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Friday, August 05, 2011

So, IPHONE has become an absolute necessity for a Medical Student

After reading many articles and interviewing a large group of medical students, it has come to my attention that not having an iPhone for medical school purposes puts you at an academic disadvantage. This article will discuss the medical school necessary applications that are giving students a competitive edge both in the classroom and in the medical wards.

After a prolonged discussion with about 15 students, it is clear that having an iPhone makes you a better student in more ways than one. The competitive advantage ranges from having answers ready for the next "pimp" question an attending physician may have to knowing the proper drug dosage and mechanism of action when prompted in the field. The medical applications that are being used by medical students are vast; however, the most popular applications are as follows:

1. Epocrates -
this application allows a student to look up detailed information regarding drugs, ranging from pharmacology to pill picture and cost. The application comes free to medical students with an introductory price of $149 a year as a physician. The application also has a relevent news section that keeps the student up to date about the most recent study breakthroughs and also has a limited amount of information about common disease processes

2. MedCalc - This application is a computerized medical conversion table with charts including everything from a pregnancy wheel to a pharmacy converter. Most students noted that this application had pertinent charts for each clinical rotation and came in handy when BMI and pharmacologic conversions were needed on the spot. While the application may not boast great graphic appeal, the ease of use makes it a big hit.

3. Netter's Anatomy Flashcards -
While these flashcards come with a hefty price tag of $39.99, most students say these are a must have for learning first year anatomy and brushing back up during their surgical rotation. These flashcards break the human body into anatomical subunits and focus on the intricacies of each section. Students state that the index, search and quiz features make these electronic cards more efficient than lugging around the paper cards. The ability to use these cards on the go are another great convenience factor for iPhone users.

While the medical applications available on the iPhone are nearly never ending, the medical students questioned all resonated the above applications as a must have for the competitive edge over fellow students.


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