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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Abnormal Resuls: we drained 7.5 LITRES out of his bladder

5L frank pus!
Drained out of a walled-off ovarian abcess present for YEARS in an old lady...the scan looked malignant, the poor O+G reg was trying to carefully dissect this enormous thing out, when they accidentally nicked it and it essentially exploded with pus fountaning out of her abdomen. I know it was 5L because that's how many containers the suction drained into. We had a poor orderly sprinting down the corridor to find fresh containers after only 2 mins of suction.

I saw a guy in EAU and we drained 7.5 LITRES out of his bladder!!!! MENTAL.

40 year old woman Hb 1.6 on admission, asymptomatic and then throughly worked up by the haematologists and the GI physicians.

Not really an abnormal test result, but most abnormal examination finding.
Motorcyclist involved in an RTA.
Discovered 3 bags of skunk tied to his penis with cotton thread.

T cell leukaemia with neutropenic sepsis:
Initial WCC 351 on diagnosis.

Then got septic with:
Platelets 1 (post platelet transfusion!)
Total WCC 0.04
Neuts 0.00
Eosins 0.00
Lymph 0.02

A 16 year old girl who came to A&E with the sniffles who we wanted to discharge but the nurses had taken blood from so we stuck her in CDU to await the results:

Hb 4.3
Plt 12
WCC 1.2
Neut 0
Eosin 0
Lymphs 1.2

Key Words:
abcess, bladder, Haemoglobin, skunk, Platelet Count, Lymphocyte Counts, Neutrophil Count, White blood cell count

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