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Monday, January 17, 2011

Behavioural Sciences OSPE 2010, University of Health Sciences Lahore

1st Behavioural sciences Ospe

UnObserved Stations:
1. Enlist different stages Maslow Hiarchy?
2. Define Denial, Displacement And Projection?
3. Enlist the different Parameters of Normal Health?
4. Enlist the different attributes of Professionalism in Medical Practise?
5. What are the points that ensure good sleep Hygein?
Observed Stations:
1. Demonstrate the Sleep inducing Technique to a patient who has difficulty in falling asleep?
2. Counsel a Patient who has left sided chest pain. Ensure him that right sided chest pain may not be of myocardial infarction?
3. Counsel a mother who gave birth to a mentally retarded child keeping in mind the principles of affective communication?
4. Ask Open, Close and Leading questions from a patient suffering from fever?

2nd Behavioural sciences Ospe:

Unobserved Stations:
1. Enlist the Different Stages of Robert Crises Intervention?
2. Enlist Freaud’s Development stages?
3. What are different points to improve Communication Skills?
4. Enlist the points to ensure good sleep hygein?
5. Types of learning and Conditioning? How will you treat a child who become terrified whenever he visits market?
Observed Stations:
1. Check Short term memory of this mock patient?
2. Demonstrate how will you diffrentiate nightmare from sleep terror?
3. How will you counsel the mother of a child who is going to have his first course of chemotherapy?
4. Confidentiality...? tell the patient about the conditions in which confidentiality can be breached?

3rd Behavioural sciences Ospe:
Unobserved Stations:
1. How will you use principles of conditioning for a boy who is rude to his mates?
2. What are different types of memory ? explain briefly with an example?
3. Define Empathy? What are different points of Counselling?
4. Define Emotional Intelligence? What are essential Components of Emotional Intelleigence?
5. Define Denial, Displacement And Projection?
Observed Stations:
1. Tell a media person about Professionalism?
2. A 65 years old female CCF patient has Proxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea. She thinks, she is going to have myocardial infarction? How will you counsel this patient?
3. Counsel a 27 years old lady who is abused by her Husband?
4. How will you counsel the mother of a child who is going to have his first course of chemotherapy for bloof cancer?

4th Behavioural sciences OSPE:
Unobserved Stations:
1. How will you treat a child who has phobia of being alone in the market. This condition develop in his early childhood when his parents left him alone in market. Use principle of Conditioning.
2. What is the importance of seating and setting in Effective communication?
3. What are stages of creative thinking?
4. What are the principles of communication skils which are used in crises intervention?
5. Enlist the steps which ensure best sleep Hygein?
Observed Stations:
1. Take consent from the daughter of an old lady who is incapable of giving consent?
2. Counsell a patient who thinks she has constant somatic body pains?
3. Explain and demonstrate sexual boundaries in medical settings?
4. How will you Convince a wife of HIV Positive man to undergo HIV test?

5th Behavioural Sciences Ospe:
Unobserved stations:
1. What is delerium? Give 3 causes of delerium?
2. Name 5 sociological and anthropological aspects that influence health?
3. What is Information care. Name its important points?
4. What are two Ethical Omissions?
5. Define Repression, Projection and Denial?
Observed Stations:

6th Behavioural Sciences ospe:

UnObserved Stations:
1. Enlist various steps of Pagets theory?
2. What are the Psychiatric changes Occuring in old age?
3. Enlist steps of Crises intervention?
4. Define Displacement and give 3 example of defence mechanisms?
5. Name the Condition During which Confidentiality can be breached?
Observed Stations:

1. Break the bad news of a malformed baby to his mother?
2. Take consent from the daughter of an old lady who is incapable of giving consent?
3. What is the Health Beleif model of Tveez?
4. Demonstrate muscle relaxation Technique to a 60 year old patient?

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