do not come close to practicing...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Download Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed. 2010 free

Publication Manual of the American Psychological AssociationAmerican Psychological AssociationISBN-10: 1433805618ISBN-13: 978-1433805615The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association" is the style manual of choice for writers, editors, students, and educators in the social and behavioral sciences. It provides invaluable guidance on all aspects of the writing process, from the ethics of authorship to the word choice that best reduces...

Treatment choices for Breast Cancer

Did you realize there are many different types of treatments for breast cancer? Radiation therapy destroys the cancer tissue and prevents them from growing inside the entire body. This helps prevent multiplication of it. Radiation has also improved by leaps and bounds. The latest treatments on this cancer also consists of specific radiation. This is much more effective and helps prevent injury towards the surrounding healthy cells too. Radiation...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Baby Boy Cries With One Eye Open. WHAT'S YOUR DIAGNOSIS?

HISTORYThis 1-week-old baby boy was brought for his first newborn visit. The parents were concerned that when he cried, the left side of his face “does not move”. He was born at full term via normal vaginal delivery to a primigravida without complications. Weight was 3.47 kg. Apgar scores, 9 and 9 at 1 and 5 minutes. Pregnancy and prenatal course were uneventful....

What are the challenges of residency in medicine and how to cope with them

Your graduation from medical school does not mark the end of your education. After earning an MD, you will spend several years as a resident in a teaching hospital. Residency can be a grueling experience. When it comes to the hospital environment, you're at the bottom. On the flip side, you will work directly with patients and gain mastery of a specific specialty.The residency...

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Pregnancy Test Made easy by USB Digital Pregnancy Test

When you heard the word “pregnancy test kit”, it is simple strips that can be bought in drugstores and let you know your pregnancy status by testing your urine. Yet technology helps us to live life simple and convenient, and proved that anything can be turned into circuits, chips, and other computer related items. And now you can easily find out, if you are pregnant without...

Friday, March 11, 2011

top 10 Pathology MCQs of the Week

11- A3-year-old girl develops gastroenteritis and a number of other children at the day care nursery that she attends are also affected. This was most likely caused by which of the following agents?(A) Balantidium coli(B) Cryptosporidium parvum(C) Entamoeba histolytica(D) Giardia lamblia(E) rotavirus12- A9-year-old boy is stung on the arm by a wasp and very rapidly develops redness and swelling at the site of the sting. Which of the following substances...

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Sign Symptoms and Possible treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy

“When exposed to diabetes, the body does not use the sugar (glucose) properly. If blood sugar is too high, the natural eye lens will increase so that the view-blur. Later, the amount of sugar that is too much can damage the small blood vessel which gives nutrition to the retina (capillary). So retinopathy diabetic will arise. ”Sign and symptoms:At the initial stage, retinopathy...

Monday, March 07, 2011

How to Perform Shunt Tap

Ventriculoperitoneal (VP), ventriculoatrial (VA) and ventriculopleural shunts are commonly encountered neurosurgical devices used for chronic CSF diversion. A shunt tap is often required to evaluate for shunt problems. Indications: Obtain CSF for analysis Evaluate shunt function Measure intraventricular pressure Temporizing measure to remove CSF in a distally occluded shunt Injection of antibiotic or chemotherapeutic agents Injection...

Sunday, March 06, 2011

How to Perform Anoscopy

Indications: Anal lesions (fistulas, tumors, etc.) Rectal bleeding Rectal pain Banding or injection of hemorrhoids Contraindications: Anal stricture Acute perirectal abscess Acutely thrombosed hemorrhoid Anesthesia: None Equipment: Clear polyethylene anoscope Water-soluble lubricant Directed light source or head-light Positioning: Lateral decubitus position or lithotomy position Technique: Examine anus by gently spreading anoderm...

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Histology and Explanation of leiomyoma Uterus

Uterine leiomyoma is a benign connective tissue tumor of the smooth muscle cells of the myometrium. Tumor cells resemble normal cells (uniform, elongated, spindle-shaped, with a cigar-shaped nucleus) and form bundles with different directions (whirled). The tumor may present areas of fibrosis, calcification and/or hemorrhage. The tumor is well circumscribed, but not encap...

Weekend Case: This rash started on a 55-year-old man's forearms and legs and spread to his trunk ...

This rash started on a 55-year-old man's forearms and legs and spread to his trunk (A), palms (B), and soles. He also had fever, headache, myalgia, arthralgia, and a history of a recent interstate travel in the southeastern and south central states. Thr infection occur during the summer, when frequent outdoor activity in an urban area. Additional manifestations are cough,...

Friday, March 04, 2011

Top 10 Pathology MCQs of the week

1- A 62-year-old woman has had atrial fibrillation since experiencing a myocardial infarction (MI) 7 months prior. Two weeks ago she was hospitalized following a car accident in which she suffered a compound fracture of her left femur and several severe contusions. She now returns to the emergency room with right flank pain, hematuria, and left-sided paralysis. These newly developing problems are most likely the result of which of the following?(A)...

Important Questions of Anatomy MBBS 1st Professional (Part-1) Exam

Describe ossification of bones? What are different types of ossification? Give examples? Name the different types of bones in axial and appendicular skeletons? Classify synovial joints? Give examples? Describe microscopic appearance of different types of cartilage. Give their examples. Draw and label the diagram of microscopic appearance of hairy skin. Mention its appendages. Describe placenta and enlist its functions. Draw...

Stress Management Tips for Medical Students

1- Remember You are not Alone:When you're feeling job and school related stress, it's easy to feel like you're alone. It can be especially frustrating to see classmates who seem to whiz through their studies without being fazed by stress. If you're feeling like you're the only student in your medical school class who is feeling overwhelmed, there's a very good chance that you are wrong.2- Physician Heal Thyself: It isn't going to do you or your future...

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Medical Blunder: Diagnosis of Alcohol Consumption

SYMPTOM: Drinking fails to give taste and satisfaction, beer is unusually pale and clear.FAULT: Glass empty.ACTION: Find someone who will buy you another beer.SYMPTOM: Drinking fails to give taste and satisfaction,and the front of your shirt is wet.FAULT: Mouth not open when drinking or glass applied to wrong part of face.ACTION: Buy another beer and practice in front of mirror....

Download Orthopedics Lecture Notes Power Point Presentations

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Study skills for medical school students

Hurdling medical school is a massive task. It does not only require intellect, perseverance and hard work, but also the correct study skills. You have to adapt a smart strategy to maximize your learning process. Here are some study skills that you can use:1-Do not cram: Cramming is never advisable. This is the major cause of mental block. If you really want to learn, then...