Despite the benefits of tea, despite the lack of severity compared with coffee in terms of the percentage difference of caffeine, the tea becomes harmful in the following cases: -
1 - excessive Intake: -
Which causes ulcers in the stomach and duodenum.
2 - if boiled so much that it turns its color to dark brown: -
Which causes the heart muscle disorder, constipation and laziness of the digestive system.
3 - If taken immediately after having meal: -
Which causes difficulty in digestion, so I prefer to take tea an hour after having meal.
4 - If you take tea on an empty stomach (empty stomach ): -
Which may destroy mucosa of stomach and duodenum with follow up complications.
5 - Patients with kidney stones and patients with gastric ulcers or duodenal ulcers should be careful about taking tea. Excessive intake may be harmful for them.
Saturday, February 05, 2011
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» Harmful effects of excessive tea intake
Harmful effects of excessive tea intake
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