Prostate Cancer(Contemporary Issues in Cancer Imaging)Hedvig Hricak and Peter ScardinoISBN-10: 0521887046ISBN-13: 978-0521887045Cambridge University PressA multidisciplinary disease management approach is critical in this disease. For the radiologist, understanding the pathophysiology, critical clinical issues, and advantages and limitations of different treatments is essential for meaningful interpretation of imaging studies. Similarly, for the...
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Monday, January 31, 2011
USMLE question No. 1: A 67-year-old woman presents with a 4-week history of headaches, facial pain, blurred vision, and intense pain ...
A 67-year-old woman presents with a 4-week history of headaches, facial pain, blurred vision, and intense pain and stiffness in her shoulders and hips. She is diagnosed with a vasculitis, and a biopsy of an affected artery is taken. Histological examination is most likely to reveal which of the following characteristic findings?(A) concentric “onion skin” thickening and fibrosis(B) extensive intra- and extravascular granulomatous inflammation(C)...
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Download Treatment Planning in Radiation Oncology, 2nd ed. 2007 free
Treatment Planning in Radiation OncologyFaiz M. KhanISBN-10: 0781785413ISBN-13: 978-0781785419L W WCompletely updated for its Second Edition, this text is a comprehensive guide to state-of-the-art treatment planning techniques in radiation oncology. The book provides the treatment planning team—radiation oncologists, medical physicists, and medical dosimetrists—with detailed information on both the physics of radiation treatment planning and the...
Frequently Asked questions about United States Medical License Examination (USMLE)
Q1: What is USMLE and what's the difference between it and the ECFMG?Answer: USMLE is an abbreviation of UNITED STATES MEDICAL LICENSE EXAMINATION, it allows you to have a medical license to practice medicine in USA, it consist of series of examinations which when you finish, you will get the USMLE certificate, however, this is applied to the USA and CANADA medical college graduates only who can apply for residency (neyaba) right after finishing...
Saturday, January 29, 2011
A case study of 62 year old female having atrial fibrillation, MI, and fracture of femur
A 62-year-old woman has had atrial fibrillation since experiencing a myocardial infarction (MI) 7 months prior. Two weeks ago she was hospitalized following a car accident in which she suffered a compound fracture of her left femur and several severe contusions. She now returns to the emergency room with right flank pain, hematuria, and left-sided paralysis. These newly developing problems are most likely the result of which of the following?(A)...
Friday, January 28, 2011
How to differentiate Seasonal and Swine flu, common cold and allergies with their possible management

With flu season in full swing, it’s important to know what ails you (so you can help stop the spread by staying home). But how do you really know if you have the flu—swine or seasonal—or if it’s just another cold or an allergy? Use our handy sympt-o-meter.1. Seasonal flu:Key symptom:Fever that comes on fastBest fix:Acetaminophen or ibuprofenIf your fever hits 101°F or 102°F...
Plan your acticities by using iStudiez application for iphone

If you're a medical student, you may want to think about using iStudiez Pro as you study for your exams. This is a great tool that can help you leverage mobile technology as you're going through medical school. iStudiez can help you organize your schedule, keep up with homework and assignments, and stay on top of your grades. If you're on a tight budget, then you can get iStudiez...
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Breast Cancer Risk Factors, Diagnosis and treatment
BREAST CANCERRisk Factors:Age >50Family HistoryLCIS or atypical hyperplasiaDense breast tissueBRCA mutationTypes:InvasiveDuctalLobularMucinousTubularNon-invasiveDCIS (does not metastasize)Diagnosis;Mammogram is a SCREENING TOOLFNAExcisional BxCore BxSterotactic BXWho to MRI;Known BRCA mutationFirst degree relative with BRCA mutation20% risk based on validated model (BRACA-Pro)Other familial syndromeCowden, Li-Fraummeni, HNPCCHx of chest wall RT...
What is Shock? Its epidemiology, clinical presentation, evaluation and management
Outline:DefinitionEpidemiologyPhysiologyClasses of ShockClinical PresentationManagementControversiesDefinition;A physiologic state characterized by Inadequate tissue perfusion, Clinically manifested byHemodynamic disturbancesOrgan dysfunctionEpidemiology:MortalitySeptic shock – 35-40% (1 month mortality)Cardiogenic shock – 60-90%Hypovolemic shock – variable/mechanismPathophysiology:Imbalance in oxygen supply and demandConversion from aerobic to anaerobic...
What is Low Latent Inhibition? Find out its Pros, Cons and diagnosis

Michael Scofield is the main protagonist in the American television series Prison Break. In this series, Michael was diagnosed to be suffering from LOW LATENT INHIBITION. It is here, i got an idea to right a post about LLI.The brains of creative people appear to be more open to incoming stimuli from the surrounding environment. Other people's brains might shut out this same...
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Central Heating Linked to making you fat: Sitting in your cosy home stops you from burning calories
Having the heating on high could also pile extra pounds on your weight, scientists believe. Experts say many of us now keep our homes so cosy that we no longer have to burn as many calories to naturally warm up our bodies. Modern centrally heated homes with efficient double glazing are helping to send obesity rates soaring, a study claims.Scientists from University College London say it is an increasing problem across the developed world where average...
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Children who have low levels of self-control at three are more likely to have a Criminal Record by the age of 32

It's worrying news for any parent who's struggled with a headstrong young child. Scientists claim that children who have low levels of self-control at three are more likely to have health and money problems and a criminal record by the age of 32, regardless of background and IQ.Researchers from Britain, the U.S. and New Zealand analysed data from two large studies in which...
Acute Abdomen, its sign symptoms, History, Examination and Treatment

INTRODUCTION;Acute abdomen is the most common presenting surgical emergency. It has been estimated that at least 50% of general surgical admissions are emergencies and 50% of them present with acute abdominal pain.Studies have shown a 30-day mortality of 4% among patients admitted with acute abdomen. So, it represents a significant part of the general surgical workload. The...
Monday, January 24, 2011
Assessment, Resuscitation and treatment of Burn Injuries

I. Assessing Severity of Burn Injury A. Functions of the Skin:1. maintains fluid and electrolyte balance2. protects the body from invasion3. regulates body temperature B. Anatomy:1. epidermis2. dermis (includes epidermal appendages)3. subcutaneous tissue4. fascia...
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Introduction to Hernia, its types, mechanism of development, signs, symptoms and treatment
OBJECTIVES:What is meant by herniaThe mechanism of developing a herniaSigns and symptoms produced by a herniaThe types of herniaComplications produced as a result of herniaTreatment of herniaPreventive measures against development of herniaDEFINITION:A hernia is a protrusion of any viscus from its proper cavity. The protruded parts are generally contained in a sac-like structure, formed by the membrane with which the cavity is naturally lined.MECHANISM:The...