Everyone has had the hiccups at one time or another, and most people have had an experience with hiccups that just don't seem to go away for a couple hours. However, there are others who experience hiccups that last for days, weeks, and even years. In these instances the cause of hiccups is usually medically related. In fact, there are many different types of medical problems that could cause hiccups. People who have recurring hiccups or a...
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Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
10 weird pregnancy symptoms your Doctor might forget to Mention
Aside from being a Master Herbalist, I'm the mother of two. I remember many details about being pregnant, some with pleasure, some with gratitude and some I would have been happier not having to deal with. Here are a few of the things you may notice during your pregnancy, and what (if anything) you can do about them.1) Abdominal Movement: As your baby approaches the time to be born, he or she is fairly sizable. I remember watching our daughters...
Saturday, December 10, 2011
How to treat Nausea in First Trimester of Pregnancy
I have been a victim of morning sickness, and it is an annoying part of pregnancy. In most people, it lasts only the first trimester or so, though it can go on throughout the entire pregnancy. Finding a safe way to combat it is imperative or you won't be able to live a normal life, and it could put the baby at risk.There are things that you can do safely, though I recommend you discuss them with your OB before implementing them. That will help...
Monday, December 05, 2011
Role of Multivitamins In Pregnancy
Adding prenatal vitamins to my already long list of things I must do or not do for the coming baby seemed a bit much. However, the doctor recommended it and I went along. Now, I know better and in turn, I recommend that you use them.
You may wonder why you need a special formula during pregnancy. Why wouldn't a regular vitamin do the job? While you aren't eating for two, you are providing nourishment for two, and that means you need more of certain...
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Is it advisable to induce labor Using Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
Towards the end of pregnancy, I think all of us would like the child to decide to make his or her debut. At that point in time, we can no longer even see our feet, we have to bend backwards when we try to walk and sleep is almost impossible between our big bellies and the lively kicking match in our womb.Over the generations, there have been a number of ways of trying to bring Junior out quickly. Some work, some don't and some are downright...
Friday, November 25, 2011
Finding Out You're Pregnant, Taking a Pregnancy Test
Once upon a time, a woman had to be almost finished with the first trimester before she could safely assume she was pregnant. That's a long time, and this could result in birth defects and miscarriages. What she did and what she consumed could have tragic results.
Now, we have a lot of tools to detect pregnancy. At home tests are available, and blood tests can determine to the hour how long you've been gestating. That's necessary because the formation...
Sunday, November 20, 2011
A Few Things to watch out for during first Trimester of Pregnancy
Pregnancy hormones begin to be released as soon as the baby attaches to the placenta. You may not be aware of the pregnancy for a few weeks, but things are already beginning to change in your body. Here are a few signs to watch out for:Cravings and Aversions: Some cravings may be your body's way of letting you know you need more of a key nutrient. Others may be caused by stress and other factors. It's the same with aversions, your body knows...
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Hiccups Causes, Home Remedies, and Medical Treatment
Hiccups are one of the most embarrassing problems one can have in public. It's a totally involuntary and hard to explain. The reason we hiccup is not known, though we do know that it is a sort of reflex action. Most people can get the hiccups; including unborn infants in the last trimester of pregnancy.What happens in a hiccup is a sudden contraction of the diaphragm and the muscles between the ribs. You draw in a breath involuntarily and then...
Thursday, November 10, 2011
How to gain Weight Naturally?
Why do vegetarians live 7 years longer than other people? When people convert to being vegan they continue eating the same bulk of food but they're getting much more nutrition.
There are nutrients such as proteins in animal food but it is so much harder to get out and assimilated into your body than vegetarian proteins. For instance, when you cook the meat and burn it your body can only absorb 2-3% of the protein.
In fact, on a vegetarian diet...
Saturday, November 05, 2011
What are Hiccups Causes and Home Remedies?
Hiccups are repeated sharp inhalations of breath caused by involuntary spasms of your diaphragm, the powerful muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen and which increases the volume of the chest when air is breathed in accompanied by involuntary closing of the larynx (upper windpipe). They are caused by irritation of the diaphragm, for example by an overfull stomach or inflammation of the membrane around the heart.
If hiccups reoccur frequently...
Hemorrhoid Treatment: How to Stop Hemorrhoids Fast
Hemorrhoids is a problem that many of us suffer from. The only thing we can think about while we go through all the pain is to find a way to get rid of it as soon as possible. We all want to ensure that the problem just vanishes and never ever show up again. However, treatment to this problem depends on the severity of the issue. There are very few treatments that would completely eradicate the problem. Most of the treatments only reduce the severity...
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
Hemorrhoids Stress-Can stress cause hemorrhoids? How to Manage Stress?
Stress is never a good thing for anyone. It is all the more worse if you are stressed when you are already suffering from Hemorrhoids. Too much of stress increases the size of hemorrhoids making it excruciatingly painful. The best thing you can do to reduce the size of hemorrhoids in such a situation is by reducing the level of stress somehow. You can make use of easy stress reducing techniques such as meditation, doing activities that you enjoy,...
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Find out How Long Does a Panic Attack Last
The typical question as to how long panic attacks will last is something to which none of us have a sure answer. Such anxiety attacks may last for any period of time between a few minutes to a few hours. In some cases it may last for a day or two. If left unattended it can turn into panic disorder. The symptoms of panic attack include tension in the muscles, trembling, short breaths, severe nervousness and racing heartbeats. It has been proved by...
Friday, October 28, 2011
Top 10 Weird Medical Facts of The Week

