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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Top three reasons to drop out of Medical colleges

Medical life is a daunting experience. There are ups and downs, and everyone entering Medical school knows that; expects that. Every new medical school student has that dream of being called Doctor Somebody. However, how does one really know when enough is enough? How does one really know if the medical path is not the right path to follow… for them? Yes, it may be the right path for that guy, or that girl; but, is it really for you?

This article attempts to investigate three reasons that might be evident signs prompting you to drop out of medical school… now. It is in no way meant to be derogatory toward the medical profession, as it has its unparalleled benefits, both in salary and human reward. Instead, this article was written to provide some insight into three reasons, among many other reasons, why medical school might not be for certain people.

You should probably drop out of medical school if…

1) You plan on having a family during your “earlier” years. If you have always dreamed of raising your own family at a relatively young (in your twenties) age, then you might want to consider the “drop out” option of attending medical school. It definitely is possible to have your own family throughout your medical school years, but!… the more important question you should be asking yourself is how much time am I willing to sacrifice away from my family? Precious time spent away from one’s family, especially in the beginning years, is precious time you may never get back. Do you really want to be a “stranger” to your kids at this extremely important time in their lives?

2) You’re still in it just for the money. Yes, you may be able to keep up with the work that is required of medical school students. However, is being a doctor really what you have a burning desire to do for the rest of your life? Sure, the money is great – few other occupations are on par with the yearly salaries of medical professionals, but consider what the trade-off is. Are you willing to work hard during a great chunk of your life just for a little more green paper flowing in? Think about it for a little bit.

3) Your cherished relationships are suffering because of it. As a general rule in life, you should drop out of anything that does not bring you the happiness you deserve; the happiness you are meant to experience. Some medical students undergo much stress, but their perspective is clear: “I want to be a doctor, and if this is what it takes, nothing’s going to stop me.” However, if you fall into the category of those that wake up dreading the day, day after day; then, you probably should drop out of medical school.

It seems as though all the arrows to drop out of medical school point toward what makes a person happy.

As a matter of fact, it is not difficult to distinguish whether or not medical school is for you. All you have to do is be honest with yourself.

Do you really want to be a doctor?

Whether your answer is yes or no, you can find out right now if you just allow yourself to be completely honest.

If Yes, you can read few helpful tips that will help you succeed in medical life.


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