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Saturday, January 01, 2011

Download MBBS Final Professional - 5th Year Recommended Books


1. Short Practice Of Surgery By Bailey And Love’s Text Book Of Surgery By Ijaz Ahsan
2. General Surgery (Lecture Notes Series) by Harold Ellis, Roy Calne, Chris Watson
3. An Introduction to the Symptoms and Signs of Surgical Disease by Norman Browse
4. Current Surgical Practice: by Norman L. Browse, Alan G. Johnson, and Tom. Vol. 6
5. Schwartz's Principles of Surgery by F. Charles Brunicardi, Dana K.
5. Andersen, Timothy R. Billiar, and David L. Dunn 8th edition. 2004
6. Online Journals and Reading Materials through HEC Digital Library Facility.


1. Textbook of Anaesthesia by G. Smith and A.R. Aitkenhead
2. Short Practice of Anaesthesia by M. Morgan, G. Hall. Latest edition
3. A Synopsis of Anaesthesia by J.Alfred Lee
4. Online Journals and Reading Materials through HEC Digital Library Facility.


1. Aids to Radiological Differential Diagnosis by Chapman S. and
Nakielny R. 4th ed. Elsevier Science Limited; 2003.
2. Online Journals and Reading Materials through HEC Digital Library Facility.


1. Practice of Medicine by Davidson.
2. Clinical Medicine by Parveen J Kumar & Michaell, Clark
3. Hutchison's Clinical Methods by Michael Swash. 21st edition
4. Basic psychiatry by Myre Sim, e. B. Gordon
5. Oxford Text Book of Psychiatry
6. ABC of Dermatology. Latest Edition.
7. Smith's General Urology by Emil A. Tanagho and Jack W. McAninch 15th edition. 2007
8. Online Journals and Reading Materials through HEC Digital Library Facility


1. Obstetrics by Ten Teachers by Stuart Campbell and Christoph Lees. 17th Ed 2000
2. Essentials of Obstetrics and Gynecology by Neville F. Hacker, J. George
Moore, and Joseph C. Gambone. 4th ed. 2004
3. Notes on Obstetrics & Gynecology. Stirrat, Mills, Draycott. 5th Ed. 2003.
4. Text book of Obstetrics and Gynecology by Rashid Lateef
5. Obstetrics and Gynecology by Arshad Chauhan
6. Online Journals and Reading Materials through HEC Digital Library Facility.


1. Gynaecology by Ten Teachers by Stanley G. Clayton and Ash Monga 2006.
2. Essentials of Obstetrics and Gynecology by Neville F. Hacker, J. George Moore, and Joseph C. Gambone. 4th ed. 2004
3. Notes on Obstetrics & Gynecology by Stirrat, Mills, Draycott. 5th Ed. 2003.
4. Text book of Obstetrics and Gynecology by Rashid Lateef
5. Obstetrics and Gynecology by Arshad Chauhan
6. Online Journals and Reading Materials through HEC Digital Library Facility.


1. Text book of paediatrics by Pervaiz Akbar
2. Essentials of Paediatrics by Nelson. Latest Edition.
3. Online Journals and Reading Materials through HEC Digital Library Facility

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