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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Most abnormal medical test results: A person having Blood Sugar of >1200 & pH of 6.8 and he did not know he was diabetic

1) Alcoholic with refeeding syndrome - magnesium undetectable
2) COPD and CCF - ABG PaO2 3.2
3) TB peritonitis - White cells 86, CRP 1332
4) Octogenerian living on tinned soup - MCV 149.6, Hb 4.2, Folate 0.1
5) 3 days unrecognised DKA - Base XS -35, pH 6.69, pCO2 0.1 Lactate 21

Hb 3.2 - last week, bleeding DU. Still conscious!

Creatine Kinase of 326,000 in a 22 year old student who'd suffered prolonged seizures following overdose of a TCA - did very well on intensive IV fluid therapy on HDU and went home reasonably quickly thereafter.

1. H/H 1.2/3.5 walked into ED with swollen feet. Died following 2 units of blood over rapid transfuser, Clever ED!!

2. Blood Sugar of >1200 and pH of 6.8, Na of 177 in the same Px with DKA and he did not know he was diabetic

Sickler mid-crisis - hB undetectable by haemocue or ABG. Lab result confirmed haemoglobin of 0.5. He was still awake, alert, and refusing treatment (violently).

Urea 70 Creat 1000 K 7.something, after 3/52 urinary retention.

Ur 68 Cr 2100 K7.5 generally not feeling well but only came to hospital because wife wouldn't go by herself in the ambulance and thought he'd get checked out in A&E too. He had bilateral hydronephrosis due to renal stones. There was another lady the same week with a K of 10 who survived.

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