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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What Is Sinus Bradycardia?

What is sinus bradycardia and where does it start from. Sinus bradycardia starts from the sinus node; it is a heart rhythm and has a rate of fewer than 60 beats per minute (bps). Simple words on what is sinus bradycardia they are the sinus beat when a resting heart strikes 60 bps or even less. The sinus rhythms cause a P-wave on the ECG which means it is normal in terms of both amplitude and vector. They are tagged on with QRS complex and T waves.

A normal baby should have a heart beat of 150 bps; Bradycardia decelerates the premature baby's heart to less than 100 beats per minute. Infection, anemia, change in body temperature, hypoglycemia, airway problems, neurological difficulties are caused due to Bradycardia.

What are sinus bradycardia symptoms?

Sinus bradycardia does not normally have any symptoms. But at times there are indications like dizziness, lightheadedness; exercise intolerance, chest pain and succinctness of breath are seen.

The problems that result due to bradycardia are of two types: they are sinatorial node (SA node) disorder and atrioventricular node (AV node) disorder. The former is called sick sinus syndrome and is due to the weakened conduction of the impulse from the sinus node. The later may result due to weakened conduction in the AV node or even underneath in the bundle of HIS. This may be acquired congenitally (disorder by birth). It is found most commonly in elderly patients.

What is sinus bradycardia cure?

Treatment for asymptomatic patients is not signified, but symptomatic patients should be corrected of underlying electrolyte and acid base disorder. Intravenous atropine gives relief temporarily. Previously isoproterenol was used in patients with bradycardia, but due to the increase in risk its usage has been lessened. Temporary pacing also is recommended for patients who are not responsive to atropine although transcutaneous pacing is the primary choice for physicians.

The medication techniques include therapy and supratherapeutic doses of digitalis glycosides, beta-blockers and calcium channel blocking agents. Cardiac drugs are also used.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Introduction to Creativity and Creative thinking

You often hear the term "Creative Genius" when referring to an individual who has created something extraordinarily different. Whether it's a new fashion line, cooking a meal a different way, designing an ad, or developing the next social network. It's dynamite! It's electric! It's inspired! What ever your definition, you want it but you don't think you have it. The first step in understanding a creative mind is knowing that you have the potential to have one.

Experiments show that 80% of children, before entering school, use their right brain skills such as creativity and imagination. Once in school, the programs used to educate children place a higher value on the left brain skills - such as mathematics, logic, and language. By age 7, only 10% of these same children will rank highly creative. By adulthood, only 2% remain highly creative.

Ask the right questions. Lets explore this 2%. What is creativity? To me creativity is exploring the possibilities of "what if"- what if I use a different color or font. What if I used a new flavor I never used before. What if I use a different shape- it's asking yourself the right questions that expand your possibilities to solve daily problems while never allowing yourself to go down that dark road towards tunnel vision.

For example, lets take creating a website for a client. These are some questions that I may ask myself:

What's the trend for this industry?-its very important to see what the competition is doing and what the market trends are. Do some research.
How can I make this stand out above the competition?
How can I expand on the uniqueness of the product?
What imagery could I use that would be catchy but yet represent the message?
What layout could I create? Instead of laying out the website like the competition, try different ways to lay it out.

Don't expect creative genius to happen with the first go around. There will be times you will need to go back to the drawing board and rethink, reshape, reposition things to make it work. The important thing is not to get discouraged; forge ahead and you will see the rewards.

The Future. Creativity is based on the premises that everything can and will continually get better. Making life more comfortable, efficient, and exciting. Creative minds are constantly following market trends trying to see what direction it will take. By doing this it puts you ahead of the creative game.

Progression. Webster defines it as gradual advancement, moving forward and onward. Creative minds always have the mind set of always moving forward. Always looking beyond the current situation. They realize they can always improve the situation.

Abstract Thinking. Characterized by the ability to use concepts and to make and understand generalizations, properties, or patterns shared by a variety of specific items or events. For example a concrete thinker may see just an apple, while an abstract thinker will see what he can do with the apple. Concrete thinkers are surface thinkers while abstract thinkers are more in-depth. By thinking this way it allows you to approach situations from different angles allowing yourself to see the potential in all areas.

Positive Thinking. Not only does positive thinking reduce stress and increases health, but it allows you to see the good in everything. Being optimistic about the way you think creates an incubator for creativity to nurture and grow. It's been proven that positive thinking people are happier. As Winston Churchill says "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty". Positive thinking is what makes creative minds shine above the rest.

Take Risks. Creative minds are open minded people. They thrive on taking risks. Picasso has said "I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it". That is what life is all about, venturing into the unknown to see and learn the possibilities it may hold. According to a study conducted by the University of Bonn, out of 20,000 people surveyed, the ones who enjoyed taking risks were more content and happy with their lives. Another study by psychologists Dellas and Gaier, in their frequently cited review, "creative individuals have less fear than the average person of making mistakes, of social disapproval, or 'the anxiety of separateness.' They have a strong enough ego to admit when they're wrong or in trouble, and to analyze and learn from their errors." A well- known psychoanalyst and author named Roolo May (Courage to Create, Love and Will), observed: "Creative persons are precisely those that take the cards that make them anxious.

