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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Conditions that May cause Hiccups

Everyone has had the hiccups at one time or another, and most people have had an experience with hiccups that just don't seem to go away for a couple hours. However, there are others who experience hiccups that last for days, weeks, and even years. In these instances the cause of hiccups is usually medically related. In fact, there are many different types of medical problems that could cause hiccups. People who have recurring hiccups or a case of hiccups that just doesn't seem to go away should definitely make an appointment with their medical doctor to explore any underlying medical problems.

Potential Problems:

Diaphragm problems are one reason an individual may experience continued hiccups. A tumor or abscess on the diaphragm, diaphragm nerve irritation, and the like are sometimes the culprit. There are other physical conditions that could irritate the diaphragm muscle and this could cause hiccups. Pregnancy, pleurisy, pneumonia, stomach disorders, kidney failure, pancreas disorders, intestine disorders, hepatitis, esophagus abscess, liver disease, heart attack, esophagus tumor, chest tumor, inflamed intestines, psychological disorders, heart surgery, back surgery, and even long surgery could result in the hiccups. Some individuals may develop the hiccups after a reaction to anesthesia. Brain damage can also be the cause of hiccups.

If when examined the patient does not appear to have any specific health problem causing the hiccups then the doctor may prescribe various medications including tranquilizer Valium or an antispasmodic like Reglan to help the body relax and stop hiccupping. Sometimes passing a tube through the nose down to the stomach can help stimulate the throat and release trapped air, which can stop the hiccups in their tracks. In other cases, doctors may choose to use lidocaine to numb the throat to help stop the hiccups.

If an underlying condition is found to be the cause of the hiccups then treating it is usually enough to get the hiccups to take a hike. When nothing seems to work, then the doctor must get creative and find ways to help the patient end their battle with the hiccups.

Having the hiccups for a couple hours can be annoying, but imagine having recurrent hiccups for months or even years. One particular case involved chronic hiccups for 60 years. This could truly be unbearable and have a significant impact on work and life. As a result, anyone suffering from persistent or recurrent hiccups should seek medical care as soon as possible to seek out possible causes and determine the correct course of action.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

10 weird pregnancy symptoms your Doctor might forget to Mention

Aside from being a Master Herbalist, I'm the mother of two. I remember many details about being pregnant, some with pleasure, some with gratitude and some I would have been happier not having to deal with. Here are a few of the things you may notice during your pregnancy, and what (if anything) you can do about them.

1) Abdominal Movement: As your baby approaches the time to be born, he or she is fairly sizable. I remember watching our daughters turning over and moving around. You could see the movement, and it can cause a lot of stares if you're out in public.

2) Cravings: There are two types of cravings, one is psychological and one is biological. The psychological part is that we're told that pregnant women crave things, therefore we should, too. The biological, I believe, is your body telling you that you are missing something in your diet. As an example, if you are craving orange juice, you may low on Vitamin C. Try to notice if there is a pattern to your cravings and mention them to your OB. It may be important information.

3) High Blood Pressure: This could be the sign of pre-eclampsia or toxemia in pregnancy. Consider it an emergency and get medical help right away. If it's after hours, call the doctor for instructions and be prepared for a trip to the emergency room.

4) "I Gotta Go!" When the girls would kick out in the area of my bladder, it caused an intense urge to head to the bathroom. If I was lucky, I got there in time, but...

5) Kicking Daddy Awake: We were sure our younger daughter was going to be a hockey star. Not only could she wake *me* up with kicking, she could kick my husband awake. That's some pretty powerful kicking.

6) Losing the Mucus Plug: At the beginning of labor, your cervix will dilate enough that the plug protecting the baby from outside infections comes out. That is called the mucus plug, and it is a sign that your baby is ready to be born.

7) Milk Letdown: This also usually occurs towards the end of pregnancy. Whether you intend to breast feed or not, milk production will start prior to labor and delivery. You'll notice it most strongly if you are around a crying baby. I recommend that you get the lactation pads normally used for breastfeeding moms and wear them when you go out. It can be very embarrassing, otherwise.

8) Prelabor Contractions: These are actually called Braxton-Hicks contractions. They are normal, and they're helping you prepare for the birth.

9) Relaxing the Pelvis: In order to allow the child to pass through the birth canal, the joints in your pelvis need to be stretched somewhat. A hormone is released that will relax the joints. It doesn't feel very good, but it is normal.

10) Swollen Ankles: Some swelling is expected, but it can also be a sign that you are heading into pre-eclampsia and/or toxemia. Make sure to mention this to your OB, so it can be checked out.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

How to treat Nausea in First Trimester of Pregnancy

I have been a victim of morning sickness, and it is an annoying part of pregnancy. In most people, it lasts only the first trimester or so, though it can go on throughout the entire pregnancy. Finding a safe way to combat it is imperative or you won't be able to live a normal life, and it could put the baby at risk.

There are things that you can do safely, though I recommend you discuss them with your OB before implementing them. That will help insure that neither you nor the child will be harmed.

1) Apples: Fresh, raw apples are best, though you might find some relief from applesauce, as well. I recommend eating both skin and flesh, but in this matter the flesh is the more important part. Choose an apple that doesn't have a lot of sourness to it, as the acids could be detrimental.

2) Crackers: Despite my ban on eating things that crumble in bed, the saltines my mother recommended actually did help. Eat them before you sit up, as for some reason the motion of that process can make your stomach roll even more. The crackers will absorb stomach acid and may boost sugar levels.

3) Eat Slowly: Growing up in a large family taught me to consume my meals quickly. It wasn't a lack of funding, but seven people can put a dent into any dining table, and when my brother was in his growing stage, he could handle it alone with one hand tied behind his back. I had to unlearn that during pregnancy. Eating slowly, carefully chewing and taking small bites are going to help you keep the food you consume in the right location.

4) Hydration: You need to consume more fluids during pregnancy, both to take care of the baby and to prevent sickness. If you are dehydrated, it could cause premature labor and other life threatening issues.

5) Lie on your Left Side: There is a special muscle, called a sphincter, that separates your esophagus from your stomach. Lying on your left side helps insure that this muscle prevents stomach contents from washing up into your esophagus.

6) Peppermint Tea: This is one to clear with your OB. Some approve, some don't. I've used it successfully, and no one I know of has had any problems with it, but it's best to be sure. One warning, if it's strong and the inevitable happens, it will burn your nose, throat and mouth. Eating saltines or a plain piece of bread could help.

There may come a point when you need medical intervention. If you are unable to keep anything down, if you become dehydrated or if it lasts past the first trimester, discuss it with your OB. He or she can make the determination about whether or not you would benefit from medications.

Monday, December 05, 2011

Role of Multivitamins In Pregnancy

Adding prenatal vitamins to my already long list of things I must do or not do for the coming baby seemed a bit much. However, the doctor recommended it and I went along. Now, I know better and in turn, I recommend that you use them.

You may wonder why you need a special formula during pregnancy. Why wouldn't a regular vitamin do the job? While you aren't eating for two, you are providing nourishment for two, and that means you need more of certain vitamins and minerals.

When I was growing up, there was a saying handed down for generations. A woman lost a tooth per child born. In a way, that is correct. Without enough calcium in your diet or your vitamin, the baby will get it from your bones. That translates to early osteoporosis, and it may also mean tooth loss.

There have been both commercials and news reports about the necessity for folic acid during the early part of a pregnancy. In the first few weeks of pregnancy, your baby's nervous system is being developed. Without proper amounts of folic acid, there is a strong chance that there will be problems in this development.

