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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Abnormal results: TSH of >100 in a patient who was actually very well and is currently still alive

21 year old guy who had been pumping iron for a week and drinking protein shakes. CK of 748660! His presenting complaint was solely dark urine - scored a urology review in ED before being seen by the medics!

Hb 1.8 in a 32 yr old lady with extensive psych hx ... believes blood is toxic, & therefore recurrently bleeds herself !

I've seen patients who bleed themselves. From our point of view the biggest problem is they probably have red cell antibodies from the multiple transfusions they get when they reach Hb that low.

Had a woman last weekend with COPD, usually runs sats 70-80% at home, noted 'very oxygen sensitive'. She came in with sats of 40%, PO2 4, PCO2 12.

After 12 hours on BiPAP PO2 7, PCO2 23 pH 7.0
After 36 hours on BiPAP PO2 8, PCO2 9, pH 7.4, sitting up and eating breakfast!

TSH of >100 in a patient who was actually very well and is currently still alive.

Lactate of 17 in a patient who was very septic-went to itu but didnt survive

Na of 189 in a very very dry demented old lady who perked up with a lot of fluid!

I work in a lab, lowest Hb I've seen was 2.6, on a patient who WALKED to his GP because he was feeling breathless. Patient was both B12 and Folate deficient (MCV 130), he was admitted to A&E, then to ward for a four unit blood transfusion, within 2 hours of his test results being phoned to the GP - best bit, he complained that he only went to the GP because his wife nagged him and did he really need to come to hospital!

In one patient
Hb - 3.5
WCC - 0.1,
Neut 0,
Platelets 1,
Grand total 4.6!

Others (not in the same patient):
Na 97
K 9.9
Creat- around 3400ish

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