Of course, they're constantly shuffling these cards; they hate standing still. You could say these folks really do best playing with a loose deck." So in short, you will never know the rewards if you don't take the risk.

Have Fun. Creative people by nature are fun people to be around, they keep things interesting and exciting. They're usually the life of the party, always coming up with wacky ways to do things. Aside from the day to day grind, make sure you set time aside to have fun! Explore new hobbies you have always thought about doing, read a book you are interested in, vacation to a place you have been thinking about, do a family activity that creates great memories for everyone. Whatever it is that you like to do; do it! And do it regularly! It's a great way to relieve stress and clear your mind; and with a clear mind comes creativity.

So now that you know what creativity is, you may ask yourself "Where do I start?" Through my years of experience within the creative service field, I've come up with several things that may help you regain your creative status. So the next time someone says "creative genius" they're referring to you.

Step 1: Start with the basics

It's like building a house, you need a firm and solid foundation first, before you can build the rest. Same with creative thinking; laying a solid foundation of basic creative principles will allow you to have a solid house of creative thinking.

Exercise #1-When was the last time you laid on the lawn, stared up at the sky, and tried to find images in cloud formations? If you haven't done it since you where a child I suggest you stop reading right now and go outside and do it.

Starting with the basics means that-starting with the basics as a child would. Things, places, colors, and shapes are seen differently from a child's abstract point of view than an adults. Most children are not concrete thinkers they don't just see a cloud, they see dragons, butterflies, dogs, and bunnies-children are great resources when it comes to understanding basic creative principles.

"As a child we saw clouds, painted across the sky, as our first creative inspiration. Today let us not forget that lesson learned; for he who sees inspiration in something as simple as a cloud, has laid the foundation for him self to see inspiration in all things."

Exercise #2-Experimentation has shown that the two different sides, or hemispheres, of the brain are responsible for different manners of thinking. The following list illustrates the differences between left-brain and right-brain thinking:

Left Brain-logical, sequential, rational, analytical, objective, mechanical

Right Brain-creativity, random, intuitive, risk taker, artisitic, subjective, abstract thinking

So lets tap into the right side of the brain. Take a coloring book and being as creative as you can, color the picture. But don't color the sky blue because that's how your left brain would color it, color it how your right brain would (pink, orange, purple, any color); add things to the picture that aren't originally there, a rainbow, birds, trees, etc. Let you mind wonder! There's no wrong way to being creative, it's how you see it or want to see it.

These basic exercises will help train your right side of the brain and spark a hidden creative energy that will be unstoppable.

Step#2: Awareness

A misunderstood myth is that creative people can pull ideas out of thin air. This is hardly ever true, most of the time creativity is based on something they've seen, smelt, touched, heard, or tasted. They become very in tune with their five senses allowing them to be aware of their surroundings. We call this our "source". Creative minds always have a source that triggers creativity, and we usually have more than one source to fit any situation. You need to find your creative sources.

As you do you may ask yourself some simple questions:
What is it that I like about this?
What situations could this help me with?
What sense does this apply to?

Once you've found your source, start collecting or keeping a journal of your finds. For example, when I see a website design I like I usually will archive it for a later date. I'll also collect magazine ads, pictures, and articles that spark my interest. By keeping a collection or journal of what you find, this will allow you to lay the ground work to creativity, with the only thing to add is your own creative flare.

Exercise #1: Blindfold yourself while having someone place food items in front of you. Try and guess what they are. Do the same exercise with sound, smell, and touch.

Exercise #2: A creative person has a great memory which allows them to recall their sources at any given time. To practice, take a picture of something- anything. It could be boring or interesting, study it for 3-5 minutes. Once 3-5 minutes are up, turn the picture over, on a piece of paper write down what you've seen. But just don't say trees, rocks, leaves, be specific. How many trees, what kind of trees are they, what color are the leaves, what season is it, what size of rocks are present, are they boulders or pebbles or both, be as detailed as you possibly can. Once you've mastered 3-5 min, up the ante by doing it for 1 or 2 minutes. This exercise will teach you to use your memory quickly in any situation.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

What Cuases Stillbirth and Miscarriages?

Miscarriages and Stillbirths:
Miscarriages are medically referred to as spontaneous abortions. This term is used to describe the loss of a fetus in the first half of pregnancy (before 20 to 24 weeks). After this time, if a baby dies in a mother's uterus on or after the 24 week mark, it is known as a stillbirth.

Both events can be devastating for prospective parents, so understanding the causes, what precautions can be taken and how to deal with the feeling of loss caused by a miscarriage or stillbirth is vital.