The scary thing is that most women don't know they're pregnant until it's too late. If you're trying to conceive, start taking the vitamins immediately so as to make certain an adequate amount is taken.

Iron is used by the blood, and now you need to provide enough for two bodies. In order to make sure both you and the child have enough, prenatal vitamin/mineral tablets add it.

B-Complex is mostly for you. The B vitamins provide energy, and that's important while you're gestating. Pregnancy is hard on your body and you will find yourself lagging without adequate intake.

Some women can't tolerate prenatal vitamins well. This is especially true if you're already dealing with morning sickness. Talk to your doctor so that you can find a vitamin you can tolerate. There are liquids and chewable tablets available now, and they may not make you feel sick.

When it comes to choosing a brand, you may want to ask your doctor for guidelines. Not all of these products are the same. Some may not have enough of one nutrient or too much of another. Many doctors have a specific brand in mind when they recommend them to you, and it's a good idea to listen. This means they've already reviewed the nutrition information on it and they feel confident it will provide you what you need.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Is it advisable to induce labor Using Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

Towards the end of pregnancy, I think all of us would like the child to decide to make his or her debut. At that point in time, we can no longer even see our feet, we have to bend backwards when we try to walk and sleep is almost impossible between our big bellies and the lively kicking match in our womb.

Over the generations, there have been a number of ways of trying to bring Junior out quickly. Some work, some don't and some are downright dangerous. It is a difficult subject and a decision that should not be made lightly.

About once a year, a news story will show up on our local television station about a special salad this or that restaurant offers its pregnant guests. The dressing is usually made with balsamic vinegar, and it is rumored to start labor. That may or may not be true, though you should be aware that balsamic vinegar does usually contain some lead.

Blue cohosh is another method used in the past. This does work, but it has too high a price tag in many cases. It can cause both the mother's and the child's blood pressure to rise dramatically. Women and children have died from this, usually from a heart attack.

My mother told my husband to drive me down a bumpy road to get the festivities started. This does not work and it's very uncomfortable for all concerned. Neither does walking or jogging.

Another old wive's tale is that taking a laxative will help. Again, not true and very uncomfortable. The sphincter muscle is the same, but the substance only irritates the colon, it doesn't have any affect on the reproductive system.

Raspberry leaves are good for pregnant women, but they can cause uterine contractions. This does not mean that it is likely to start labor. More often, it stops premature birth or a miscarriage. Because it can cause contractions, always check with your doctor before using it (or any other herb).

There is one way to get things rolling, and it's the thing that probably got you in this condition in the first place. Because of the hormones released during intercourse, having sex is a good way to do the job. Your doctor has probably been told by many patients what caused their labor to begin.

Keep in mind that self inducing can be dangerous both for you and for your child. If it's too early, the baby could have serious complications, including low birth weight. If it's an herb, it will cross the placental barrier. Discuss this with your doctor before using anything to make sure it's the right choice in your situation.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Finding Out You're Pregnant, Taking a Pregnancy Test

Once upon a time, a woman had to be almost finished with the first trimester before she could safely assume she was pregnant. That's a long time, and this could result in birth defects and miscarriages. What she did and what she consumed could have tragic results.

Now, we have a lot of tools to detect pregnancy. At home tests are available, and blood tests can determine to the hour how long you've been gestating. That's necessary because the formation of most of the child's body systems happen in the first three months.

The first thing to know would be the symptoms of a pregnancy. Many women develop morning sickness, though not all do. This can start almost as soon as the baby is implanted, and includes nausea and vomiting, usually when you first wake up. You may also feel some pain in the hips and lower back as your body prepares to carry the child.

If it's your first pregnancy, at about two months of gestation, your nipples will change color, from pinkish to brownish. This change only happens the one time, they will stay the same in subsequent pregnancies.

At home tests are not as strong as those your doctor uses. It may take two or three weeks before there is enough of the hormones to change the test from blue to pink. This is especially true of the older kits, newer versions are a bit stronger. Even your doctor's tests must occur after the baby is implanted, as the hormones being tested for don't start being reproduced until that point.

One reason to see your doctor the moment you suspect that you're pregnant is if you are in a high risk category. Women under twenty and over forty are automatically in that group. If you've had a difficult pregnancy before or you suffer from a serious illness, you also belong in this group.

Once you find out you are expecting a baby, the next question is usually, "Is it a boy or a girl?" Before ultrasound and amniocentesis, you had to wait until the baby was born to find out. Now, if the baby cooperates, you can know fairly soon what the gender is via ultrasound and definitely through amnio. This comes in handy for two reasons; you can know what colors to use for clothing and the nursery and if there is a danger of gender specific birth defects, you can find them. Some of these defects can now be corrected in utero.

If you're pregnant or think you may be, early detection can play a key role in both your health and that of your unborn child. Congratulations!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Few Things to watch out for during first Trimester of Pregnancy

Pregnancy hormones begin to be released as soon as the baby attaches to the placenta. You may not be aware of the pregnancy for a few weeks, but things are already beginning to change in your body. Here are a few signs to watch out for:

Cravings and Aversions: Some cravings may be your body's way of letting you know you need more of a key nutrient. Others may be caused by stress and other factors. It's the same with aversions, your body knows what it needs and doesn't need. I remember mine to this day, it took me years to get over some of them.

Morning Sickness: While this problem doesn't occur in every pregnancy, it is a common complaint. Nausea and vomiting on arising isn't a pleasant way to start the day. I was told to keep some saltine crackers by my bed and to eat a couple of them before sitting up, and it seemed to help.

Nipple Color: About two months into your first pregnancy, you may notice that your nipples have changed color. This is a permanent change. They will go from a pinkish color to a brownish one. Not all women develop this phenomenon, but most do.

Pelvic Pain: Changes to the bones in the pelvis occur both in the first and the third trimester. The hip bones may need to turn to support the baby, and in the last trimester, all of the joints in that region become looser to allow passage of the baby's head. It's best to mention this pain to your doctor, because there are other causes for it and you'll want to rule them out.

Sore Breasts: In order to feed the child after it is born, your breasts have to change. These changes can be painful, and are often the first indicator that you're pregnant. You may also notice that they are larger. That particular change is not lasting. They will return to their original size after delivery or after weaning the baby.

If you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, there are a few things you need to do. Make sure you are eating properly, remain hydrated and get adequate rest. You may also want to start taking prenatal vitamins before conception so that your body is prepared. See your doctor regularly throughout the nine months so that any complications that come up can be dealt with before they become serious.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Hiccups Causes, Home Remedies, and Medical Treatment

Hiccups are one of the most embarrassing problems one can have in public. It's a totally involuntary and hard to explain. The reason we hiccup is not known, though we do know that it is a sort of reflex action. Most people can get the hiccups; including unborn infants in the last trimester of pregnancy.

What happens in a hiccup is a sudden contraction of the diaphragm and the muscles between the ribs. You draw in a breath involuntarily and then the glottis snaps closed with an audible sound.

While we don't know why we hiccup, we do know a few things that can cause them. Most of them are unsurprising: emotional stress, excitement, an overstretched stomach (this can be caused by overeating, drinking carbonated beverages and swallowing air, abrupt changes of temperature (like when drinking a hot beverage), alcohol and smoking can all lead to a bout of the hiccups.

Here's where it gets there a cure? It really depends on who you ask. Most of the methods come from one of two ideas. Stimulate the nerve affecting the diaphragm or increasing the carbon dioxide levels in the blood. Here are a few, most of which you've probably heard.

