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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Health tip: Home Remedies for Nausea

Health tip: Home Remedies for Nausea
Nausea is an unpleasant sensation that arises usually due to ones upset stomach conditions with an urge to vomit and most probably you already have experienced it several times. Simply, you can call it as the state which precedes vomiting. It is not a disease itself, but actually a symptom related to other disorders of our body.

Causes and symptoms:
Being a symptom itself, nausea can be caused by a number of varying factors. The most common among them are

1. Digestion problem: If your digestion system does not work properly due to reasons like food poisoning, then the result will be definitely nausea.

2. Motion sickness: The attack of nausea often can be seen with people traveling in car or bus prone to motion sickness - a state of disagreement between visually perceived movement and the vestibular sense.

3. Pregnancy: When a woman gets pregnant, she often feels the urge to vomit, and it is common to almost 80% women. Therefore, nausea can be caused in case of women by pregnancy at their early stages.

4. Alcoholic beverage: Use of excessive alcoholic beverage can also make a person nauseated.

Likewise, nausea can also be felt due to overeating, mental stress, chemotherapy, vertigo or any such illness. Our body is naturally trained to react under different circumstances differently and therefore, nausea is just a bodily reaction to force discharge of undesirable substances through vomiting.

The urge of one to vomit is the most common symptom of nausea. Besides, feeling of dizziness; sweating and stomach pain, etc are among other symptoms.

Useful home remedies you can try:
As mentioned earlier nausea is not a disease, and you can treat it with various home remedies available.

Empty stomach: In case of nausea the best way to deal it is with an empty stomach. Avoid foods for sometime if the cause is indigestion. Moreover, an empty stomach in nausea often results in vomiting and thus eliminates the whole sensation.

Ginger: In nausea, try to eat a small fresh piece of ginger with tea. This will help you find relief. If you wish, you can add half a teaspoon of honey to the tea at the same time.

Lemon: A cup of lemon juice with a little salt is also very effective in order to subside the nausea. You can as well smell simply a fresh lemon or its leaves.

Baking soda: Take half a teaspoon of baking soda in one cup of warm water and drink it slowly.

Apple cider vinegar: This is another effective home remedy for nausea. Just take one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and honey in a cup of water and drink at regular intervals.

Rice water: You can also try drinking rice water (that you used to cast aside) whenever you feel being nauseous.

However, taking proper healthy diet is very essential along with any remedy. In conditions like food poisoning, it is vital to avoid the poisonous eatables. Likewise, you can also use peppermint and other non-carbonated syrup as home remedies for nausea.

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