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Monday, March 26, 2012

What is a Bulging Disc and How to Treat it?

Bulging disc help may be as simple as finding out the causes, treatments, and what is best for you. In many cases, back pain sufferers have found ways to fix the problem themselves. What has caused your bulging disc and can you really fix it at home yourself?What Is It?Since the discs in your spine are used to absorb the stress of physical activity which many doctors refer...

Sunday, March 25, 2012

What is Head Rush and How to Prevent it?

Depending on your own physical situation, your medication maybe giving you problems with head rushes. Head rushes are caused by a sudden change in blood pressure, they can make you feel dizzy and disoriented. While the head rush may only last a few seconds the actual feeling seems to feel much longer.Head rushes normally do not inflict any pain on individuals. The problem...

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Health tip: Home Remedies for Nausea

Nausea is an unpleasant sensation that arises usually due to ones upset stomach conditions with an urge to vomit and most probably you already have experienced it several times. Simply, you can call it as the state which precedes vomiting. It is not a disease itself, but actually a symptom related to other disorders of our body.Causes and symptoms:Being a symptom itself, nausea...

What are the Symptoms of Caffeine Withdrawal?

What Is Caffeine Made OfCaffeine is defined by Merriam-Webster as a bitter alkaloid C8H10N4O2 found especially in coffee, tea, cacao, and kola nuts and used medicinally as a stimulant and diuretic. Although caffeine is technically considered a drug, obviously it is not illegal.The drug shares many of the same characteristics as other central nervous system stimulants such...

Friday, March 23, 2012

What is Self-Fulfilling Prophecy?

Most people have heard of a self-fulfilling prophecy. It has less to do with knowing the future and more to do with shaping your future. Basically, when you believe something about yourself so fervently, it ends up becoming true. It may not have been true before, but because you thought it to be, it ended up being true.In the world of dating and being a pick-up artist, these...

Enabling - When Helping an Alcoholic or Addict Really Isn't Helping

An enabler in most definitions is a person who through his or her actions allows someone else to achieve something. Most often the term enabler is associated with people who allow loved ones to behave in ways that are destructive. For example, an enabler wife of an alcoholic might continue to provide the husband with alcohol. A person might be an enabler of a gambler or compulsive...

X Out – Acne Meds Go High Tech

Oh the joys of adolescent acne, with few very lucky exceptions, who among us didn’t suffer with at least a few dreaded teenage pimples? I remember making a much bigger deal out of the occasional zit than it actually was, and I guess that’s what being young is all about. Who knew when you got to be an adult you’d have a whole lot more to worry about.Nonetheless, the makers...

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Debunking Myths About the Effects of the Full Moon on Your Health


How Music Promotes Learning

Music is powerful. It can play a significant part in our lives contributing to positive academic, social, and emotional achievements. Using music in and outside of the classroom has been shown to positively influence children's abilities to process literature and mathematical concepts when used appropriately. Use music as a supplement to instruction, but do not rely on it...

Saturday, March 10, 2012

How Love Affects Your Body


54 pc children prefer to ask GOOGLE if they have a question than their patients

A recent survey finds that most kids would prefer to ask Google if they have a question rather than their parents or teachers.According to the survey of 500 children conducted by Birmingham Science City, most six to 15 year olds would turn to the search engine first, with 54 percent saying they'd ask Google before their parents or teachers.Only one quarter of children would...

Friday, March 09, 2012

Why Women are attracted more to Bad Men

The so-called bad men have always charmed their way into women's hearts and now researchers seem to know the reason behind this preference. Scientists have revealed that women find it hard to resist callous, self-obsessed and deceitful men. National Review writer Kevin D Williamson however, pointed out, that women might not be able to help it because it's in their genes to like bad men. Writing in a blog following the show this week he cited several...

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Breast Implant Firm's Boss Jailed, Fails to Pay Bail

The founder of the French breast implant company that sparked a global health scare was jailed on Tuesday after failing to pay his bail.Jean-Claude Mas, 72, was jailed at Marseille's Baumette prison, the source said requesting anonymity.In January he was charged with causing "involuntary injuries" but released on a 100,000-euro (131,000-dollar) bail.Mas is the founder of Poly...

Prevent New Cholera Outbreak, UNICEF Warns West Africa

The United Nations Children's Fund on Tuesday alerted western African governments on the need to prevent a new cholera outbreak, after the disease claimed nearly 3,000 lives there last year.Unicef's regional bureau said that "at least 105,248 cases of cholera were registered in 17 countries in 2011, and 2,898 people died" in what was one of the most severe outbreaks of the...

Exercise Helps your Body Instantly with DNA Modification

Maybe this will motivate you to work out. New research supports the idea that you don't need to spend hours at the gym everyday for your body to start feeling the positive effects of exercise. In fact, a single session on a stationary bike can affect your very DNA.Okay, so your actual genetic code won't morph into that of Conan the Barbarian. But exercise sets signals in motion...

We Are Alone Together