In this section we look at: the risks of miscarriage and stillbirths, possible causes, and what diagnosis can be given for miscarriages and stillbirths.

What Causes Miscarriages?
Women can miscarry for various reasons. Most of the early miscarriages occur when the embryo fails to attach to the wall of the uterus because the lining isn't prepared for implantation or because the embryo has severe chromosomal or developmental defects. The presence of an autoimmune disorder, severe infection or illness, or an abnormality in the shape of the womb may also occasionally lead to miscarriage. If the embryo is exposed to so-called 'teratogenic' substances (e.g. x-rays, certain medications or drugs) within the first two weeks of conception, then either a very early miscarriage will take place or the pregnancy will go ahead as normal and the child will not have been damaged. The cause of most miscarriages, however, is not known.

Later miscarriages can be caused by problems such as genetic or chromosomal defects; abnormalities of the uterus (for example, a subdivided/septate uterus) or of the placenta; severe illness; metabolic disease in the mother (diabetes or thyroid problems); bacterial or viral infections (e.g. toxoplasmosis and listeriosis); or incompetence of the cervix.

The chances of a woman miscarrying increase with age, and also (but less so) with the number of previous pregnancies. As miscarriage is common, affecting nearly 15% of clinically recognised pregnancies, many women may have a miscarriage if they have enough pregnancies. Thus, a history of miscarriage doesn't really make it any more likely that you'll go on and miscarry again. It's advisable, however, to wait at least three months before attempting to conceive after a miscarriage, as the uterus lining needs some time to recover.

Rarely, some women have what is known as recurrent miscarriage, but this refers to those with three or more consecutive miscarriages. This is sometimes due to a medical reason such as one of the parents carrying a predisposition to chromosome problems in the baby, or the mother having an autoimmune problem or an abnormally shaped uterus. The majority of women who miscarry go on to have a successful next pregnancy.

The most common symptoms of miscarriage are similar to those of a period and are bleeding (which occurs in 95% of cases), possibly with clots, and/or cramp-type pain.

Stillbirth/ Intrauterine Deaths:
Stillbirth is the delivery of a dead fetus in the last half of pregnancy. In Ireland, it is still defined as delivery after 24 weeks, whereas increasingly a definition of delivery after 20 weeks is used. Stillbirth is also sometimes referred to as late fetal death or intrauterine death.

Sadly, the exact cause of stillbirth remains unknown in over 30% of cases. In the rest of the cases, stillbirth may be due to poor fetal growth, severe fetal abnormality, placental problems, pre-eclampsia, uncontrolled diabetes, severe cases of Rhesus incompatibility, infections, antepartum haemorrhage and post-maturity. This is one reason why obstetricians usually recommend induction of labour at term (from 38 weeks) if there are problems in the pregnancy.

How common is it? The incidence of stillbirths in Westernised countries is fortunately declining, having fallen from around 2% in the UK in the 1950s to 0.3% in the early 1990s. Stillbirths tend to be more common in deprived communities, in older women and in women who receive poor care during their pregnancy.

What are the signs? If the baby has died movements stop, the uterus may also start to shrink and there is weight loss.

Stillbirth is often preceded by a reduction in fetal movements in the days or week before the baby dies inside the womb. For this reason, if you're over 30 weeks pregnant, it's important to report any major reduction in the frequency of movements over a period of a day or so to your healthcare professional.

Often when you feel no movements, your baby will be shown to be moving when tested in hospital. But some babies will show signs of distress, and can be saved by early delivery.

Try to familiarise yourself with your baby's movements and contact your healthcare professional without delay if you don't feel anything for six to eight hours.

Although labour will follow naturally within a few days to weeks after the death of the baby, in the majority of cases women prefer to have labour induced straight away. Caesarean sections are not normally carried out, so that the mother isn't subjected to an unnecessary operation. Counselling and support will be provided and every effort will be made to try and discover the cause.

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Medical Comics: US Teen Pregnancies At 40-Year Low

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

How Does the Face Age - what is actually happening that makes us look older?

Chun Chun is the Heaviest Newborn in the World

Chinese mother has given birth to a 15.52 pound baby.

A mother in central China has given birth to a 15.52 pound (7.04 kilogram) baby, possibly the largest newborn on record since the country's founding in 1949.

The state-run Tianjin Post said Tuesday that the 29-year-old mother in Henan province gave birth to the boy Saturday by cesarean section. It said delivery took just 20 minutes and both mother and the baby, named Chun Chun, are doing fine.

The paper said Chun Chun s parents are average size and there was nothing unusual about his mother s pregnancy or diet.

The paper said it wasn t immediately clear whether Chun Chun made China s record books.Guinness World Records says the heaviest newborn ever recorded was born to an Ohio woman in 1879 and weighed 23.7 pounds (10.77 kilograms).

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

The Psychology of Smoking - Why do People Smoke?

