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Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Hemorrhoids Stress-Can stress cause hemorrhoids? How to Manage Stress?

Stress is never a good thing for anyone. It is all the more worse if you are stressed when you are already suffering from Hemorrhoids. Too much of stress increases the size of hemorrhoids making it excruciatingly painful. The best thing you can do to reduce the size of hemorrhoids in such a situation is by reducing the level of stress somehow. You can make use of easy stress reducing techniques such as meditation, doing activities that you enjoy, etc.

Meditation is a great stress buster. All you need to do is forget everything but you and the universe. Simply sit down and close your eyes and forget about everything. Concentrate on you and the universe in which you exist. Breathe deeply. For best results, do it either early in the morning or before you go to sleep. When the stress level decreases, you can begin to feel the hemorrhoids also fading away gradually.

If you tend to sit in the same place while working, then be ready to change this habit. Sitting in the same place for long is an absolute no-no if you have hemorrhoids. To release the stress, you can take small breaks in between and walk and stretch a bit if possible. This is a great stress buster too. The next easy yet fun thing that you can do to get rid of hemorrhoid related stress is by doing activities with your loved ones that you enjoy. This works because when we start enjoying something we tend to forget things that trouble us. Its easy to relieve stress if you have decided what you want to do. So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and have fun!

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