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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Abnormal Resuls: we drained 7.5 LITRES out of his bladder

Helen:5L frank pus!Drained out of a walled-off ovarian abcess present for YEARS in an old lady...the scan looked malignant, the poor O+G reg was trying to carefully dissect this enormous thing out, when they accidentally nicked it and it essentially exploded with pus fountaning out of her abdomen. I know it was 5L because that's how many containers the suction drained into....

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Abnormal results: TSH of >100 in a patient who was actually very well and is currently still alive

Madeline:21 year old guy who had been pumping iron for a week and drinking protein shakes. CK of 748660! His presenting complaint was solely dark urine - scored a urology review in ED before being seen by the medics!Kanaan:Hb 1.8 in a 32 yr old lady with extensive psych hx ... believes blood is toxic, & therefore recurrently bleeds herself !Emma:I've seen patients who bleed themselves. From our point of view the biggest problem is they probably...

Friday, April 22, 2011

A few Steps to Improve Eyesight Naturally

Natural eyesight improvement can be done in many ways which can be generalized into two categories. Specifically, they are internal and external methods.I am going to share one technique of each category in this article which you can get in progress with right away.Chrysanthemum tea has been recognized to be good for the eyes for a long time in China. It is often used to alleviate...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Community Medicine OSPE 2010 - Part 1

Community Medicine OSPE 1 1.Cobra bite,management. 2.Strength of sewage lung cncer ki heatlh eductin, 3.rabies vacintn for pre exposure, 4. kawashkor nd its prventn, 5.PNMR numerical, 6.pie chart wat type of data is it?nd find the degres for 35% 7.primary heatlh cre, dhq facilities 8.popltn pyramid Community Medicine OSPE 2 1 dengue fever(identify vector mode of transmisin) 2 Snake cobra its treatmnt 3 Fruit pic 2 vit its deseases 4 Iceberg disease 5...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What are the positives and negatives of Energy drinks?

Within the past several years, many controversy has sparked regarding whether energy drinks help make good workout drinks, in addition to whether or not the so called athletics beverages really do the job. In this post, we can attempt to create a good look at each - drinks - and weigh out the positives and negatives of every drink type.Athletics beverages, also known as rehydration...

How to stay healthy as you get older

Every decade of our lives brings with it new discoveries and new experiences. For example when we are teenagers we may feel nervous about leaving school and finding a career to embark upon. When we are in our twenties and thirties it might be meeting someone and starting a family that occupies our mind. When we reach our fifties our thoughts then turn to retiring. As you can...

Monday, April 18, 2011

Common causes, Symptoms and treatment of Allergic Rhinitis

Inflammation of the nasal membranes is defined as Rhinitis. Allergic Rhinitis is also known as allergy and hey fever. Allergic Rhinitis is characterized by a number of symptom like sneezing, nasal itching, nasal congestion and rhinorrhea. Other symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis may also include ears, eye, throat and sinus. It is not a life-threatening condition. This disease occurs when the immune system overreacts to the particles present in the air...

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Skin care: 4 simple steps to have beautiful desired skin

Unfortunately there are only a few people who are blessed with great skin by nature from birth, but most people aren't so lucky for their skin to preserve its health and smooth appearance whatever they do. For instance, for some people is enough to eat one piece of chocolate and their face is like a volcano or others are sensitive to sun light and their skin starts to peel....

Most Abnormal medical Test Results: Once drained 42 litres off poor man looked 12 months pregnant

Lauren Young:'I don't feel very well'ALT 22876!!!!!'Oh yes, I forgot, I did take 140 paracetamol tablets 3 days ago'Patient was transferred to liver transplant centre, don't know the outcome.Priscilla Ng:Patient with prostate cancer and constipation x 10 days, c/o urinary retention, catheterised, 4.2 litres!!! (creatinine was only 286 amazingly)Rebecca Croke:Once saw a lady...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Anxiety symptoms, signs, causes and natural Remedies

Anxiety is a condition which is surrounded by unpleasant physical and emotional state. In this condition any person may experience fear, worry or apprehension. Anxiety may be of short period or long period. The problem of short term anxiety is solved as soon as the particular job for which anxiety is caused is finished and the person feels relaxed. Whereas the long term anxiety...

