Towards the end of pregnancy, I think all of us would like the child to decide to make his or her debut. At that point in time, we can no longer even see our feet, we have to bend backwards when we try to walk and sleep is almost impossible between our big bellies and the lively kicking match in our womb.Over the generations, there have been a number of ways of trying to bring Junior out quickly. Some work, some don't and some are downright...
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Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
Finding Out You're Pregnant, Taking a Pregnancy Test
Once upon a time, a woman had to be almost finished with the first trimester before she could safely assume she was pregnant. That's a long time, and this could result in birth defects and miscarriages. What she did and what she consumed could have tragic results.
Now, we have a lot of tools to detect pregnancy. At home tests are available, and blood tests can determine to the hour how long you've been gestating. That's necessary because the formation...
Sunday, November 20, 2011
A Few Things to watch out for during first Trimester of Pregnancy
Pregnancy hormones begin to be released as soon as the baby attaches to the placenta. You may not be aware of the pregnancy for a few weeks, but things are already beginning to change in your body. Here are a few signs to watch out for:Cravings and Aversions: Some cravings may be your body's way of letting you know you need more of a key nutrient. Others may be caused by stress and other factors. It's the same with aversions, your body knows...
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Hiccups Causes, Home Remedies, and Medical Treatment
Hiccups are one of the most embarrassing problems one can have in public. It's a totally involuntary and hard to explain. The reason we hiccup is not known, though we do know that it is a sort of reflex action. Most people can get the hiccups; including unborn infants in the last trimester of pregnancy.What happens in a hiccup is a sudden contraction of the diaphragm and the muscles between the ribs. You draw in a breath involuntarily and then...
Thursday, November 10, 2011
How to gain Weight Naturally?
Why do vegetarians live 7 years longer than other people? When people convert to being vegan they continue eating the same bulk of food but they're getting much more nutrition.
There are nutrients such as proteins in animal food but it is so much harder to get out and assimilated into your body than vegetarian proteins. For instance, when you cook the meat and burn it your body can only absorb 2-3% of the protein.
In fact, on a vegetarian diet...
Saturday, November 05, 2011
What are Hiccups Causes and Home Remedies?
Hiccups are repeated sharp inhalations of breath caused by involuntary spasms of your diaphragm, the powerful muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen and which increases the volume of the chest when air is breathed in accompanied by involuntary closing of the larynx (upper windpipe). They are caused by irritation of the diaphragm, for example by an overfull stomach or inflammation of the membrane around the heart.
If hiccups reoccur frequently...
Hemorrhoid Treatment: How to Stop Hemorrhoids Fast
Hemorrhoids is a problem that many of us suffer from. The only thing we can think about while we go through all the pain is to find a way to get rid of it as soon as possible. We all want to ensure that the problem just vanishes and never ever show up again. However, treatment to this problem depends on the severity of the issue. There are very few treatments that would completely eradicate the problem. Most of the treatments only reduce the severity...
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
Hemorrhoids Stress-Can stress cause hemorrhoids? How to Manage Stress?
Stress is never a good thing for anyone. It is all the more worse if you are stressed when you are already suffering from Hemorrhoids. Too much of stress increases the size of hemorrhoids making it excruciatingly painful. The best thing you can do to reduce the size of hemorrhoids in such a situation is by reducing the level of stress somehow. You can make use of easy stress reducing techniques such as meditation, doing activities that you enjoy,...