Smoking is one of the most difficult addictions to break. Scientists estimate that cigarettes are more addictive than cocaine, heroin, or alcohol. According to the World Health Organization, smoking kills more people than any disease in the world. With all this information readily available, why do people continue to smoke?

Most people who smoke do so because they can't stop. Nicotine is a highly addictive substance that makes people feel energized and alert. Smokers get a rush after a cigarette, and giving up produces withdrawal symptoms that include difficulty sleeping and cravings. Seventy percent of people who quit smoking eventually start again.

Tobacco advertising also has a big influence on why people smoke. For years, the industry has focused on making smoking glamorous through advertising in movies, television, and billboards. While cigarette advertising is now controlled, its influence can still be felt in the form of free samples, smoking cartoons, and the promise of cool merchandise that can be obtained in exchange for coupons printed on cigarette packs. Many people claim that smoking keeps them thin, but the truth is that smoking reduces the sense of taste, so many people who smoke simply eat less because they don't enjoy food as much.

Smoking also produces psychological dependency. Many people smoke because it helps them relax and cope with difficult situations, or because it gives them confidence. Others smoke when they feel bored. Smoking produces a feeling of satisfaction that's difficult to give up. Finally, people who smoke are usually in denial – they know that smoking is bad, but they convince themselves it's simply "not as terrible as they make it sound."

Smoking is a social activity as well. Many people who smoke do so as a way to start conversations and interact at parties or in crowded places. This is known as "social smoking," and it usually involves alcohol as a complement.

Many teenagers start smoking due to peer pressure. They may also smoke to feel more mature or as a form of rebellion against parental authority. It has been proved that children are also more likely to smoke if their parents do.

Monday, February 06, 2012

What is the Cause of a False Positive Pregnancy Test?

What is the Cause of a False Positive Pregnancy Test?False positive pregnancy test basically means HCG was detected in the urine. HCG is present in the placenta when the embryo is attached to the uterus. False pregnancy is rear by do occur. If you have done the home pregnancy test and result shows positive, we blindly accept it, after all pregnancy tests are supposed to be 99% accurate. However there are several reasons sighted about why a home pregnancy test could be misguiding.

The chances of inaccuracy rises up when the guidelines mentioned in the kit is not followed and also when the result is not read in the stipulated time. Keep a track of the time, since you will not realize how time flies when one is anxious and impatient. Double checking the result could also give you false positive pregnancy test. This possibly is the main cause of inaccurate tests. So adhere to the instructions mentioned on the kit.

If urine is contaminated with protein or medicine like phenothiczune it could interfere with the results leading to wrong results. The pregnancy tests are accurate sometimes while on the other hand it is also possible that the tests may not be accurate. There are many reasons behind this fact which we will discuss here.

When the strip changes color, the result is said to be positive, but if manipulated it could also give inaccurate results. Evaporation lines start appearing after 3-5 minutes. Reading after the stipulated time could result in inaccuracy.

If your pregnancy test result is positive consult your doctor immediately, sometimes certain types of cancer like chorocarcinama, ovarian, breast cancer can cause increase in the level of HCG, thus leading to false positive pregnancy test.

Using pregnancy kit which has crossed the expiry date could give you false indications. Always check the best before date before you proceed.

A woman who has been undergoing treatment for infertility and was given HCG injection will test positive too. The container where urine needs to be collected should be free of detergent or soap deposits; this could result in false positive pregnancy test.

Thus there are many chances of false positive pregnancy test results. The results are only due to certain chemical reactions. The presence or absence of proteins in the urine or blood may cause the pregnancy test strips to change color. Thus even if your pregnancy test is positive, it is very much possible that you are not pregnant. The best way to go about it is that when you feel that you are pregnant, you must go and see a doctor about it. Ask for the doctor's advice with regard to your eating habits and rest while you are pregnant. This will keep you as well as your baby safe from any mishap.

Sunless tanning: A safe alternative to sunbathing

Today, people are making use of many advanced technologies to darken their skin effectively. In the earlier days, sun bathing was a popular tanning method among the people due to its effective results. Ultraviolet radiations that are emitted by the sun are responsible for stimulating melanin production which ultimately results in darkening of skin. However, it is found that overexposure to UV B radiation can cause skin burn and even skin cancer. Hence, people started to look for different ways to get darkened skin. Thanks to sunless tanning treatments that paved way for safe and effective skin darkening.

Increasing demand for sunless treatments has paved way for development of many modernized skin darkening techniques and tanning salons that offer simple and effective ways for darkening the skin. Different types of sunless skin coloring techniques are available in the present days. Some common sunless treatments are tanning beds, skin darkening lotions, hand spray and booth spray tan. Among the different types of sunless skin darkening techniques, spraying methods are preferred more by people due to its effective, safe and affordable nature.