Top 5 reasons for Insomnia are depression, anxiety, chronic stress, bipolar disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder

Top 5 reasons for not sleeping well at night are depression, anxiety, chronic stress, bipolar disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.We don't usually need to think very much about sleep. It's just a part of life's routine. Even so, most of us sometimes find that we can't sleep properly. We call it insomnia. It's usually just for a short time, perhaps when we're worried...

Most Abnormal Medical Tests Results: I drained 1600 mls after which he said he felt a lot better

Graham N. de Bever:First catheter I put in (as a 4th year medical student) - old guy with BPH (benign prostatic hypertrophy) - I drained 1600 mls after which he said he felt a lot better and would say a special prayer for me in church! Never felt better myself!Laura Power:I've drained 3 litres of a female once, she had a mass in her uterus and hadn't peed for about a week.Michelle...

Friday, April 15, 2011

Five Most common Myths about hair loss

Hair loss can get embarrassing. Most people are also equally embarrassed to go ask a doctor for help; that is why some people resort to sticking to hair loss myths. The problem is that, it is easier to deal with baldness at its earlier stage. And we aren't just talking about how it's going to save you from all the usual teasing at an earlier time.The thing is, hair loss might...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Signs, Symptoms and common causes of Miscarriage

A miscarriage (also termed spontaneous abortion) is any pregnancy that spontaneously ends before the fetus can survive. Any vaginal bleeding, other than spotting, during early pregnancy is considered a threatened miscarriage. Vaginal bleeding is very common in early pregnancy. About one out of every four pregnant women has some bleeding during the first few months. About half of these women stop bleeding and complete a normal pregnancy.Miscarriage...

Follow these guidelines for Better Health

Get the Screenings You Need:Screenings are tests that look for diseases before you have symptoms. Blood pressure checks and mammograms are examples of screenings. You can get some screenings, such as blood pressure readings, in your doctor’ s office. Others, such as mammograms, need special equipment, so you may need to go to a different office. After a screening test,...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Information on Fatigue causes, Symptoms and natural treatment

Whatever is causing your fatigue the number one best way to cure your symptoms is to rest. Physical and mental fatigue can be relieved through physical rest and relaxation. This gives your body and mind time to recuperate from the strain, tiredness, weariness, and exhaustion that it is going through. Although, resting is your first choice for treating and curing fatigue, the...

A few of the stupidest excuses men and women use to avoid exercise

When it comes to getting back in great shape, people get very imaginative when they attempt to come up with reasons not to do it. The simple truth is that, while we are still getting in condition, exercising just isn't fun; working out is hard work. Getting in better shape doesn't necessarily feel good, despite the endorphin rush many of us go through afterwards. Even with...

Anatomy of sinuses: What causes sinusitis and possible treatment

It may not seem much like it, but sinus infections are fast becoming one of the medical conditions that consume a lot of financial resources for treatment.Consider the following information:In the United States, the incidence of sinus infections has increased 18% over the last decade. This translates to nearly 40 million Americans who have experienced a sinus infection. The...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Yeas - It is possible to have panic attacks during our sleep

So is it really possible to have panic attacks during our sleep?Yes, it is very possible! You might suddenly wake up with a rapid heartbeat and racing pulse, you may feel confused, disoriented, anxious, and disconnected from reality. Other symptoms are grinding the teeth, head pain and a feeling of pressure in the ears. Read on to find out what you need to know about this...

Monday, April 11, 2011

How does the media influence Anorexia on teenagers?

