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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Most Abnormal Medical Tests Results: I drained 1600 mls after which he said he felt a lot better

Graham N. de Bever:
First catheter I put in (as a 4th year medical student) - old guy with BPH (benign prostatic hypertrophy) - I drained 1600 mls after which he said he felt a lot better and would say a special prayer for me in church! Never felt better myself!

Laura Power:
I've drained 3 litres of a female once, she had a mass in her uterus and hadn't peed for about a week.

Michelle Clarke:
19 yo female presented Wednesday with acute urinary retention & pelvic pain. Was in agony , waited 1.5 hours before being seen. At which time we drained 885mls!!!!

Richie Chan:
Hb 1.6 from a patient with haemorrhoid, no anaemic symptom at all, just complained of PRB, subsequent endoscopy revealed no other bleeding source!

Lee Ming:
PSA of over nine thousand. The cancer actually grew forward into the rectum and obstructed it.

Suzanne MacDonald;
Most grateful patient ever, elderly chap in retention - 1750mls. Once drained 600mls off a three-year old too.
Tim Clay:
Doing haematology. New diagnosis of CML in a young adult presenting to ophthalmology outpatients with visual disturbance
WCC 486.27 x10^9/L (normal 4 - 11)

Key Words:
medical student, catheter, benign prostatic hypertrophy, uterus, haemorrhoids

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