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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Panic Attacks Symptoms, Signs, Diagnosis, and Natural Remedies

A person going through a panic attack would be completely terrified for no apparent reason or visible danger in sight. They may even feel as though the world is coming to an end and would start envisioning their own death. These dreadful notions are also coupled with other toiling physical signs like such like palpitations, nausea, chills or profuse sweating. Most reported cases of attacks are in the late teens or early 20s. Women get them more often than men.

If the fear of living life with panic attacks is stopping you from having a normal and healthy lifestyle, there are some highly recommended few natural remedies one should advocate.

Cognitive behavior therapy is the treatment of choice, and has proven to help many cases. It involves firstly educating the patient about panic disorder, its causes, outcome and management. Applying evidence-based care to the management of anxiety disorders would involve more consultations by psychiatrists and clinical psychologists, and more support for general practitioners to provide psychological care.

Some other natural remedies:

1. Breathing Techniques
2. Exercise
3. Herbal Remedies
4. Learn to relax
5. Visualize tranquility
6. Meditation

Most medications and consultation sessions prescribed by the doctors are expensive and they all have varying results depending on each individual person. Different people experience panic attacks in different ways, as of the variety of treatments working in different ways. Most of all they do not guarantee absolute recovery.

People who are skeptical about such medical treatments or drug usages would prefer to turn to panic attacks natural remedies. These natural remedies are self-prescribed and the methodologies are useful and cost-efficient.


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