Hold your breath (the one I use most)

Drink water (or other beverage) This one makes me nervous, as it would be easy to chock on it should a hiccup occur during swallowing. It's not fun to cough and hiccup at the same time.

Breathe in a paper bag: If I'm around one and they're particularly annoying I'll use it, but who has one handy when they start?

These next few have been published in various medical journals as potential cures for the hiccups.

Eat a tablespoon of granulated sugar: For some, this may be a good idea. However, if you are diabetic it's not such a good idea. Also, bear in mind the choking issue with the water...

Gargle with Cold Water: I could see it working, but choking hazard once again.

Suck on a Lemon Wedge Soaked in Bitters: I could see this working, but you might want to brush your teeth afterwards to prevent damage to your tooth enamel.

Pull on your tongue: It sounds weird, but next time I have the hiccups, I think I'll try it.

I suspect that in most cases, the best cure for hiccups is time. Bear in mind that usually hiccups are a nuisance problem, but there are times when you might need to see the doctor. One of them is prolonged hiccups.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

How to gain Weight Naturally?

Why do vegetarians live 7 years longer than other people? When people convert to being vegan they continue eating the same bulk of food but they're getting much more nutrition.

There are nutrients such as proteins in animal food but it is so much harder to get out and assimilated into your body than vegetarian proteins. For instance, when you cook the meat and burn it your body can only absorb 2-3% of the protein.

In fact, on a vegetarian diet many people can drop their calorie intake to below 1500 calories a day and still maintain their body weight. This is possible because the calorie intake almost doesn't matter when the calorie are chock full of easily absorbed nutrients.

Actually there is absolutely no true correlation between calories and weight gain. Think about it logically, if you're trying to gain weight you're probably eating a ridiculous amount of calories, and yet ironically your body is probably craving nutrients. Does that sound stupid or what? You're stuffing your body full of food and yet it's still depleted of nutrients. That's not right.

The entire calorie counting mess is a propaganda perpetuated by food associations and the diet industry to keep them from focusing on the true issue, which would set them free from their over-priced supplements and protein powders.

Just imagine, if you had the average 3,000 calorie a day diet, but had every meal come from absolutely high density nutrients. So if you want to gain good weight you can do that by raw super foods. Foods with color and "super foods" will pack your muscles full of energy and help them grow with effortless ease. Not to mention the incredible recovery you'll have from workouts before of the incredible boost your immune system will be getting.

Saturday, November 05, 2011

What are Hiccups Causes and Home Remedies?

Hiccups are repeated sharp inhalations of breath caused by involuntary spasms of your diaphragm, the powerful muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen and which increases the volume of the chest when air is breathed in accompanied by involuntary closing of the larynx (upper windpipe). They are caused by irritation of the diaphragm, for example by an overfull stomach or inflammation of the membrane around the heart.

If hiccups reoccur frequently or an attack lasts longer than a day, see your doctor.

Traditional and folk remedies are numerous. Here are some;

  • Breathe in deeply and hold your breath while slowly counting to ten, or as long as possible
  • Gargle for a couple of minutes with hot or cold water
  • Sip several cups of cold water slowly.
  • Drink a glass of water slowly, from the side of the glass farthest from you.
  • Surprise the sufferer with, for example, a sudden slap on the back or by dropping something cold down the back of the neck. A door key or an ice cube often works.
  • Drink a glass of orange juice
  • Eat chalk (I know it sounds crazy).
Herbal medicine: Sipping peppermint or lemon balm tea may reduce the spasms.

Doctors sometimes recommend inhalation of increased concentrations of carbon dioxide. An easy way is to cover nose and mouth with a paper bag and breathe in and out into it for a couple of minutes. A tranquillizer such as chlorpromazine may also be prescribed to control the symptoms.

Hemorrhoid Treatment: How to Stop Hemorrhoids Fast

Hemorrhoids is a problem that many of us suffer from. The only thing we can think about while we go through all the pain is to find a way to get rid of it as soon as possible. We all want to ensure that the problem just vanishes and never ever show up again. However, treatment to this problem depends on the severity of the issue. There are very few treatments that would completely eradicate the problem. Most of the treatments only reduce the severity of the problem than eradicating it completely.

The first solution offered to you by your doctor would be to use lotions and creams available in the market for this purpose. Most of these ease you of the discomfort caused by hemorrhoids. They also lubricate the affected area and makes the area numb. These creams and suppositories are generally marketed as Preparation H.

The next option available is that of surgery. When none of the above methods work out, the surgery option is given. A person can opt to surgically remove hemorrhoids if there has been not much difference made by the basic methods of hemorrhoid removal. These surgeries can be very simple and painless. But, there are also surgeries which are painful and complex and take a long time to heal the problem. The simplest surgical method of getting rid of hemorrhoids comprises of injecting the person with an injection that reduces inflammation of skin and the tissue. The other method is to go for the process called 'banding' which can be extremely painful.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Hemorrhoids Stress-Can stress cause hemorrhoids? How to Manage Stress?

Stress is never a good thing for anyone. It is all the more worse if you are stressed when you are already suffering from Hemorrhoids. Too much of stress increases the size of hemorrhoids making it excruciatingly painful. The best thing you can do to reduce the size of hemorrhoids in such a situation is by reducing the level of stress somehow. You can make use of easy stress reducing techniques such as meditation, doing activities that you enjoy, etc.

Meditation is a great stress buster. All you need to do is forget everything but you and the universe. Simply sit down and close your eyes and forget about everything. Concentrate on you and the universe in which you exist. Breathe deeply. For best results, do it either early in the morning or before you go to sleep. When the stress level decreases, you can begin to feel the hemorrhoids also fading away gradually.

If you tend to sit in the same place while working, then be ready to change this habit. Sitting in the same place for long is an absolute no-no if you have hemorrhoids. To release the stress, you can take small breaks in between and walk and stretch a bit if possible. This is a great stress buster too. The next easy yet fun thing that you can do to get rid of hemorrhoid related stress is by doing activities with your loved ones that you enjoy. This works because when we start enjoying something we tend to forget things that trouble us. Its easy to relieve stress if you have decided what you want to do. So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and have fun!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Find out How Long Does a Panic Attack Last

The typical question as to how long panic attacks will last is something to which none of us have a sure answer. Such anxiety attacks may last for any period of time between a few minutes to a few hours. In some cases it may last for a day or two. If left unattended it can turn into panic disorder. The symptoms of panic attack include tension in the muscles, trembling, short breaths, severe nervousness and racing heartbeats. It has been proved by researchers that nearly 35% of the population experience panic attacks in their life at one point or the other.

There is no particular time limit for panic attacks to last. It varies from individual to individual depending on the severity of the attack. In most of the cases it would last for couple of minutes. However, in severe cases, it may last for a few hours or a day. Nevertheless, these attacks may leave effects such as nervousness and shock no matter the period of attack. There are chances of the attacks becoming a disorder if left untreated. These may last for a few months to years in certain cases.

The estimated age for panic attacks on an average is between 18 to 24 years. However, this is not a fact as a person may suffer such attacks at a much younger age or at a later stage in his life. The prevailing period for such attacks depends on the ability of the person to recover. Their mental framework also plays a vital role in helping them come out of the panic state.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Top 10 Weird Medical Facts of The Week

1- Leaf-cutter ants can build anthills 16 feet deep and an acre square.

2- Queen termites can lay an egg every second.

3-The oldest spider on record is a tarantula that lived to be 28.

4-A spider's blood is transparent.

5-Drunk ants always fall over on their right side.

