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Monday, October 22, 2012

Are you a Facebook addict?

There is no need to convince you that Facebook addiction is reality in today's world. So many people suffer from it and so many of them don't even realize they are addicted. Day after day people spend countless (and priceless) hours in internet social networks. If we think about this phenomenon reasonably, we will undoubtedly reveal the fact that this is costing...

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Why do we yawn?

Yawns are fascinating. The fact that it is triggered by a lot of specific emotions varying from tiredness, boredom, to being sleepy is just interesting. What is more fascinating is that yawns are somewhat contagious as you can yawn just after you see someone else do it. So what are these exactly and why do we do it? In this article, we will explore the truth about...

Friday, October 19, 2012

Which sleep position is healthiest?

Typically people sleep in the position that feels most comfortable in that moment. You probably have one or two frequented positions you rely on to get to sleep fast. It might surprise you to learn that your sleep position matters at all. What difference could it possibly make what position my body lies in while it's asleep, as long as I'm asleep, right? Wrong. We ...

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

What are the symptoms of floating rib?

The term “floating rib” is used to refer to a specific anatomical structure and to a disorder which could better be termed a “slipped rib.” Both, as one might imagine from the name, involve the ribs, curved bones found in vertebrates. The ribs are attached to the spine and a structure called the sternum, creating the rib cage, a protective casing for vital organs such...

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

What are the causes, types and treatment modalities of anemia

Anemia is a blood condition that affects approximately 3.5 million Americans. Women are at higher risk of developing anemia than men. People who have other diseases such as cancer have a higher tendency to develop anemia. Anemia can become a very serious condition which can be dangerous. Anemia can also be acute or chronic in nature. Definition: You body requires...

Sunday, October 14, 2012

iPhone Can Detect Ear Infection

Researchers have developed an iPhone accessory they call the Remotoscope to turn an iPhone into an otoscope -- that thing doctors usually put into your ear to peer inside. The Remotoscope puts a scope over the lens and flash on an iPhone making it easy to take pictures of a child's ear canal, while an app magnifies the image and sends it to a pediatrician. The idea...

Friday, October 12, 2012

Social Media fueling Anxiety, Stress, Internet Addiction

There's been a massive amount of hype recently about how having a social media presence is essential for a successful business. The perceived wisdom says that your business will fail to flourish without a Facebook Fan page and frequent Tweets. I've been confused for quite a while about whether I needed or wanted to indulge in Social media. I'll admit to being quite stressed...

How to get rid of Exam Stress

Exam stress is an exaggerated feeling of anxiety over one's performance in exams. We can take exams stress free, no matter what kind of exam it is. Its only when you know what is causing you stress and accordingly using the following tricks to make yourself feel more organized, mentally relaxed & alert, physically active and in control of the situation.1. If the cause...

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Red Light Therapy | Look Years Younger, Reduce Wrinkles, Ease Pain

Red light therapy for anti aging purposes is a form of LED light therapy, also called photo rejuvenation. This procedure uses Light Emitting Diodes directly pointed to the skin to promote a younger and healthier skin. Red light therapy is completely natural and actually triggers a response from your body to get your skin improved from the inside. This skin...

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Performance-enhancing drugs: Know the risks

Performance enhancing drugs, as the name suggests, are typical drugs that can be taken for increasing one's performance. These drugs are basically steroids taken by athletes and sportsperson who are genuine professionals. Also, certain other hormonal drugs, including human growth hormone stimulants might also be regarded as performance enhancing drugs. These ...

Monday, July 16, 2012

Engineering vs Medicine

Students across the world find themselves at the crossroads after completing their high school. For toppers, the decision to opt between engineering and medicine is the most difficult task. Of course, the choice is never entirely yours and is influenced by several external factors. These include your parents, the success of your elder siblings in a particular...

Laughter is medicine for the soul But ...

Laughter is medicine for the soul and has many health benefits. It decreases stress and releases the endorphins that make you feel good. In other words laughter helps you lighten up, enjoy your life and enjoy your relationships. But it is not true with all laughter. There is a mean spirited humor that has gone viral in our culture which poisons the soul. It is rampant...

Positive and Negative Effects of Video Games on Health

Concerned about the effects of video games on your kids health? Or perhaps you're just curious about this stuff or need to research it for a paper. Below you'll find the information you'll need on this topic with links at the bottom for further reading. This whole article is about how video games affect people's health in general. The general positive and negative...

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Diabetes & Women

There are a few signs connected with diabetes which you'll find are commonplace both in men and in women. With diabetes type 1 and type 2, these consist of extreme thirst, urinating very often, exhaustion and also continual cravings for food. There are symptoms which show up in diabetes type 2 when it advances, like eyesight troubles as well as continued infections in...

What Is Sleep Apnea? Causes, Risk Factors, and Effects

Sleep apnea is a fairly common sleep disorder that can affect both adults and children. It causes you to stop breathing or experience low breathing at certain points during sleep. Each period of not breathing is known as an apnea and can last anywhere from a few seconds to minutes. This can occur any number of times from 5 to 30 or more every hour. The condition can be...