Like sun tanning, tanning beds are also gradually declining in its popularity because overexposure to tanning lamp radiations will also cause severe skin related problems. However, it is found that some skin problems like eczema or even psoriasis can be cured by making use of tanning bed, but some skin allergies or rashes can become worst while exposed to UV radiations.

Sunless skin coloring method offers a wide range of benefits when compared to traditional sun bathing. Besides, modernized sunless skin darkening techniques and equipments are attracting a large number of people throughout the world with its safe, effective and reliable nature.

Some important benefits offered by sunless tanning treatment are listed below:

When compared with traditional sun bathing method, sunless treatment offers a safe way of darkening the skin without causing any skin burns or cancer due to its customized features. For example, tanning booth can be switched to different tanning spraying speeds such as light, medium or dark.

If you want to darken your skin quickly, booth tanning can offer tanning within 30 minutes, while sun tanning may require several hours of exposure to sun. You can get better tanning results and ways to maximize your tanning results using sunless tanning treatments.

Long lasting:
Usually, darkened skin can last up to five days, if proper moisturizers are applied after the tanning process on regular basis. You can even enhance the tanning results by following the guidelines offered by an expert tanning technician before and after tanning.

Self tanners are available in different price tags and you can choose the best one according to your expectation and budget. However, tanning booth are considered quite expensive than tanning beds.

Sunless tanning treatments are available in different forms and self tanners are also available according to the skin coloration of the people.

Sunday, February 05, 2012

Head patch watches over stroke patients’ blood flow in brains

Stroke is one of the silent killers just like heart attacks, and the amount of damage it does to the body varies, with many of those who suffered from a stroke before having to live with limited movement as well as slurred speech. Not only that, statistics show that nearly 33% of stroke patients experience another stroke – all the while when they are still stuck in the hospital. Nurses assigned to such patients will have to go the extra mile then to keep a close eye on them, and also to help arrange for such patients to undergo additional tests if they fall under the category of being a high risk case of getting another stroke.

It is rather unfortunate that such tests can prove to be invasive, and in some cases are even potentially harmful to the patient. Good thing advancements in modern medical technology brings good news – there is a spanking new device that is being developed at the Mayo Clinic in Florida, which might eventually be able to monitor the potential advent of another stroke through the simple act of shining light onto a patient’s forehead.

This device is known as near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), where it will be attached to the brow skin just like a sticker. Following that, it measures blood oxygen levels in the brain, and through the emission of near-infrared light that penetrates the scalp, which will in turn proceed about 2.5 centimeters (0.98 inches) into the underlying brain tissue, makes it work similar in nature to the pulse oximeter that is widely used today, although the latter will clamp onto one’s finger.

Standard operating procedures in testing for a stroke will require a CT perfusion scan to be performed, where this will measure blood flow and oxygenation via the use of an introduced contrast medium, and in some cases might actually result in airway or kidney damage. Should multiple scans be required, such a process will also expose the patient to excessive radiation, and that has a risk of cancer as well. Hopefully the new device can be miniaturized eventually for everyday use, including assessing the extent of brain injuries.

The anorexic mom who wears the same cloths as her 7-yr-old daughter

Standing side-by-side in matching outfits, you'd be forgiven for mistaking Rebecca and Maisy Jones as sisters. But, in fact, this is a picture of a 26-year-old woman and her seven-year-old daughter. After suffering from anorexia half her life, Rebecca's tiny frame fits easily into clothes designed for seven to eight year olds. Weighing just five stone, the young mother weighs less than her daughter, despite standing eight inches taller.

"Wearing the same clothes as Maisy gives me a sense of pride. It's wrong, but it makes me feel good. I don't think I'm thin - I always see myself as bigger."

The medical secretary survives on soup, toast and energy drinks – even though doctors have warned her the lack of nutrients could kill her. At the same time she encourages 5st 9lb Maisy to enjoy chocolate and cupcakes.

Pupils who shout out in class achieve better results than their counterparts

Impulsive children who find it irresistible to shout out in class score higher in tests than their peers, who seem to be better behaved and quiet, state researchers.

A Durham University study that looked at 12,000 primary school pupils in England found children who "blurt out" responses perform better in maths and English.

"Although it may seem disruptive, blurting out of answers clearly helps these pupils to learn," the BBC quoted study co-author Christine Merrell as saying.

The study, carried out by the Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring (CEM) at Durham University, compared English and maths test results with monitoring reports of pupils' behaviour.

The study of children at 556 schools found those pupils who showed "impulsive" behaviour, such as being unable to resist shouting out to teachers in class, were more likely to achieve higher test results.

The findings run against the model of quiet, assiduous pupils - and it raises questions about how the enthusiasm of such demanding and noisy behaviour could be managed and controlled in a school.

The study looked at a full range of pupils in state and independent schools - including those who were considered "inattentive" or who had symptoms of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive disorder).

The researchers found that among this group, those who called out performed better in tests than similar children who remained quiet in class.