6-Honeybees can fly as fast as 30 mph.

7-Queen bees only sting other queen bees.

8-We can thank bees for polinating apples, flies for chocolate, and bats for tequila.

9-A grasshopper will eat house paint if it is hungry enough.

10-Ants don't sleep.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Causes and Symptoms of Anxiety Attacks and Panic Attacks

A panic or anxiety attack indicates the presence of an anxiety disorder which has both physical and emotional symptoms. Emotional symptoms related to panic attacks include: intense feeling of unwanted and excessive fear. Physical symptoms related to panic attacks include: feeling of giddiness, asphyxiation, severe shaking, racing heart, clammy hands etc.

There are millions of people across the world who suffer from such sudden attacks. Many can experience such attacks suddenly, since they have genes associated with anxiety disorders in their body. As per research statistics, it has been shown that children of people who have experienced such panic attacks,are 7 times more prone to experience such attacks when compared to others.

Scientific research about the causes for panic attacks depict that huge percentage of people who are prone to experience such attacks have a gene which is nicknamed as DUP25. Experts have found out that such gene develops proteins which has a major role in communication between the cells of central nervous system with one another. It is suspected that the imbalance in this gene causes the brain to become oversensitive and in turn leads to a anxiety attack in those who carry this gene.

Studies have depicted that not all individuals carrying this gene named DUP25 would experience panic attack or other symptoms related to anxiety disorder. It could be due to other causes as well rather than just heredity factors. A person could experience such attacks due to drug abuse or any traumatic experience. Research statistics indicate that 8% of people experiencing panic attacks have gone through major drug abuse. Other stats state that people who try to inhibit their emotions also experience such serious attacks.

Anyone who has experienced a panic attack, knows that it can happen anywhere or anytime. It could occur when he/she is alone or when he is among a group of individuals. It could take place when they are in public or at home. It could never happen when a person wakes up from a restful, sound sleep. Women living in their early age of adolescence are more prone to such panic and mood attacks and around 50 percent of people experiencing them, are below 24 years of age.

People expecting treatment for such attacks can get cured in several weeks time. Though it is unpleasant to experience such panic attacks, it does not have any side effects over long term after the patients are given proper treatment and remain under safe conditions. However, there are chances of relapses even after treatment. It indicates that people could experience an attack even when they under the process of treatment. But when they follow stress-relieving activities such as yoga in their daily schedule, they could avoid such problems.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Top 10 Weird Medical Facts of the Week

1- Your body uses 300 muscles to balance itself when you are standing still.

2- If saliva cannot dissolve something, you cannot taste it.

3- Your body contains the same amount of iron as an iron nail.

4- The average woman is 5 inches shorter than the average man.

5- You are most likely to be allergic to nuts.

6- The darker green a vegetable is, the more vitamin C it has.

7- Ketchup was once sold as a medicine.

8- The only tree from which we eat the flower is the fig.

9- The tomato comes in over 4,000 varieties.

10- Peanut butter sandwiches weren't popular until the 1920's.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

What is the treatment for narcissists?

Narcissism is not an easy personality disorder to deal with. The problem with this disorder is that not only does it affect just the patient but his entire family suffers as well because the patient is unable to form emotional bonds with his family members. There is no known cure for Narcissism though psychotherapy and continuous counselling has helped many people for several years.

The first step towards dealing with Narcissism is accepting it. Psychologists say that accepting a disorder is winning half the battle and the same holds good for patients suffering from Narcissism personality disorder as well. Once the patient understands that he has a medical disorder, he can take concrete steps towards trying to make a conscious effort in changing as a person. This is where a good psychiatrist or a psychologist comes in to picture, to guide the patient towards developing better self esteem, having more realistic and approachable expectations and giving consideration towards others feelings as well.

While many patients also feel that therapy alone doesn't help them at all, psychiatrists do prescribe certain drugs which can help the therapy in a constant combination. However, with patients suffering from Narcissism there is always a chance that they will abuse drugs and alcohol to deal with their situation and the therapist must be very cautious. With continuous therapy for several years, patient can get better insight and understand what led to their Narcissist tendencies in the first place. That makes them more capable of solving the problem right from the root and working upwards to see better results. A good psychologist, however, is vital to make progress. There will be days in the life of a person suffering from Narcissism when no therapy will work and the insecurities will seem larger than life itself. But trust in the therapist, understanding of the problem and constant support from friends and family will help anyone deal through even the toughest of days.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

100-year-old Fauja Singh: Oldest runner to Complete a Marathon

Fauja Singh, who was recognized as the oldest marathon racer by the Association of Road Racing Statistician for completing a marathon at the age of 93, finished 42.2 km marathon in Toronto at the age of 100 and entered the Guinness Book of World Records.

Before Singh, 98 years old Dimitrion Yordanidis in 1976 made this world record. Singh took more than 8 hours to complete the race. He was the last and more than six hours behind Kenneth Mungara (38 years old) who won the event fourth time in a chain.

He was born in India in 1911. He started running after he had lost his son and wife and moved to England at the age of 89 years.

It was Singh’s wish that he would complete the marathon race at the age of 100 and now he has made his wish come true. According to Singh, he runs for himself without the enforcement of anyone and he will run as long as it keeps him alive. He said that his health secret is a vegetarian diet without alcohol and smoking. He walks more than 10 miles a day.

His coach and translator Harmander Singh told, “Earlier, just before we came around the (final) corner, he said, ‘achieving this will be like getting married again.’”

Singh said, “I have said it before: that I will carry on running, as it is keeping me alive,”

Appendicitis Symptoms, Diagnosis, and General Treatment

What is the appendix? Essentially, it is a small "bag-like" item inside of the large intestine, which sometimes increases in size. It is a vestigial organ, meaning that it at one point served a purpose but basically is left over from evolution. It usually doesn't cause any problems but there are times when its opening point is closed due to a large amount of bowel material. Because of this bowel material, there can be bacteria which cause even more complicated and harmful effects. Due to this, the appendix may become inflamed and as a result, the patient feels a great pain in his abdomen. This condition is called appendicitis.

Generally, anyone can be affected, but the most frequently affected are those who are between the ages of 10 and 30. Extremely young children and very old people are far less likely to experience appendicitis. However, most you children that experience the pain from it cannot handle it because it is far too severe for them. The pain can last for 8 to 12 hours, but may persist longer in some cases. Generally, the final cure is surgery. If someone is prescribed medicine in order to decrease the pain, it often only works for a short period of time and then wears off afterwards. Once the effects of the medicine wear off, the pain starts again. Often, the pain is very sharp and extremely noticeable.

Symptoms of appendicitis may include, but are not limited to:

• The pain starts from the upper stomach part and it starts to move to the lower stomach.

• Pain lasts for 8 to 12 hours, and may continue even longer.

• Vomiting

• Loss of appetite

• Constipation

• Fever

Home Treatment:

• You may be confusing appendicitis with some other issue. Perhaps you simply over-ate or had something which upset your stomach. Wait it out to see if there is sharp pain which persists for 8 or more hours.

• If you experience many of the symptoms, including, but not limited to fever, vomiting, decrease of appetite, constipation, and sharp pain, then definitely don't wait to head over to the hospital. Visit the doctor as soon as possible in order to prevent future problems.

• Do not take any medicine that is anti-constipation as this may cause the rupture of the appendix, making the issue likely to become even more complicated.

• Also, pain killers are not advised because they generally do not help the situation at all. In fact, they may worsen it altogether.

