A 3.5-year-old boy presents with his mother as a new patient to your practice. His mother describes that he has been snorting and sniffing, and has been congested and plugged up for a few months. The patient intake form that his mother completed before the visit notes that the symptoms might have started 6-8 months ago, although she does not remember any specific starting date. She thinks that the symptoms worsen when they visit her in-laws on the farm and friends who have cats. He has had 2 ear infections in the past 4 months. She does not report him having any wheezing or coughing. His immunizations are all up-to-date, and he has never had any surgeries or hospitalizations. He is the product of a normal full-term pregnancy and delivery.
Q1. In physical finding the picture below is seen. What are those lines beneath his lower eyelids?
Q2. What is your diagnosis?

Q1. In physical finding the picture below is seen. What are those lines beneath his lower eyelids?
Q2. What is your diagnosis?
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