When children see these images on television, in magazines, in songs, movies, etc- then it's no wonder that the rate of eating disorders among teenagers is rising rapidly, and now parents are feverishly searching for an answer.Instead of blaming themselves, the media and others- it's important to remember that some teenagers are more susceptible to eating disorders than others, and some are going to develop Anorexia or another eating disorder with...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Histology and Explanation of Bronchopneumonia (Lobular pneumonia)

Bronchopneumonia (Lobular pneumonia) is an acute exudative inflammation of the lungs characterised by foci of consolidation surrounded by normal parenchyma. Usually, bronchopneumonia affects one or more lobes and is bilateral.Bronchopneumonia : focus of inflammatory condensation centred by a bronchiole with acute bronchiolitis (suppurative exudate in the lumen and parietal...

Follow these tips to reduce your stressed life before you find yourself with that terrible burnout feeling

Normal in the sense that it is accepted as a part of our daily activities. It can go beyond normal though and anxiety is a form of depressive illness.Anxiety is not that bad though. It keeps us primed, as if it trains us to be always on our toes. It also keeps us psychologically alert. These exercises can be good but to a certain extent or limit only. Beyond the limit, things...

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Histology and Explanation of Lobar pneumonia (leukocytic alveolitis)

Lobar pneumonia is an acute exudative inflammation of an entire pulmonary lobe, produced in 95 % of cases by Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococci).If not treated, lobar pneumonia evolves in four stages :* Congestion (first 2 days)* Red hepatisation (fibrinous alveolitis) (2nd to 4th day)* Grey hepatisation (leukocytic alveolitis) (4th to 8th day)* Resolution (after 8th day)Leukocytic...

A few unique homemade acne treatment Techniques

Pimples are just another form of acne, therefore, they can be thought of in the same way and "cured" in the same way. Almost every family has their own unique homemade acne treatments that have been passed down from generation to generation. Some of these treatments are very effective in treating the blemishes that are so embarrassing to young and old alike.1. Oatmeal is great for drawing oil from the pores. Mix a small amount of oatmeal with boiling...

Friday, April 08, 2011

Histology and Explanation of Ischemic fibrosis of myocardium (diffuse ventricular myocardial fibrosis)

Ischemic Heart Disease is the result of an imbalance between adequate oxygen supply to the myocardium and its' necessities, due to total or partial obstruction of the coronary arteries. Depending on the degree of coronary artery insufficiency and the rapidity of onset, ischemic heart disease might be acute or chronic. These include four anatomical and clinical entities : *...

A few Natural remedies for acne marks removal

Most people prefer natural remedies for acne marks removal because they are inexpensive and do not have any adverse side effect on the skin. In fact, most of these ingredients can improve the overall skin condition. Since various skin types may have special needs with regards to treatment, consider using the following:1. Mash a very ripe banana and apply to the skin. Leave on about two minutes and rinse off with warm water followed by cold.2. We...

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Histology and Explanation of Acute viral myocarditis

Myocarditis is an inflammation of the myocardium. Acute viral myocarditis is produced most often by Coxsackie B virus and echovisuses. Myocardial interstitium presents an abundant edema and inflammatory infiltrate, mainly with lymphocytes and macrophages. Focal destruction of myocytes may be present, generating loss of contractile function of the myocardi...

Benefits of eat healthy foods

Most people eat healthy foods when they have to or when told so by their doctor because they are feeling something or already sick. As the saying goes, "Preventive is better that cure." Listed below are the advantages of eating healthy:1) You will shield yourself from many illnesses and disease that are very common as you get older like high cholesterol level, heart diseases,...

How to Perform Nasogastric Intubation

Indications: Acute gastric dilatation Gastric outlet obstruction Upper gastrointestinal bleeding Ileus Small bowel obstruction Enteral feeding Contraindications: Recent esophageal or gastric surgery Head trauma with possible basilar skull fracture Anesthesia: None or viscous lidocaine in the nose Equipment: Levin or Salem sump tube Water-soluble lubricant Catheter-tip syringe (60 ml) Cup of ice Stethoscope Cup of water with a straw...