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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

M.B.B.S 3rd year Pharmacology OSPE 2010 University of Health Sciences Lahore

Pharmacology OSPE No. 3:

Unobserved Stations:
  1. Write down the calculations to prepare 2 L of ORS solution?
  2. Write down the prescription for enteric Fever?
  3. Write down the four groups of drugs that are used in the treatment of enteric fever? Give 1 example of each with Dose?
  4. What is the p-drug for Peptic ulcer disease? Mention its dose. What are the alternative drugs. Give dose of each?
  5. Calculate Median and Range?
  6. Calculate Volume of Distribution (Vd)?
  7. Define superscription, Inscription, Subscription, Sig, Signature?

Pharmacology OSPE No. 4:

Unobserved Stations:
  1. Write down the formula of Half Life? calculate Half life?
  2. What is p-drug for Hepatic Amebiasis?
  3. Write the prescription for acute Malaria?
  4. Define mean, mode and range?
  5. What are drugs used in Angina Pectoris?

Observed Stations:
  1. Prepare Carminative Mixture?
  2. Show the effect of Acetylcholine on Rabbit ileum?

3rd Year M.B.B.S. Pharmacology OSPE:
We are presenting the Pharmacology Ospe Papers online to help the medical students to get through their exams as much professional way as possible. All these Papers are contributed by medical students from different medical colleges. In order to acknowledge there participation, We pay for whatever they contribute. If you have something (i.e. past papers, Notes, Photos or Books) which you think will be helpful to medical students, we encourage you to share with us. We shall pay for your generous contribution accordingly. You can send your contributions at (

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