In the US, 28 million estimated individuals suffer from migraine. According to the World Health Organization, it is one of the most unbearable diseases in the whole world. It can be long term or it can happen within hours only.
Before the onset of puberty, girls and boys may suffer migraine. But the ratio of migraine is 3:1 meaning; the girls have a higher chance of having a migraine against boys. This is due to certain hormonal imbalance in girls.
Migraine pain cure is the only method to treat this. Here are various migraine treatments to relieve your from stress and annoyance because of migraine.
Ice pack: This is a fast way to treat migraine. An ice pack is positioned in the forehead to soothe the swelling of the blood vessels in the head. A hot water can additionally be used to soak the feet to simultaneously relieve you from migraine.
Sleeping habit: Getting a good night sleep is an extra way to take away your throbbing in the head. 8 hours of sleep is sufficient to relax your body and mind.
Correct diet: Correct nutritional intake will help fight migraine. It is best to adhere to the food pyramid as your guide to absorb the required essentials for your body and brain. Remember to steer clear of foods that have MSG because it can trigger migraine.
Raw food diet is an efficient way to relieve you from migraine. Raw food diet flushes out the toxins in the body resulting in a healthier body and mind. Do not skip meals because it is also another cause to trigger the onset of migraine.
Acupuncture: Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese method that helps in stimulating our pressure points. Fine needles are being pricked into your skin to stimulate proper blood circulation in the head resulting in relief of migraine.
Yoga: Yoga is a meditating exercise to relax the body especially the mind. This exercise technique is very effective especially when the commencement of migraine triggers stress and anxiety.
Massage: Massage is also a very relaxing method to take away migraine pain. The body and the head is massaged to take away the stress. Proper blood circulation is achieved thus; it eases the blood vessels in the head to swell.
Herbal teas: Herbal teas such as lavender, chamomile, green tea and rosemary tea are good suppliers of caffeine to stimulate your nerves. Stay away from drinking excessively because it may worsen the migraine. Make sure that these herbal teas are permitted by the FDA for health safety reasons.
Medicines: Over-the-counter medicines that are obtainable in pharmacies can be bought to alleviate your headache. Ensure that the medicine is taken in the correct dosage. Remember, not to rely too much in medicines as sometimes it is also the cause of migraine.
Change your lifestyle Migraine may arise because of your lifestyle. Alcohol consumption, smoking cigarettes or working in a very noisy location can trigger migraine. It is best stay away from smoking and drinking alcohol to reduce migraine. If your work place is fairly noisy, use earplugs to reduce noise.
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