1- Leaf-cutter ants can build anthills 16 feet deep and an acre square.2- Queen termites can lay an egg every second.3-The oldest spider on record is a tarantula that lived to be 28.4-A spider's blood is transparent.5-Drunk ants always fall over on their right side.6-Honeybees can fly as fast as 30 mph.7-Queen bees only sting other queen bees.8-We can thank bees for polinating...
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Causes and Symptoms of Anxiety Attacks and Panic Attacks
A panic or anxiety attack indicates the presence of an anxiety disorder which has both physical and emotional symptoms. Emotional symptoms related to panic attacks include: intense feeling of unwanted and excessive fear. Physical symptoms related to panic attacks include: feeling of giddiness, asphyxiation, severe shaking, racing heart, clammy hands etc.
There are millions of people across the world who suffer from such sudden attacks. Many can...
Friday, October 21, 2011
Top 10 Weird Medical Facts of the Week

1- Your body uses 300 muscles to balance itself when you are standing still.2- If saliva cannot dissolve something, you cannot taste it.3- Your body contains the same amount of iron as an iron nail.4- The average woman is 5 inches shorter than the average man.5- You are most likely to be allergic to nuts.6- The darker green a vegetable is, the more vitamin C it has.7- Ketchup...
Thursday, October 20, 2011
What is the treatment for narcissists?
Narcissism is not an easy personality disorder to deal with. The problem with this disorder is that not only does it affect just the patient but his entire family suffers as well because the patient is unable to form emotional bonds with his family members. There is no known cure for Narcissism though psychotherapy and continuous counselling has helped many people for several years.
The first step towards dealing with Narcissism is accepting it....
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
100-year-old Fauja Singh: Oldest runner to Complete a Marathon

Fauja Singh, who was recognized as the oldest marathon racer by the Association of Road Racing Statistician for completing a marathon at the age of 93, finished 42.2 km marathon in Toronto at the age of 100 and entered the Guinness Book of World Records.Before Singh, 98 years old Dimitrion Yordanidis in 1976 made this world record. Singh took more than 8 hours to complete...
Appendicitis Symptoms, Diagnosis, and General Treatment
What is the appendix? Essentially, it is a small "bag-like" item inside of the large intestine, which sometimes increases in size. It is a vestigial organ, meaning that it at one point served a purpose but basically is left over from evolution. It usually doesn't cause any problems but there are times when its opening point is closed due to a large amount of bowel material. Because of this bowel material, there can be bacteria which cause...
Friday, October 14, 2011
Top 10 Weird Medical Facts of the Week

1. About one third of the human race has 20-20 vision.2. In a hot climate, you can sweat as much as 3 gallons of water a day.3. Fingernails are made from the same substance as a bird's beak.4. A runner consumes about 7 quarts of oxygen while running a 100-yard dash.5. The enamel in your teeth is the hardest substance in your body.6. Your teeth start growing 6 months before...
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Niagara Falls Turns Pink in Breast Cancer Awareness

Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) is an annual international health campaign organized by major breast cancer charities every October to increase awareness of the disease and to raise funds for research into its cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure. The campaign also offers information and support to those affected by breast cancer.As well as providing a platform...
Friday, October 07, 2011
Top 10 Weird Medical Facts of the Week

57% of women would rather go on a shopping spree than have sex.63% of pet owners sleep with their pets.The average American male laughs 69 times a day where the average woman laughs 55 times a day.85% of obscene calls are made by males.The average person moves their residence 11 times in their life, about once every 6 years.Fetuses can hiccup.Your body gives off enough heat...
Monday, October 03, 2011
The Human Nervous System - Structure and Function - All Explained
The nervous system is a regulatory system that controls a variety of body functions. The nervous system can detect changes occurring in various organs and take corrective action when needed to maintain the constancy of the internal environment. The nervous system also regulates activities that change almost instantly, such as muscle contractions and perception of danger. The body is made up of many receptors that receive incoming information about...
Sunday, October 02, 2011
Dengue Fever outbreak in Pakistan 2011

Already cursed by floods and suicide bombings, Pakistan now faces a new menace from an unprecedented outbreak of the deadly tropical disease dengue fever.Earlier this disease was spread in Lahore and Karachi but now cases of Dengue fever are coming from all major cities and towns. The first case of this disease in Pakistan reported in year 1994 in Karachi. After that this...
Dengue fever, A Comprehensive Disease Information