• Visit a doctor if you suspect that you have appendicitis.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Top 10 Weird Medical Facts of the Week

1. About one third of the human race has 20-20 vision.

2. In a hot climate, you can sweat as much as 3 gallons of water a day.

3. Fingernails are made from the same substance as a bird's beak.

4. A runner consumes about 7 quarts of oxygen while running a 100-yard dash.

5. The enamel in your teeth is the hardest substance in your body.

6. Your teeth start growing 6 months before you are born.

7. Your big toes have two bones each while the rest have three.

8. A pair of human feet contain 250,000 sweat glands.

9. Living brain cells are bright pink.

10. You're ears secrete more earwax when you are afraid than when you aren't.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Niagara Falls Turns Pink in Breast Cancer Awareness

Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) is an annual international health campaign organized by major breast cancer charities every October to increase awareness of the disease and to raise funds for research into its cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure. The campaign also offers information and support to those affected by breast cancer.

As well as providing a platform for breast cancer charities to raise awareness of their work and of the disease, BCAM is also a prime opportunity to remind women to be breast aware for earlier detection.
Niagara Falls Turns Pink in Breast Cancer Awareness
Niagara Falls Turns Pink in Breast Cancer Awareness

Niagara Falls Turns Pink in Breast Cancer Awareness
Niagara Falls Turns Pink in Breast Cancer Awareness

Friday, October 07, 2011

Top 10 Weird Medical Facts of the Week

  1. 57% of women would rather go on a shopping spree than have sex.

  2. 63% of pet owners sleep with their pets.

  3. The average American male laughs 69 times a day where the average woman laughs 55 times a day.

  4. 85% of obscene calls are made by males.

  5. The average person moves their residence 11 times in their life, about once every 6 years.

  6. Fetuses can hiccup.

  7. Your body gives off enough heat in 30 minutes to bring half a gallon of water to a boil.

  8. If they were laid end to end, the blood vessels in your body would wrap around the equator three times.

  9. Blondes have more hair than dark-haired people.

  10. Bone is stronger, inch for inch, than the steel in skyscrapers.

Monday, October 03, 2011

The Human Nervous System - Structure and Function - All Explained

The nervous system is a regulatory system that controls a variety of body functions. The nervous system can detect changes occurring in various organs and take corrective action when needed to maintain the constancy of the internal environment. The nervous system also regulates activities that change almost instantly, such as muscle contractions and perception of danger. The body is made up of many receptors that receive incoming information about what is happening within the body and what is happening in the outside environment. Specifically, these receptors represent our eyes, ears, skin, nose, and stomach. We act on that information via the nervous system.

The basic structural and functional unit of the nervous system is the neuron. These are elongated, highly branched cells. The body contains about 100 billion neurons. Neurons respond to electrical and chemical signals, conduct electrical impulses, and release chemical regulators. Overall, neurons allow us to perceive what is occurring in our environment. They help us engage in learning, store vital information in memory, and control the body's voluntary (and involuntary) actions.

The brain and spinal cord make up the central nervous system (CNS). The brain stores information, reacts to incoming information, solves problems, and generates thoughts. In addition, the brain plans a course of action based on the other sensory inputs. Responses to the stimuli are carried out mostly through the peripheral nervous system (PNS) to accommodate one's will.

Simply put, the nervous system receives information through stimulation of various receptors, processes this information, and sends out signals for an action that needs to be taken through its various branches. Actual transmission of the signal uti­lizes a change in the sodium and potassium concentration in the neuron. There is an influx of sodium and a loss of potassium as the message is sent. Ion concentrations are then restored to normal amounts in the neuron and it is ready to conduct another message.

When the signal must bridge a gap (synapse) between the branches of different neurons, the message is generally converted to a chemical signal called a neurotransmitter. The neurotransmitter, itself is then released into the gap, thereby passing the signal from one neuron to another. Another type of cell may also be at the receiving end of the neurotransmitter, such as a muscle cell. If the signal is sent to an­other neuron, this allows it to continue on to its final destination. The neurotransmitters used in this process are often made from common nutrients found in foods, such as amino acids. Examples are the amino acid tryptophan being converted to the neurotransmitter serotonin, and the amino acid tyrosine being converted to the neurotransmitters dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine.

Other nutrients also play a role in the nervous system. Calcium is needed for the release of neurotransmitters from neurons. Vitamin B-12 plays a role in the formation of a myelin sheath, which provides a form of insulation around specific parts of most neurons. Finally, a regular supply of carbohydrate in the form of glucose is important for providing for the energy needs of the brain. The brain can use other fuels, but gen­erally relies on glucose.

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Dengue Fever outbreak in Pakistan 2011

Already cursed by floods and suicide bombings, Pakistan now faces a new menace from an unprecedented outbreak of the deadly tropical disease dengue fever.

Earlier this disease was spread in Lahore and Karachi but now cases of Dengue fever are coming from all major cities and towns. The first case of this disease in Pakistan reported in year 1994 in Karachi. After that this disease spread slowly and in 2006 there were large number of patients affected with Dengue fever.

In 2006 World Health Organization for the first time recognized the disease in Pakistan and according to their official statistics more than 4800 persons were affected by disease and almost 50 died till 2006. First case of Dengue fever in Lahore was reported in 2007 and since then the cases and causalities are increasing with rapid pace.

It is tropical disease and the mosquito responsible for that disease can not fly long distance. Some years before when there was attack of Dengue Disease in USA they investigated the matter and found that the disease was caused by some recycled imported tyres hence it is evident that this disease was also came in Pakistan through that way and Karachi is the main Sea Port city and worst affected by this disease. All imported material is delivered from Karachi to the all parts of Pakistan and this way the disease is now reached in all corners of Pakistan.

The mosquito with Dengue virus is found in clean water such as in grounds or gardens and hence one cannot avoid it only by keeping neighbourhood clean. Now government is taking preventive measures by using chemical sprays against mosquitoes but more efforts are required to control this epidemic disease.

In less than a month, 126 people have died and more than 12,000 have been diagnosed with the virus, which has spread rapidly among both rich and poor in Pakistan's cultural capital Lahore.

Pakistan authorities have blamed the crisis on prolonged monsoon rains and unusually high seasonal temperatures.But furious locals say the outbreak is yet another example of government inefficiency, citing a failure to take preventive measures to kill off the mosquitos and lengthy power cuts.

Dengue fever, A Comprehensive Disease Information

If there's one insect that can truly be called a pest, it's the mosquito. Incredible as it sounds, this tiny insect can cause a host of diseases ranging from malaria, filariasis, yellow fever, and encephalitis (the inflammation of the brain).

One of the most common diseases transmitted by mosquitoes is dengue and it's found in over 40 countries. Since it first appeared in Southeast Asia in the 1950s, dengue outbreaks have increased and have been reported in Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Burma, and Thailand.

Over 2.5 million people are at risk, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Millions of infections occur yearly and about 500,000 people are hospitalized because of dengue. Ninety-five percent of those affected are children.

Not all mosquitoes transmit the dengue virus. There are over 160 different species but only two cause trouble: the Aedes albopictus and more commonly, the Aedes aegypti. Only female mosquitoes bite and they're active two hours after sunrise and two hours before sunset.

Mosquitoes normally feast on nectar and plant juices. The female needs blood to nourish its eggs. It becomes infected with the dengue virus when it bites a person suffering from the disease. The infected mosquito then spreads the disease when it bites others.

"There is no way to tell if a mosquito is carrying the dengue virus, therefore people must protect themselves from all mosquito bites," warned WHO.

