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Wednesday, February 09, 2011

MBBS Final Year Ospe Medicine 2011 University of Health Sciences Lahore

1. scenario of hepatic encaph: dx, 3 steps of management
2. ett pic: identify: give 3 complications
3. butterfly rash pic: dx sle, write 5 signs
4. scenario of metabolic acidosis: give 2 d/d (dka,salicylate poisoning), give 1 test to differentiate between ur d/d (urine test)
5. x ray of pneumothorax: tell 3 findings on xray, write dx
6. pic of RHD(swollen knee joints): dx rh. heart dis, give 3 major criteria
7. hydrocortisone: identify, 3 uses
8. scenario of anxiety disorder: tell dx, 3 drugs for Rx
9. pic of hypothyroidism: tell dx, 3 tests
10. interactive: management of hemetemesis
11. interactive: MI ECG: dx, management
12. interactive: prevention of spread of active t.b
13. interactive: diabetes counselling

a. Malarial Parasite (D/X Cerebral Malaria)
i. Diagnosis
ii. Should we urgently treat this condition
iii. Prognosis
...b. Hyperextended Thumb? (Marfan’s)
i. D/D
ii. Common at what age
c. Haemaccel
i. What type of Solution
ii. 3 Indications
iii. Contraindication
d. Branula
i. Uses
ii. Complications
e. Counselling (Hep B)(a man who has hepb about to get married after 2 months afraid that his wife will contract HepB from him)
f. Counselling Hyperlipidemia (Dietary)
g. ECG with examiner
h. ECG with examiner
i. CT Scan Brain showing Intrace...rebral Haemorrhage with Ventricular Extension
i. What is this modality
ii. What are the findings
iii. What is the diagnosis
j. Strawberry Tongue (Identify, D/D, Common in what age(childhood))
k. Pleural Effusion (What investigation is this, finding, likely diagnosis)
l. Ptosis (unilateral) (Finding, why this drooping has occurred, Causes)
m. ECG showing inferior wall MI
i. Findings
ii. Diagnosis
iii. 3 steps of management

1- herpes zoster
2-,interaventricular hemorrage
3-,sinus bradycardia,
4-GTT curve,
5-lung consolidation,
6-pusatile liver,
7-left parasternal heave,
8-pain RIF,
9-heparin dose
cardiomegaly...due to pericardial effusion
left lmn facial palsy
Endotracheal tube
hep c counseling
ppst partum psychosis counseling
ac pulmonary edema

MI complications and t/m – interactive-
Anxiety councelling
DM councelling
Calculate HR on ECG, causes of tachycardia,
Metabolic Alkalosis with ABG findings
Malar flush, SLE
X ray pneumothorax

1.Cheyne stroke breathing picture d/d
2.consolidation xray
3.Haliotrope Rash picture d/d
4.Xanthoma picture d/d
5.squint picture cause
6.microcytic hypochromic picture d/d
7.erythema nodusum picture d/d
8.Herpes zoster picture treatment
9.Jvp raised picture d/d
10.Observed Laryngosocpe usage
11.IHD cousnel
12.Type 1 DM counsel
13.Alcoholic pt counsel

1.hypothroidism pic
2.rheumatic hd pic
4.anxiety disordr scenario
5.sle rash
6.pneumothorax xray
7.antroseptal infarc ecg
8.counslng tb
9.counslng DM
11. hemetemesis management
12. hepatic encaph scenario
13. d/d of metabolic acidosis

2-endotracheal tube
3-schizophrenia counselling
4-erythema mutform
...5-hep B counseling
6-meningits D/D
7-inferior wAll MI
8-DVT and drugs used to treat it
9-extra dural hemorrage
10-enlaged heart x-ray

1)subarach hmrage.idntify the pic..mangmnt..abnrmalty in the pic
2) xray...lobar pneumonia.2caustve org,4 physcl sign
4)acanthosis nigricans...idntify,etiolgy
5)ecg..MI st elevation...2 bldtests,mangmnt
6)hep b.counsl a preg womn regrding antenatl risk,breastfeding,prevntive measures 4 her marrid lyf..
7)folys parts...complts..
8)scenerio ....a man devlps suddn dysnea n high grde a chr smokr...othr chest findin r norml.answr....2.managmnt..
9)phyctry...scenerio..a 17 yr old boy came with sudden onset of rigidity n protruding ...tongue...
10)match the follwing
spleen- myelofibrosis
murmur -thyrotoxicosis
11)neurofibromatosis:identify pic,managmnt,neurological signs
12)bacterial meningitis:diag csf findngs,treatment,pik abnormal findings in the reprt...

1. Parkinsonism
2. splenomegaly
3. leg ulcers
4. zolmitripton
...5. graph of fever
6. cause of relative bradycardia
7. Typhoid fever( prophylaxis)
8. Metabolic acidosis
9. TB counseling
10. laryngoscope
11. X-ray(hilar opacity)
12. ECG
13. depression

1.ecg of mi. fndngs,diag.imedt managment
2.exophthalmos, hand clubng wd resp.snerio,diag.,d.d.n invs.
3 LP nedl,nam,uses,
...4,metabolc acidosis scnerio wd biochem,diag.causes,invst.
5 snerio of scurvy n pic of bledng gum.caus n odr featurs.
6 ivu,findngs n causes.
7.hydrocortison.ind.sid efct..
8,intrctv,counslng of dvt.
9.dprsion, qs, wt z, cause, mangmnt, duration ov tm
10. Dcmpnstd Livr wd hmatemsis in emrgncy, mangmnt
11. Counslng hep.b immuniztin
12. CT Brain, infrction.

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