Children who were considered well behaved and able to pay attention were more likely to be higher achievers than those who were inattentive.

But within this attentive group there was also the same pattern, with those who were not self-conscious about shouting out responses in class being more likely to have higher attainment.

Peter Tymms, head of Durham University's school of education and lead author of the research, said that among children with ADHD symptoms, those who got excited and shouted out seemed to be more "cognitively engaged and as a result learn more".

"Perhaps those children also benefit from receiving additional feedback and attention from their teacher," suggested Prof Tymms.

What is Restless Leg Syndrome? Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

A lot of us may not consider restless leg syndrome (RLS) as a serious condition, but for those who are affected, it is a different story. Restless leg syndrome, or Willis-Ekburn disease, is a condition that is neurological in origin. It is the irresistible need to move a certain body part just to cope with stress, anxiety, pain or other external factors. It usually affects the legs, hence the name, but it could also affect the arms, the trunk area and even phantom body parts. Phantom body parts are those limbs that have been amputated, but the amputee still feels as if that certain limb is still there.

The real cause of this syndrome is not known. However, genetics has been found to play a great part in the passing on of the disease. People who exhibit signs and symptoms of restless leg syndrome at a young age usually get it from their parents. Other related factors would be pregnancy, kidney conditions, iron deficiency, Parkinson's disease and other neurologic conditions.

Spotting restless leg syndrome is easy. The following would be the most common signs and symptoms of RLS: cramps, pain, tingling, and/or itchy sensation in the legs. Some patients even refer to it as an "itch that can neither be placed nor scratched."

In diagnosing restless leg syndrome, not a lot of lab work is needed. The patient would not need to have xrays or other imaging tests done because they would not show any abnormal results related to the disease. Blood exams may be done to check for dopamine and iron levels. It has be found that patients with this syndrome usually show a decrease in the level of dopamine and/or iron, thus some restless leg syndrome treatments target the correction of those abnormalities.

The most accurate way to diagnose the disease though, would be through the criteria set by the National Institutes of Health. These four conditions should be met before giving out the diagnosis. One would be that the patient should have a very strong need to move his legs or limbs. Next would be that the symptoms worsen during periods of inactivity. Third would be that the symptoms are relieved by movement. And lastly, symptoms worsen at night.

Treatment for restless leg syndrome varies from person to person and depends on the underlying cause of the condition. For example, if it has been found that low dopamine levels may have cause your leg's jerky movements, then your doctor may prescribe you with medication that would help return them to normal levels. If the underlying cause of RLS would be stress, then your doctor may give you sedatives and might advise you to use some relaxation techniques to combat the stress. Some of these techniques would be deep breathing exercises, meditation and yoga.

Though restless leg syndrome does not have any serious implications to one's health, it could really become bothersome since your involuntary movements might keep you up at night and deprive you from the rest that you need. If you observe yourself to be exhibiting the behaviors mentioned above, and if you feel that you have met the four criterion set by the NIH, you should go and consult your doctor.

What is Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease? Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

GERD, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease, is a condition wherein the contents of the stomach are being regurgitated back up the esophagus. Because of the acidity of the contents of the stomach, the lining of the esophagus can become injured or inflamed. Even though GERD is a life-long condition, there are certain measures that can relieve and minimize its symptoms.

The reflux or the regurgitation of the stomach's contents back into the esophagus is very common among people. In normal people, this isn't a problem. The reflux usually happens when a person is in an upright position, and gravity encourages the return of the stomach's content back to the stomach. Another protective mechanism of the body, is through swallowing. Every time we swallow, the regurgitated liquid is sent back to the stomach. Plus the saliva we swallow helps neutralize any acidic liquid that remains in the esophagus. However, for people with GERD, the acid stays in the esophagus for longer periods of time and the reflux also happens more frequently.

GERD can be due to multiple factors. Some people produce abnormally large amounts of acid, while others problems with their lower esophageal sphincter. This sphincter is responsible for preventing the reflux of liquid back to the esophagus. Slow or delayed emptying of the stomach can also cause GERD. Pregnancy can also make a woman more susceptible to the disorder because of the hormonal and anatomical changes the body undergoes. Some antihypertensive and anticholinergic medications can also puts a person at risk for developing GERD.

Common GERD symptoms include heartburn and regurgitation. Heartburn, which is often mistaken as chest pain, is the identifying symptom of GERD. People describe it as a burning pain that occurs in the middle part of the chest. Usually it starts in the upper middle quadrant of the abdomen and may even radiate to the neck and back. Some patients describe it a sharp pain that is similar to angina or cardiac pain. Heartburn occurs when the acidic content of the stomach stimulates the nerves in the esophagus. It often occurs after meals and when a person is lying down. The occurrence of heartburn is usually periodic. Sometimes it could frequently occur for weeks to months, and then occur less frequently or may even be absent for the next succeeding weeks.