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Smoking, Alcohol and Contraceptives may case Migraine Headaches

Over time, a few theories have been explored as being the cause of migraine headaches. However, people today can attest to the fact that specific things cause migraines in their case.What Causes Migraine Headaches - The Theories ExploredBack in the 1940s, scientists believed that migraine-headaches were triggered by an initial spasm that partially closed the arteries leading...

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Why Do Your Eyes Twitch and How to Stop it?

The answer to your question 'why does my eye twitch?' can be for many different reasons. The technical name for eye twitching is Blepharospasm and it is caused by muscle spasms in the eye lid and around the eye. It is believed to be related to the nervous system. It tends to start suddenly and can last for anything from a few hours up to a few days. In some cases it can...

Monday, May 07, 2012

5 Yoga Poses for Depression and Anxiety

A person, suffering with depression, might feel hopeless, sad, anxious, and irritated on a regular basis. There are many forms of therapy for depression, and seeking professional counseling (psychotherapy) is a wise step forward. Support groups, social support, lifestyle changes, and many prescription medications are available to help people cope with depression. Sadly,...

Sunday, May 06, 2012

What is Musicotherapia (Music Therapy)?

Music therapy is based on the interpersonal therapeutic relationship between a professional music therapist and the patient. The objectives and methods of treatment are personalized and tailored to the needs and characteristics of the patient. The idea that the effect of music can be therapeutic is definitely not n...

Migraine Headache Overview, Types of Migraines

There are only a couple of basic classifications of headache, primary and secondary. Migraine headaches and tension-type headaches are the two most widespread sort of headache and each of them are in the primary classification. For primary headaches the headache is the primary condition. Conversely, secondary headaches are brought on by underlying primary medical issues...

Friday, May 04, 2012

How Yoga protects the Brain from Depression and Anxiety

It's well-known that yoga has numerous health benefits and is often recommended for physical ailments such as back pain, but it's interesting to delve into the use of the ancient technique to improve mental well-being and provide a healthy outlook on life.Recent research in the United States found that three sessions of gentle yoga a week can help combat depression as...

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Positive and Negative Effects of Music on Health

Have you ever noticed when singing a song that the words seem to just pop right out with very little effort to remember the lyrics? If so, you are not alone. Studies have been done trying to answer the question of how people remember songs; by lyrics, melody, or title. The answer has a similar result that learning styles do with determining the best way people lea...

Monday, March 26, 2012

What is a Bulging Disc and How to Treat it?

Bulging disc help may be as simple as finding out the causes, treatments, and what is best for you. In many cases, back pain sufferers have found ways to fix the problem themselves. What has caused your bulging disc and can you really fix it at home yourself?What Is It?Since the discs in your spine are used to absorb the stress of physical activity which many doctors refer...

Sunday, March 25, 2012

What is Head Rush and How to Prevent it?

Depending on your own physical situation, your medication maybe giving you problems with head rushes. Head rushes are caused by a sudden change in blood pressure, they can make you feel dizzy and disoriented. While the head rush may only last a few seconds the actual feeling seems to feel much longer.Head rushes normally do not inflict any pain on individuals. The problem...

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Health tip: Home Remedies for Nausea

Nausea is an unpleasant sensation that arises usually due to ones upset stomach conditions with an urge to vomit and most probably you already have experienced it several times. Simply, you can call it as the state which precedes vomiting. It is not a disease itself, but actually a symptom related to other disorders of our body.Causes and symptoms:Being a symptom itself, nausea...

What are the Symptoms of Caffeine Withdrawal?

What Is Caffeine Made OfCaffeine is defined by Merriam-Webster as a bitter alkaloid C8H10N4O2 found especially in coffee, tea, cacao, and kola nuts and used medicinally as a stimulant and diuretic. Although caffeine is technically considered a drug, obviously it is not illegal.The drug shares many of the same characteristics as other central nervous system stimulants such...

Friday, March 23, 2012

What is Self-Fulfilling Prophecy?

Most people have heard of a self-fulfilling prophecy. It has less to do with knowing the future and more to do with shaping your future. Basically, when you believe something about yourself so fervently, it ends up becoming true. It may not have been true before, but because you thought it to be, it ended up being true.In the world of dating and being a pick-up artist, these...

Enabling - When Helping an Alcoholic or Addict Really Isn't Helping

An enabler in most definitions is a person who through his or her actions allows someone else to achieve something. Most often the term enabler is associated with people who allow loved ones to behave in ways that are destructive. For example, an enabler wife of an alcoholic might continue to provide the husband with alcohol. A person might be an enabler of a gambler or compulsive...

X Out – Acne Meds Go High Tech

Oh the joys of adolescent acne, with few very lucky exceptions, who among us didn’t suffer with at least a few dreaded teenage pimples? I remember making a much bigger deal out of the occasional zit than it actually was, and I guess that’s what being young is all about. Who knew when you got to be an adult you’d have a whole lot more to worry about.Nonetheless, the makers...

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Debunking Myths About the Effects of the Full Moon on Your Health


How Music Promotes Learning

Music is powerful. It can play a significant part in our lives contributing to positive academic, social, and emotional achievements. Using music in and outside of the classroom has been shown to positively influence children's abilities to process literature and mathematical concepts when used appropriately. Use music as a supplement to instruction, but do not rely on it...