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Monday, April 04, 2011

Important Questions of Biochemistry MBBS 1st Professional (Part-1) Exam

Define isotonic, hypertonic and hypertonic solutions?

Enumerate body buffers? How do these help in buffering volatile acids?

Give the chemistry of sucrose and lactose?

What is lactose intolerance?

Define and enumerate essential amino acids?

How secondary structure of proteins is formed?

Draw structure of cholesterol? Enlist its biochemical function?

Enumerate Bile salts? What is their function?

What is the structure of DNA?

What are mutations? List various types?

How are enzymes are classified?

enlist the properties of enzymes?

Draw various steps of heme synthesis?

What is normal serum bilirubin level? Enumerate various types of jaundices?

A strict vegetarian underwent recently gastronomy. thereafter he developed progressive generalized weakness and easy fatilgality. he was anemic and his blood film showed large immature RBC a) what dietary deficiency would u expect? b) What will be biochemical effects0of this deficiency? c) What is the possible treatment? d) Give sources of this biomolecule?

Give Chemical composition and functions of Pancreatic Juice?

What is achlorhydria? What are its consequences?

Give dietary sources of iron?

Enlist functions affecting absorption of iron from GIT?

List symptoms and signs of iron deficiency?

Briefly describe the structure of cell membrane?

Enumerate the causes of metabolic acidosis? Write the blood gases and electrolyte picture in uncompensated metabolic acidosis?

Importance of cellulose in human diet?

Secondary structure of proteins?

Write down purine nucleotide salvage pathway? What is the cause of LESCH NYHAN syndrome?

Enumerate essential fatty acids?

Difference b/w cis and trans fatty acids?

Draw structure of ganglioside?

What is the diagnostic value of plasma enzyme level in a patient of severe chest pain radiating to left limb and neck?

A 5 year old child has history of fever, anorexia and after a few days he developed yellow discoloration of sclera and mucous membranes. Antibodies to hepatitis A are positive. He passes dark colored urine later on itching developed. a) What is your provisional diagnosis? b) What is the cause of yellowish sclera? c) Why the Colour of urine turned black? d) What is the cause of itching?

A middle aged woman of poor economic condition has seven children and reported gynae OPD for 8th pregnancy. Her blood picture revealed RBC 4million/cmm, Hb 9gm/dl and megaloblasts were reported by hematologist: a) what is the cause of low Hb and megaloblasts? b) Which dietary supplements you will advise to correct her condition? c) What is pathophysiology of development of megaloblasts?

A middle aged lady, wife of a labourer having 10 children reported with swaollowen spongy gums, mild anemia, and subcutaneous hemorrhages on presser areas of her body. a) What dietary deficiency would you expect? b) What is biochemical role of this nutrient? c) What food source you will advise her to ea to compensate deficiency?

Name lipoproteins?

List functions of cholesterol

What is clinical significance of increased cholesterol in human body?

Enumerate functions of Calcium, which vitamin is necessary for its absorption from GIT?

Enumerate the functions of ribosome golgi apparatus endoplasmic reticulum mitochondria?

Name the plasma buffers. enlist the factors which make the buffers deficient? Give examples also?

Enumerate heteropolysaccharides? What are their functions?

write note on tertiary structure of protiens and functions of nucleotides?

A new born infant died immediately after birth. post mortem revealed collapsed uninflated lungs a) What is the cause of death? b) which biochemical factor is deficient? c) How this factor prevents lungs to collapse? D) Draw the structure of this factor?

Give steps of catabolism of heme and excretion of bilirubin?

Describe the diagnostic significance of isoenzymes of lactic dehydrogenase and creatine kinase?

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