The regurgitation of acidic stomach liquid in the mouth is also another common GERD symptom. The liquid usually stays in the esophagus and only a small amount is regurgitated but in some patients, large amounts are refluxed. Sometimes, the liquid may even contain food. Usually, these leave an acidic taste in the mouth. Nausea is another GERD symptom. It is an uncommon symptom, but it can also occur frequently in some patients. It could even be severe enough that it can lead to vomiting.

The management for GERD symptoms requires discipline and commitment. Changes in diet and eating habits are necessary to prevent and lessen the occurrence of GERD symptoms. Smaller meals will help lessen stomach distention and prevent its contents from refluxing. Taking your dinner early and elevating your upper body when you sleep will also help prevent the symptoms from appearance at night and when you wake up. You should also avoid fatty foods, chocolates, carbonated drinks, caffeine, acidic food, citrus juices, spicy food and peppermint because these types of food promote acid reflux. Likewise, avoiding alcoholic drinks and smoking cessation will also help minimize the symptoms. Chewing gum after meals is encouraged as this helps stimulate the production of saliva that you can swallow. There are also a lot medications that can help manage GERD symptoms, so it is important that you consult your doctor about which drug to take.

Saturday, February 04, 2012

Lower Abdominal Pain and Probable Diagnosis

Also known as abdominal cramps, it is mostly associated with the digestive parts of the body. Although there can be a large number of causes, the distinct areas of pain provide a series of clues on the possible causes of lower abdominal pain. Furthermore, depending on the type of pain felt, the seriousness and urgency for medical help can be determined. This means that thorough assessment is needed with some tests to accurately determine the cause.

Lower abdominal pain usually starts below the umbilicus. Some may also refer to it as pelvic pain. The discomfort can be caused by a lot of factors and may be chronic or acute. The pelvis can also be used as a point of reference and the pain can be localized in the left or the right area. The pain can last from a short intermittent span to a long period of time. There can be a multitude of reasons for the abdominal pain a person might feel and it consists of some form of infections, sexually transmitted diseases, lymphomas, diabetes, kidney stones, menstrual cramps, vaginitis, tumors, endometriosis, dysmenorrhea, appendicitis, and bowel disorders. And though these types of causes may present themselves in particular areas of the lower abdomen, there can still be several diagnostic exams to be performed to determine the actual problem.

Lower abdominal pain is mostly experienced by women because the pain is present during menstruation. The intensity of the cramps may vary depending on the amount of pain that an individual can manage. Also, there are several usual culprits of pelvic pain in women. One is inflammation of the bladder or cystitis. Due to the anatomical position of the female urinary system, women are commonly predisposed to infection more so than men. Another cause can be from kidney stones, wherein the pain is usually located on the flank area and are usually described as sharp and knife-like pain. This can be due to the stones moving and damaging the urinary tract and the bladder. Pain can also come from the fallopian tubes, uterus, or the ovary. This type of pain can be located centrally on the pelvis. Dysmenorrhoea during menstruation is another cause of lower abdominal pain. Ovarian cysts can also cause pain, they can be experienced bilaterally or only on either side of the pelvic region. Endometriosis results to pain in the uterus similar to the ones caused by fibroids. Pelvic inflammatory disease can also cause pain on the central area of the pelvis and may radiate at the sides. And lastly, ectopic pregnancy can also cause pain that may be usually felt on the fallopian tube areas, near the flank region.

Pain on the lower left area can be located on the left of the umbilicus. This area consists of the left urinary bladder, descending large intestine, left kidney, sigmoid colon, fallopian tube, and several nerves. Tumors, stones, and aneurysms can cause the pain in these areas. Bowel obstruction can be another cause of the pain, and this can be caused by inflammation of the colon or a mass of tissue. Chron's disease and diverticulitis causes inflammation of the colon and both can also cause pain on the left lower abdomen. Hernias can also be a factor. And one common cause is an infection of the left kidney which is directly located in the left flank area.

Pain on the right lower abdomen is usually suspected in appendicitis cases. The pain can sometimes radiate to the other side of the abdomen. Cancer of the large intestine can be another reason and inflammatory bowel diseases. Intussusceptions of the bowel can also lead to a sharp pain and at times may be similar to pains caused by an infection on the right side of the kidney. Lymphomas are another culprit.

The range of pain may range from just tenderness to severe pain. And depending on the cause, it may be steady. However, in most cases, it is intermittent. Additionally, the pain can be felt during strenuous activities like jogging or running. Cramps may be persistent during or before bowel movement. The pain on the reproductive area may come during intercourse. The characteristics of lower abdominal pain can greatly vary according to its cause and although the type and area of pain can give clues to what the causes are, an in-depth diagnostic study may be necessary for a more accurate diagnosis.

How is depression diagnosed and treated?

