Tags:The procedure was uncomplicated with no gross mucosal pathology, however, an insect was found in the transverse colon (Fig. 1, to the right), was found in the transverse colon on a routine screening colonoscopy.).
The insect was aspirated and sent to the lab for further identification. The insect had three body segments (head, thorax, and abdomen) with ventrodorsal flattening of the body and a segmented abdomen, three pairs of legs extending from the thorax (with spikes and claw-like terminal appendages), elongated hind legs, and a pair of elongated antennae extending from the head to beyond the hind legs.
These morphologic findings were most consistent with the nymph form of Blattella germanica (German cockroach) of the Blattellidae family, a common household pest. The patient had a cockroach infestation at home and hence it was hypothesized that she may have inadvertently ingested a cockroach with food.
Weirdest things, colonoscopy, gross mucosal pathology, transverse colon, insect, abdomen, morphologic findings, German cockroach, Blattella germanica, Blattellidae
'But not me, tss! - Said another young and hard before I discovered and I claim I snapped the arm and tried to lay hold of the edge of the door, the moment that Mr. driver just came to stop the transport middle of the street to pick up more passengers, but the precarious state of subjection that kept the time, the small area of support that kept only the tip of the left shoe and the law of inertia developed into important factors contributing to failure in the try and not lose balance without giving a blow in the face with his elbow a hippie also trying to hang on the arm that I had let go. In a desperate attempt not to fall put my arm around the neck of the hippie and my portfolio was to give the soil, like me, the hippie and a seller of pens. My mates just looked at me indignantly fall and made gestures of disapproval but I said nothing, mainly because they must hurry if they wanted to try to address the group again. What a disappointment! had not advanced or fifty yards.