Dengue mosquitoes like to hide in closets and other dark places. Outside, they prefer cool and shaded areas such as school grounds, park, and malls. The female breeds in anything that holds stagnant water like barrels, drums, old tires, pots, flower vases, bottles, roof gutters, refrigerator drip pans, and other places that collect rainwater.

Many factors contribute to the spread of dengue. These include climate changes brought about by the El Nino phenomenon, increasing urban populations, and poverty. Mosquito breeding sites have also increased due to poor water storage and sewage systems, uncollected garbage, and infrastructure projects with stagnant pools. Mass transportation has made it easier for mosquitoes to reach other areas and move infected humans.

There are two forms of dengue. Dengue fever is a severe flu-like illness that affects older children and adults but is rarely fatal. It's characterized by sudden high fever, headache, pain behind the eyes that worsens with movement, and muscle and joint pains. Later, a measles-like rash appears on the chest and upper limbs and there is nausea and vomiting.

The more severe form of the disease is dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) which is fatal in children. Its symptoms are similar to dengue fever but it causes bleeding from the nose, mouth, and gums and shock leading to death. Other signs of DHF are severe stomach pain, pale, cold or clammy skin, frequent vomiting, sleepiness, excessive thirst, rapid weak pulse, and difficulty in breathing.

If you suspect you have dengue or DHF, see a doctor immediately. Up to 20 percent of people with severe dengue or DHF may die if not properly diagnosed and treated. To keep your body strong and healthy, eat right and follow a regular exercise program. To help you lose weight, take Phenocal, a safe, natural, and effective weight loss supplement that boosts your metabolism, suppresses your appetite, reduces food cravings, and increases energy levels to keep you in shape.

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Top 10 Weird Medical Facts of the Week

  1. If a surgeon in Ancient Egypt lost a patient while performing an operation, his hands were cut off.
  2. Alfred Hitchcock didn't have a belly button. It was eliminated when he was sewn up after surgery.
  3. Ancient Egyptians shaved off their eyebrows to mourn the deaths of their cats.
  4. Apples are more efficient than caffeine in keeping people awake in the mornings!
  5. Boys who have unusual first names are more likely to have mental problems than boys with conventional names. Girls don't seem to have this problem.
  6. Cat urine glows under a black light.
  7. Due to gravitational effects, you weigh slightly less when the moon is directly overhead.
  8. Every episode of "Seinfeld" contains at least one Superman.
  9. George Washington grew marijuana in his garden.
  10. Hindu men believe(d) it to be unluckily to marry a third time. They could avoid misfortune by marrying a tree first. The tree ( his third wife ) was then burnt, freeing him to marry again.

Friday, September 30, 2011

A Few tips to save Money on Smartphone Plans as a Medical Student

If you're a medical student or a resident, you probably don't have the luxury of a really expensive smartphone plan. I remember those days when we were trying to save every penny because our finances were so tight. Of course, many people also have the luxury of student loans, so they may not be so budget-focused. For those looking for a few tips on ways to save money on smartphone plans, here are a few suggestions:
  1. Eliminate the data plan (if you have the option) and choose a very simple cell phone plan. Do you really need a data plan on your smartphone? Or, can you get by with Wi-Fi only?
  2. Leverage coupons and resellers. Buy a smartphone through a reseller that offers discounts and coupons. Do some searching online and look for savings.
  3. Share minutes on a family plan. We all have family. Are they willing to put you on their family plan? Several wireless providers have recently expanded their family plans and now offer many options for families that even wish to have unlimited calling. Look for the cheapest cell phone plan that fits your needs and try to reduce your minutes each month.
  4. Get rid of your landline and use your smartphone as your primary phone.
  5. Use Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)or Google Voice instead of your smartphone minutes.
So, are these tips practical? Well, it really depends on how much flexibility you have. If you're frequently in front of a computer and you constantly have Wi-Fi access, then you might be able to get by without signing up for a data plan.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sleep Deprivation May Increase Risk of Alzheimer's Disease

Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have suggested a possible link between inadequate sleep and the increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

They have found that a marker for Alzheimer’s disease rises during day and falls with sleep in the spinal fluid, and the pattern is strongest in healthy young people than the older counterparts, whose sleep periods are often shorter and more prone to disruption.

In the new study, scientists report that the normal highs and lows of amyloid beta levels in the fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord begin to flatten in older adults.

“In healthy people, levels of amyloid beta drop to their lowest point about six hours after sleep, and return to their highest point six hours after maximum wakefulness,” said Randall Bateman, MD, associate professor of neurology.

Bateman’s laboratory conducted the study in partnership with Washington University’s Sleep Medicine Centre.

Stephen Duntley, MD, professor of neurology and director of the Centre added, “We’ve known for some time that significant sleep deprivation has negative effects on cognitive function comparable to that of alcohol intoxication.”

“But it’s recently become apparent that prolonged sleep disruption and deprivation can actually play an important role in pathological processes that underlie diseases.

“This connection to Alzheimer’s disease isn’t confirmed yet in humans, but it could be very important,” he stated.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Major Genetic Diseases: Cardiovascular Disease, Obesity, Diabetes

Most chronic diseases in which nutrition plays a role are also influenced by genetics. The risks of developing cardiovascular disease, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, cancer, and osteoporosis are influenced by interactions between genetic and nutritional factors. Studies of families, including those with twins and adoptees, provide strong support for the effect of genetics in these disorders. In fact, family history is considered to be one of the important risk factors in the development of many nutrition-related diseases.

Cardiovascular Disease:

About 1 of every 500 people in the North American population has a defective gene that greatly delays cholesterol removal from the bloodstream. Other genetic effects lead to an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease at a young age. Diet changes can help these people, but medications and possibly surgery may be needed to address these problems.


Most obese North Americans have at least one parent who is also obese. Findings from many human studies suggest that a variety of genes (likely 60 or more) are involved in the regulation of body weight. Little is known, however, about the specific nature of these genes in humans or how the actual changes in body metabolism (such as lower energy use in general or fat use in particular) are produced.

Still, although sole individuals may be genetically predisposed to store body fat, whether they actually do so depends on how much excess energy above energy needs they ultimately consume. A common concept in nutrition is that nurture (how people live and the environmental factors that influence them) acts on how nature (each person's genetic potential) is expressed. Although not everyone with a genetic tendency toward obesity develops this condition, he or she does have a higher lifetime risk than individuals without a genetic predisposition to obesity. Obesity is also a main factor that leads to countless other diseases, so if you want to stay healthy make sure you stay in shape.


Both of the two common types of diabetes (type 1 and type 2) also have genetic links, as revealed by family and twin studies. Only sensitive and expensive testing can determine who is at risk. The form of diabetes involved in about 90% of all cases, type 2 diabetes, also has a strong link to obesity. A genetic tendency for type 2 diabetes is expressed once a person becomes obese but often not before, again illustrating that nurture does in fact affect nature.

In order to see which diseases you may be genetically predisposed to, consider getting genetic testing.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Stroke Risk Factors, Symptoms, Warning Signs, and Treatment

Stroke can be a very life-changing experience. It is very important to be aware of the risk factors, symptoms, and signs of stroke. The quality of your life could depend on it.

Some of the risk factors for stroke are:
1. Being over the age of 55 (however, stroke can happen at any age)
2. A family history of stroke, mini-stroke, or heart disease
3. Having previously experienced any of the factors in number 2
4. Being a man although women are also at risk.
5. Being a diabetic

First of all, some may wonder exactly what is a stroke. A stroke is a brain attack, not unlike a heart attack. When a person has a stroke, the blood flow to the brain simply gets interrupted. In about 85 % of cases this is caused by a blockage. A blood clot develops in the brain or elsewhere in the body and travels to the brain. (You can see the similarity to a heart attack.) Since diabetes can be hard on your body, including your arteries, this raises the stroke risk for us diabetics.

