What Is It?
Since the discs in your spine are used to absorb the stress of physical activity which many doctors refer to as 'absorbing the shock', the disc itself is made to not feel pain. Sounds crazy, right? Think about it. If the disc in your spine could feel pain, each step you took would be painful. Instead, they help keep us from having pain. That is, until one gets moved the wrong way causing it to bulge.
This bulge tends to always happen where the nerve is and causes pressure. The pressure on the nerve causes the pain. Of course, when a disc bulges, you won't just feel pain in that one area. The nerve that the disc is putting pressure on is in charge of other areas of the body. That is why when you have a bulging disc in your neck, you may have headaches, problems with your arms and hands, vision trouble, chest pain, and so on.
Middle back bulging discs can cause chest pain, pain in the ribs, digestive problems, and according to the 'Heal Your Bulging Disc' website, it can even lead to liver and gall bladder problems.
When the disc is bulging in the lower back, it is common to have weak legs, pain shooting down legs and into feet, and it can also cause bowel and bladder problems.
So, as you can see, it is very important to fix the bulging disc as soon as possible and not let the problem persist.
Common Causes
Believe it or not, smoking can be a major factor of back trouble. The toxins from cigarette smoke break down the disc walls which leaves the disc more vulnerable. Other common causes: lack of exercise, poor diet, age, severe trauma, improper heavy lifting, and often a person who works where a lot of bending and driving are involved find themselves with back trouble.
What Will Doctors Do?
As with most back trouble, your doctor will probably prescribe pain killers and muscle relaxers. You may also be advised to have physical therapy, see a Chiropractor, and, as a last resort, opt for surgery. For the most part, these treatments for bulging discs are only temporary and the pain will normally come back leaving you feeling miserable and wonder if there is any place else to turn.
Is There More?
According to 'Home Remedies Central', an herbal mixture of Mugwort, Horsetail, Yarrow, Comfrey, Parsley, and Rosehips could do the trick. Of course, there are many exercises that could be beneficial.
The most important thing to remember is that the bulging back disc needs time to heal. It took time for it to weaken and cause you pain, so it will take time for it to heal. Removing pressure from this part of your back will help it to heal more quickly.
Treatments of a bulging disc needs to include exercises. Not aerobic or weight training exercises, but exercises that target the problem. Targeted back exercises are designed to restore circulation, relax cramped muscles, and ease the pain.
One exercise that has helped many is called the 'crawling baby'. To do the exercise, get down on your hands and knees in the floor. Try to keep your head and spine in line while you slowly kick one leg back toward the opposite wall behind you. Bring the knee back to the starting position. Now, do the other leg. Do 10 to 20 reps alternating legs.
Targeted exercises have been the best solution for many people who find that they have gotten rid of the pain and back to their regular lives. After a doctor has ruled out any serious problems, begin your targeted exercise program to start feeling better.
i have been diagnoses with thinning of the bones, and have a bulging disc with root entrapment, i have had physyo, accupuncture, on constanst medication, im in pain all the time , cant sleep, get comfortable, eating habits are haywire, can anyone recommend anything please, im desperate !!!!!!