In the world of dating and being a pick-up artist, these self-fulfilling prophecies are also known as self-limiting beliefs. They are the negative thoughts we have about ourselves, often about our insecurities and fears. For example, you think that no one understands your sense of humor. Maybe this belief came about through some experience, but the more you believe it, the less you try making jokes. Before you know it, people generally regard you as someone who isn't funny when the truth is that someone out there would probably laugh really hard at what you have to say.
These self-limiting beliefs affect the way you play the dating game. When you begin to believe that no one will appreciate a certain aspect of you or that you will never score a date with a certain woman because of some attribute, what you are doing is creating a mental barrier. You think that you can't hit on this woman, but the barriers you see are all in your head. So in the end, you can't hit on the woman, or if you try, you fail.
Now, the great thing about self-fulfilling prophecies and self-limiting beliefs is that they work both ways. They can be negative or positive. It's just that most people think negatively and so it often works in a negative way. So you know what that means, right? You can turn things around by thinking positively, and get it to work in a positive way! Easier said than done, I know, but you can get started now.
Start by writing down all your insecurities and fears, everything that stops you from having the confidence you need to approach a woman. Be honest with yourself and accept that these are the things you think. Now, look at your list. Can you change anything? Let's say you think you're very hairy. Is there anything you can do about it? Are you willing to do that? If the answer is yes, then do it! That's one belief killed.
For the ones you can't change, just accept them because you know what? If you ignore them, nobody is going to realize they exist! Or if they do see it, they're going to see that you don't care, and they won't give it importance either!
So get started on that list now! Take the first step to changing your self-limiting beliefs and make sure all your self-fulfilling prophecies yield positive results.
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