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Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Important Questions of Physiology MBBS 1st Professional (Part-1) Exam


Draw the structure of cell membrane? Enumerate its functions.
What is saltatory conduction? What are its advantages? Which nerve fibers have max. velocity of conduction?
What is end plate potential? How it is affected by Myasthenia Gravis?
Give a brief account of types and functions of lymphocytes?
Draw and label the normal ECG? What are PR and QT intervals and their significance?
What is the significance of Renin angiotensin mechanism?
Enumerate the causes and features of neurogenic shock?
What is the diffusing capacity of respiratory membrane? Which factors affect exchange of gases through this membrane?
Give a brief account of respiratory changes during exercise?
What are functions of stomach?
Enumerate the functions of endoplasmic reticulum?
Name plasma proteins. Enumerate their functions?
List stages of erthropieosis? Which cells secrete erthropiotein? Name stumuli for erthropiotein secretion?
Define rheobase and chronaxie? Show these units in the strength duration curve?
Draw and label neurovascular junction? How is end plate potential produced? What change occur in myasthenia gravis?
What events occur during pharyngeal stage of swallowing? Name the nerve controlling this stage?
What are volume changes in the ventricles during the cardiac cycle? Define ejection fraction?
Write a note on 3rd heart sound? List two causes of murmurs?
Draw and label spirogram> What is the significance of FEV1/FVC ratio?
Give a brief account for baroreceptor reflex?
Define cardiac cycle? Draw and label the pressure changes in left ventricle during cardiac cycle?
Draw and label action potential of ventricular muscle?
Define cardiac out put? how venous return can affect it?
Define shock? Enumerate the compensatory mechanism in case of hypovolumic shock?
Define edema? What is the mechanism of formation of tissue fluid?
Draw and label CO2 dissociation curve? what is haldane effect?
Define ventilation profusion ratio? How it varies in different lobes of lung?
What is the mechanism of respiratory adjustments during exercise?
Write short notes on Hypoxic hypoxia & Chyene Stroke Breathing?
Briefly describe the mechanism of resting membrane potential?
Give an account for function of neutrophils?
Give an account for structure and functions of hemoglobin?
Name the factors affecting GFR?
What is the mechanism of sodium reabsorption in renal tubule?
Give an account of factors affecting gastric emptying?
What are the functions of gall bladder?
Define cardiac output and cardiac index? Name the conditions in cardiac out put increases?
Define edema? Name its causes
Give and account for resting membrane potential?
What are isometric and isotonic muscle contractions?
What is the role of platelets in hemostasis?
What are the functions of mitochondria?

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