If there's one insect that can truly be called a pest, it's the mosquito. Incredible as it sounds, this tiny insect can cause a host of diseases ranging from malaria, filariasis, yellow fever, and encephalitis (the inflammation of the brain).One of the most common diseases transmitted by mosquitoes is dengue and it's found in over 40 countries. Since it first appeared in Southeast...
Saturday, October 01, 2011
Top 10 Weird Medical Facts of the Week

If a surgeon in Ancient Egypt lost a patient while performing an operation, his hands were cut off.Alfred Hitchcock didn't have a belly button. It was eliminated when he was sewn up after surgery.Ancient Egyptians shaved off their eyebrows to mourn the deaths of their cats.Apples are more efficient than caffeine in keeping people awake in the mornings!Boys who have unusual...
Friday, September 30, 2011
A Few tips to save Money on Smartphone Plans as a Medical Student

If you're a medical student or a resident, you probably don't have the luxury of a really expensive smartphone plan. I remember those days when we were trying to save every penny because our finances were so tight. Of course, many people also have the luxury of student loans, so they may not be so budget-focused. For those looking for a few tips on ways to save money on smartphone...
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Sleep Deprivation May Increase Risk of Alzheimer's Disease

Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have suggested a possible link between inadequate sleep and the increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease.They have found that a marker for Alzheimer’s disease rises during day and falls with sleep in the spinal fluid, and the pattern is strongest in healthy young people than the older counterparts, whose sleep...
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Major Genetic Diseases: Cardiovascular Disease, Obesity, Diabetes
Most chronic diseases in which nutrition plays a role are also influenced by genetics. The risks of developing cardiovascular disease, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, cancer, and osteoporosis are influenced by interactions between genetic and nutritional factors. Studies of families, including those with twins and adoptees, provide strong support for the effect of genetics in these disorders. In fact, family history is considered to be one...
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Stroke Risk Factors, Symptoms, Warning Signs, and Treatment
Stroke can be a very life-changing experience. It is very important to be aware of the risk factors, symptoms, and signs of stroke. The quality of your life could depend on it.
Some of the risk factors for stroke are:
1. Being over the age of 55 (however, stroke can happen at any age)
2. A family history of stroke, mini-stroke, or heart disease
3. Having previously experienced any of the factors in number 2
4. Being a man although women are also...
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Diet for Kidney Stone Prevention
When you have renal stones, the best suggestion I can give you is well, the kidney stone diet. As the name suggests, this diet tackles all the guidelines you must have to manage your kidney stone. In the first place, kidney stones happen because there is a calcification in your urinary system. They form primarily on the kidneys but they can migrate to the lower urinary system. Hence, they are typically asymptomatic until they pass into...
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Dengue fever - information, symptoms and treatments

Fever Dengue (pronounced DEN-gee) is caused by viruses that are transmitted by mosquito bites. It is a severe illness that starts suddenly and usually follows a benevolent course with such symptoms as fever, headache, intense muscle and joint pains, exhaustion, lymphadenopathy (swollen glands) and the telltale rash. Dengue is characterized by the presence of what is called...
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Kidney Stone causes and Symptoms for Women
Kidney stones are more common in men than women. But the incidence of kidney stones in women has been on the rise. The number of women suffering from this problem has been increasing, largely due to dietary habits. Low intakes of fruits and vegetables and high-protein diets are the most common causes of kidney stones in women. Also, like a man, a woman also has a greater chance of recurrence of this problem.
Many women feel pain in the lower abdomen...
Monday, September 12, 2011
Anxiety Symptoms, Causes, Types, Signs and Symptoms
Anxiety disorder affects over 40 million people and is one of the most common mental disorder. Anxiety disorders is a term that has a wide range of conditions, but they all cause extreme anxiety and mood and emotional disturbances. A person who suffers from it also can have phobias such as a fear of certain things like (snakes, spiders, heights, or water,) and they can cause you to have extreme anxiety or cause a panic attack. Now the...
Sunday, September 11, 2011
You can Eliminate Phobias with the use of Systematic Desensitization
Clinicians use different psychotherapies to manage anxiety disorders. Systematic desensitization is one of those therapies which have got popularity among psychologist's community for its effectiveness in reducing anxiety disorders. Therapy is effective in reducing symptoms of panic disorder and post traumatic stress disorder. Primarily, therapy has gained popularity through its remarkable effects on reduction of different types of phobias....
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Public Speaking - Tips for Managing Public Speaking Anxiety
Anxiety before presentations and speeches can be observed in many individuals. Dry throat, dizziness, and stuttering are the normal responses before and during public speaking. But in some cases, people can develop irrational fear of public speaking and go beyond the normal responses. Those who are suffering from fear of public speaking may experience different symptoms such as, extreme anxiety before communicating anything in front of groups,...