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Friday, March 04, 2011

Stress Management Tips for Medical Students

1- Remember You are not Alone:
When you're feeling job and school related stress, it's easy to feel like you're alone. It can be especially frustrating to see classmates who seem to whiz through their studies without being fazed by stress. If you're feeling like you're the only student in your medical school class who is feeling overwhelmed, there's a very good chance that you are wrong.

2- Physician Heal Thyself:
It isn't going to do you or your future patients any good if you neglect your own well being. You need to remind yourself regularly that a healthy body is much better equipped to deal with a medical career than one that is unhealthy.

3- Avoid Med Student Hypochondria:
you do need to stay in touch with your own physical condition, you can't diagnose yourself with every disease that you study.

4-Get Mentally Prepared for the Job:
It's important to prepare yourself for what dealing with real patients is going to be like. The stress of dealing with sickness and death is very real, and it's a necessary part of working in the medical profession,You'll be much better equipped for the reality of working in a hospital if you prepare yourself by mastering stress.

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