One of the main long-term effects of a stroke is paralysis, as was the case with my mother. She was paralized on her right side. Other long term effects are vision problems, memory loss, behavior changes, etc. The long term effects are determined by which part of the brain is effected when the stroke occurs. It is very important to know the signs of stroke because immediate treatment is necessary.

Watch for the following signs:
- confusion or trouble speaking (this includes talking clearly but not making sense or using wrong words)
- dizziness or a loss of balance
- a sudden severe headache with no explanation
- a numbness or weakness, especially on just one side of the body
- one side of the face having a droopy look, especially around the mouth

Medication can help to alleviate long term effects but only if given within three hours of the onset of symptoms. Do not hesitate in seeking help! Being hesitant or thinking, "Oh, it is probably nothing" could be the biggest mistake of your life.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Diet for Kidney Stone Prevention

When you have renal stones, the best suggestion I can give you is well, the kidney stone diet. As the name suggests, this diet tackles all the guidelines you must have to manage your kidney stone. In the first place, kidney stones happen because there is a calcification in your urinary system. They form primarily on the kidneys but they can migrate to the lower urinary system. Hence, they are typically asymptomatic until they pass into the lower urinary system.

Up to 4% of the population in the United Stares has kidney stones. About 12% of males have renal stone by the age of 70. More than 200,000 americans require hospitalization for treatment of stones each year. It is so recurrent to the point that half of the patients affected will develop another bout of renal calculi in the next 10 years. Most common calculi are composed of calcium oxylate (70-80%), uric acid (10%), struvite (9-17%), or cystine (less than 1%). The most common signs and symptoms include low urine output, high urine pH (making it alkaline), excessive urinary excretion of calcium, oxalate, uric acid, or combination of these substances.

Type and cause of stone formation provide details on how to manage kidney stones. A comprehensive dietary history taking might also be needed to be able to point out the portion of the patient's diet that triggered the formation of kidney stones. Generally, treatment options include restrictive diet and modifications. Here are some guidelines on the kidney stone diet:

-Tailor diet to specific metabolic disturbances and individual dietary habits to ensure compliance

-Calcium restriction should be avoided

-Calcium and oxalate must be in balance

-Limit intake of spinach, rhubarb, beets, nuts, chocolate, team wheat bran, and strawberries

-Do not exceed recommended daily allowance for vitamin C as it increases urinary oxalate excretion

-Animal protein should be regulated to 1 g/kg body weight

-Salt intake should be restricted to less than 100 mEq/dl

-Potassium intake should be encouraged (five or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day

-Include high fluid intake to produce at least 2 liters of urine/day (2-3 L of water intake/day is recommended)

From my experience as a nurse, it is always better to try less invasive procedures until all options become exhausted. Which is why following a proper diet and drinking plenty of fluids should be your first and primary thing to do.

Fortunately, most clients pass the stone naturally from the ureter and bladder. If the stone does not move, if it causes obstruction, or if X-ray suggests that the stone is too large to pass safely into the urethra, more invasive treatment is necessary.

The kidney stone diet is not rigid. In fact, it helps you work around your usual diet in order for you not to feel as though you are in a strict regimen.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Dengue fever - information, symptoms and treatments

Dengue fever - information, symptoms and treatments
Fever Dengue (pronounced DEN-gee) is caused by viruses that are transmitted by mosquito bites. It is a severe illness that starts suddenly and usually follows a benevolent course with such symptoms as fever, headache, intense muscle and joint pains, exhaustion, lymphadenopathy (swollen glands) and the telltale rash. Dengue is characterized by the presence of what is called the "dengue triad" (headache, fever and rash). There are other signs of dengue like stark pain behind the eyes, gums that bleed, and redness in the palms of hands and soles of the feet. What is Dengue Fever?

Fever dengue strikes those who have low immunity levels. Fever dengue can be caused by any one of four types of the dengue virus: DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3, and DEN-4 (the numbers reflect the order of discovery and have no relation to disease severity). An individual can be infected by at least two types, if not all four at different times during his or her life. However, an attack of a particular type of dengue produce lifetime immunity against that serotype which the patient had been exposed to.

There are other names for dengue such as "dandy fever" or "breakbone." The name "breakbone" was derived because the victims of dengue have contortions because of the intense muscle and joint pains. The name "dandy fever" was derived from the slaves of the West Indies who had contracted fever dengue because of their gait and postures.

The more severe viral serotype of fever dengue is dengue hemorrhagic fever. Signs include headache, rash, fever, petechiae (which are small purple or red blisters just under the skin), bleeding of the gums, blackened stools, and bruising that easily develop. Dengue hemorrhagic fever can be lethal and can develop into the most severe form of dengue which is dengue shock syndrome.

A person who has been bitten by the Aedes mosquito carrying the dengue virus will show signs and symptoms after 3 to 15 days (although it is more common from within 5 - 8 days). The person infected will first experience chills and then headaches or pain when they move their eyes, and lower back pain. The pain in the joints and muscle pain in the legs occur during the first hours. The body temperature will then rise to about 40 degrees Centigrade (or 104 degrees Fahrenheit). The heart rate will remain low (known as bradycardia) and so will the blood pressure (known as hypotension). There will be reddening of the eyes and then there will be a rash or flushing that comes over the face and then goes away. The lymph nodes (glands) in the groin and neck will be swollen.

Most of those who develop fever dengue completely recover within two weeks however there are some who may go through several weeks of feeling depressed and/or tired.

The virus is contracted from the bite of a striped mosquito known as the Aedes aegypti that has been previously bitten a dengue infected person. This mosquito flourishes during the rainy seasons or monsoons but can easily breed in water-filled potholes, drains, flower pots, old tires, plastic bags, and cans all year-round. Only one mosquito bite is enough to inflict the disease.

The dengue virus is not contagious and cannot spread directly from one individual to another. To spread, there must be a pathway that goes "person-to-mosquito-to-another-person".

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Kidney Stone causes and Symptoms for Women

Kidney stones are more common in men than women. But the incidence of kidney stones in women has been on the rise. The number of women suffering from this problem has been increasing, largely due to dietary habits. Low intakes of fruits and vegetables and high-protein diets are the most common causes of kidney stones in women. Also, like a man, a woman also has a greater chance of recurrence of this problem.

Many women feel pain in the lower abdomen from time to time before or during menstruation. Sometime the cause of the pain may be kidney stones, but the women may not be able to identify it. They should carefully observe whether any such pain has been followed by a urinary disorder, dullness, fever, and nausea or vomiting. If that is the case, get in touch with your doctor, as he or she will be able to diagnose the problem.

If the pain persists even after menstruation that could be due to kidney stones, though there could be other reasons for it too.

As almost 80 per cent of kidney stones are calcium stones, women taking calcium supplements should be careful about it. Certain medical studies have suggested that if these supplements are taken as a part of a meal rather than a "supplement" to food, the risk of kidney stones reduces drastically.