Depression is a medical condition. It is not just on one's mind. It is not an imaginary illness. It is a real disorder that requires diagnosis. Hence, a person who suspects himself or herself of being depressed must undergo a depression test to confirm the existence of the said disorder. Eventually, depression is like any other illness that demands treatment.

Medical practitioners and mental health experts usually conduct several depression tests to diagnose whether a patient is suffering from depression or is merely experiencing other medical diseases that manifest symptoms similar to that of depression. Physical, laboratory and other examinations are included during a patient's evaluation aside from the depression test. However, the primary tool to diagnose depression is through the symptoms experienced by the affected person.

Mental health professionals generally devise an assessment tool for depression. This tool is consists of questions that pertain to the symptoms of depression. It attempts to elicit what symptoms are experienced by the person seeking for mental health assistance. A person who manifests or experiences five or more of the symptoms for two weeks or longer is considered depressed. The following symptoms of depression are included in the tool used for depression test:

1. Loss of appetite that results to weight loss
2. Over eating that results to weight gain
3. Insomnia or difficult of sleeping during sleeping hours
4. Hypersomnia or oversleeping during waking hours
5. Feeling of worthlessness
6. Feeling of helplessness
7. Feeling of hopelessness
8. Feeling of too much guilt
9. Lack of energy or always feeling tired
10. Loses interest on previously enjoyed activities
11. Problem on concentration or focus
12. Difficulty of making decisions or remembering trivial details
13. Frequent suicidal thoughts
14. Restless, aggressive or irritable

The abovementioned symptoms are to be evaluated during the depression test. However, other medical conditions must be ruled out first through other diagnostic examinations.

The other tests conducted to ensure that the patient is not suffering from other diseases include blood tests, CT scan or MRI, electrocardiogram and electroencephalogram. The blood tests are done to verify that the symptoms manifested by the patient are not caused by anemia or thyroid hormone imbalance. Another component of the depression tests are radiology examinations such as CT scan and MRI. These are used to confirm presence of brain tumor. Furthermore, electrocardiogram is used to test existence of any cardiac condition that might have caused the symptoms or the depressive disorder itself. Lastly, electroencephalogram is utilized to assess variation or abnormalities in the brain activity of the affected person. All of these diagnostic examinations are done together with the depression test. But then again, these examinations are intended for ruling out other medical conditions, not exactly to diagnose depression per se.

Indeed, depression is a serious illness. It can cause functional and social disabilities to the affected person. In fact, it is one of the most common causes of death these days. Therefore, as early as possible, a person suspected for depression must submit himself/herself for depression test and treatment. Depression test is a reliable examination to diagnose depression. However, the result of a depression test must be analyzed by a medical or mental health expert to ensure that the diagnosis is accurate.

What causes Sweaty Palms and How you can naturally Cure it

Sweaty palms is not a new phenomenon and recent estimates have shown that nearly 1 percent of people the world over suffer from this problem. It is a kind of skin condition that is known as hyperhidrosis where you cannot stop your hands from sweating. It is also known as palmar hyperhidrosis. Earlier, medical science had blamed the cause of sweaty palms on psychosomatic illness, which has been challenged by recent research on the subject in the last few decades.

Imbalance of the sympathetic nervous system:
Primarily, perspiration of the palms can be attributed to anxiety during a social interaction or a social situation. The reasons for sweating are more physiological than anything else and happen when the nervous system becomes very hyperactive in some individuals. The nervous system in a human being is very complex and sympathetic as well and it makes up what is known as a flight or fight response.

Sweaty palms can come about from such a situation where a large number of chemicals are released like adrenalin which in turn increases the rate of heartbeat and constricts blood vessels. It results in sweating. The entire situation changes the balance of the sympathetic nervous system and leads to sweaty palms. You can return to normalcy with medication as it takes stock of the imbalance.

Recent developments in treatment based on research carried out in the past decade have made it possible for people to get rid of the problem. Your best bet would be to consult your doctor who can suggest some injections which can cure the sweaty glands problem. Injections by doctors can block off the sweat glands, but there is no guarantee about side effects impairing your health later on.

Natural cure:
Drugs and medication are known to come with side effects as the problem moves to some other part of the body. In order to stop excessive hand sweating, many people have gone in for over the counter drugs and medication only to find the problem surfacing elsewhere on the body. The best way to get out of the sweaty mess is to check out natural methods like avoiding caffeine from your daily diet.

Natural methods are devoid of side effects as many people coast to coast have vouched in recent years. Place your sweaty hands in a small bath of water through which an electric charge is passed. Hyperhidrosis treatment can be done at home without any side effects. Among the natural applications that you can use, iodine is the best.

You can eat foods rich in iodine like beef, turkey, onion, broccoli, liver and a variety of veggies and meats. Some natural formulations use extracts of these foods to make pills which you can pop in from time to time to get rid of the sticky mess on your hands. You can also preserve the used tea bags after they are boiled. Hold them in your hands for half an hour for your palms to take in the tannic acid released by them.