However, the medical community has yet to reach at a consensus on this sensitive issue. Though men, in general, are more likely to have kidney stones than women, various studies over the last few decades have suggested that women are more likely to have struvite stones than men. The most common cause of struvite stones is chronic urinary tract bacterial infection. These stones can seriously damage a patient's kidneys, due to their size.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Anxiety Symptoms, Causes, Types, Signs and Symptoms

Anxiety disorder affects over 40 million people and is one of the most common mental disorder. Anxiety disorders is a term that has a wide range of conditions, but they all cause extreme anxiety and mood and emotional disturbances. A person who suffers from it also can have phobias such as a fear of certain things like (snakes, spiders, heights, or water,) and they can cause you to have extreme anxiety or cause a panic attack. Now the form of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a more unfocused, pervasive anxiety that causes insomnia, fatigue, and other health problems. The form of social anxiety disorder (SAD) or social phobia is an unreasonable and overwhelming far of social situations. A person who suffers from SAD will avoid people while working in a social or a work setting. There is the fear that someone might notice the condition that makes it worse.

A person who suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), this disorder causes a person to have obsessive thoughts and anxiety, nagging doubt, and the need to keep things in perfect order. A person who suffers from these disorder has an obsession with keeping things clan and germ free, so they keep washing their hands. People who have this know that it is not normal but they can not stop doing it. This disorder is called "insanity with insight" or "the doubting disease" according to Bruce Hyman to the OCD Research Center of South Florida. People who have this disorder call it a living hell.

Another disorder is the post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and can be caused from a rape, natural disasters, an accident, or abuse. Soldiers suffer from this when returning from a war. Some of the symptoms are insomnia, flashbacks, nightmares, and anger.

Separation anxiety is caused when young children are separated from their parents and it can affect both the children and the parents alike. When your child moves away to college it can cause separation anxiety. Your pet can suffer from separation anxiety and when you leave your pet it can become unruly and have disruptive behavior when you leave it alone or in the care of others.

There are other problems that coexist with anxiety disorder. Two-thirds of the people who suffer from GAD also suffer from depression A person who suffers from anxiety are more likely to abuse alcohol and drugs. People who suffer from one disorder are later diagnosed with additional anxiety disorders.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

You can Eliminate Phobias with the use of Systematic Desensitization

Clinicians use different psychotherapies to manage anxiety disorders. Systematic desensitization is one of those therapies which have got popularity among psychologist's community for its effectiveness in reducing anxiety disorders. Therapy is effective in reducing symptoms of panic disorder and post traumatic stress disorder. Primarily, therapy has gained popularity through its remarkable effects on reduction of different types of phobias. In phobia, a person becomes highly sensitive toward any stimuli. For example, a person is phobic of dark places, so he develops sensitivity for such places. The purpose of this therapy is to reduce that sensitivity that is, to desensitize the person for dark places. In this way, a person will not feel anxiety when he will face any dark place. The second important thing is that the clinicians induce this desensitization systematically.

There are two important things in therapy sessions. The first thing is that, a clinician accommodates relaxation techniques along with the main therapy. The second thing is that the clinician breaks the therapies in small steps (from least fear provoking situation to most fear provoking situation), and starts achieving target from the least step.

These things are not separate from each other. Relaxation techniques go side by side with systematic desensitization. It is equally important to understand that the clinicians conduct therapy in small steps. They never try to eliminate phobia in a single jerk. There are other psychotherapies that focus on eliminating the symptoms at once by sudden exposure to fear provoking stimulus. These methods are called flooding methods, but clinicians do not recommend such methods because of the potential harm to individual.

At the start of the therapy, clinician makes a list of fear provoking situation. Clinician has no authority to decide which thing is threatening for his client. He makes this list on the recommendations of the client. Client himself verbalizes which situation is most threatening and which is least threatening for him. List of client's fears during systematic desensitization may take the form of a hierarchy.

We will take the example of the person who fears dark places, his hierarchy may include the following steps.

1) Feels fear when think about dark place (this is the least fear arousing situation).
2) Feels fear when goes out of home and there is the possibility to confront any dark place.
3) Feels fear when passes by any dark place.
4) Feels fear when enters a dark place.
5) Feels fear when he has to stay in a dark place for at least five minutes (this is the most fear arousing situation).

When a clinician starts the therapy, he starts from the least fear provoking situation (Feels fear when think about dark place). Clinician asks the client to imagine the situation. When client imagine about the situation, he becomes anxious automatically. At this point, clinician introduces relaxation techniques through verbalization and deep breathing. Clinician asks the client to relax body parts one by one. He verbalizes to client "Now stretch your arms and then loosen them". In this way, clinician directs to stretch and relax different body parts. He repeats the same procedure for all the steps in hierarchy. Client has to practice these steps again and again. In this way, the client becomes habitual of relaxing himself during different fear arousing situations. Finally, clinician asks client to imagine the most fear inducing situation (stay in a dark place for at least five minutes), and when client becomes anxious, he asks him to calm down himself through relaxation techniques. In this way, systematic desensitization eliminates the phobia of the individual.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Public Speaking - Tips for Managing Public Speaking Anxiety

Anxiety before presentations and speeches can be observed in many individuals. Dry throat, dizziness, and stuttering are the normal responses before and during public speaking. But in some cases, people can develop irrational fear of public speaking and go beyond the normal responses. Those who are suffering from fear of public speaking may experience different symptoms such as, extreme anxiety before communicating anything in front of groups, avoidance of the gatherings in which they will have to talk with groups, and physical discomfort (nausea, sweating, hot or cold flushes).

This type of fear induces speech problems. People may stutter, forget words or experience phonological problems during talk. This fear becomes worst when it leads to panic attacks. Panic attacks are an expression of anxiety. When someone loses his control in front of groups or public, he will experience a panic attack. These panic attacks are situational bound panic attacks in which a person experiences an attack when he confronts anxiety provoking stimulus. Individual may experience accelerated heartbeat, sweating, breathing difficulties, chest pain, nausea, dizziness, lack of control over himself, fear of dying, numbness and hot or cold flush during a panic attack. In this case, facing public is anxiety provoking stimulus, which induces the above mentioned symptoms.

We need to manage the fear of public speaking and resulting panic attacks. First, I will focus on managing the fear of public speaking. Usually psychologists talk about management instead of treatment. This is because, various factors contribute in development of psychological problems, and there are strong chances of relapse. There are several things that can reduce fear of public speaking. Practice before speech or presentation is essential. One should learn at least the first portion of presentation by heart. People should keep prints of speech with them to take help whenever they stuck. It is better to use multimedia during presentation, because it helps to maintain the flow of presentation. It can be helpful to deliver the speech in front of family members or friends. One should ask for feedback to enhance skills. Always keep in mind that, the audiences do not know about the area you are presenting in, they are students and you are the teacher who will introduce them on the topic. This will help in reducing the fear of audience.

Now, we will discuss on the ways that can be helpful in controlling panic attacks during public speaking. The first thing is to accept your problem as the problem. Never be ignorant and wait for miracles to prevent you from disastrous public speaking. Accepting will enable you to find solutions for your own problems. Sometimes speakers feel that their hidden anxieties are in the spotlight, and the audiences can see what they are feeling. This is the misconception of speakers. Certain anxieties go unnoticed and the audiences are not interested in embarrassing you at personal levels. Try to be positive in your approach and tell yourself that "I have the ability to accomplish my task, and overcome my weaknesses". Psychotherapy values such self-instruction to enhance self-control over acts. Once, you are able to assure yourself, you can prove your talent to the audience. Anxiety is the thing that makes your processes faster. You can use your aroused conditions positively, and make your speeches and presentations more enthusiastic. If you think that now you will experience a panic attack, you will surely have. When you are feeling aroused, tell your mind that you are prepared to face these attacks right now. In this way, you will be able to manage your fear of public speaking.