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Monday, August 08, 2011

A Comprehensive Checklisk to unveil your acne trigger(s)

There are over ten forms of acne a person can experience, from chloracne to acne mechanica. Just as acne can take on varied forms, there are a variety of reasons why one may have acne.

"Acne formations act as messengers from the body, suggesting beneficial changes to your lifestyle and areas of your life to which you should pay more attention. You know when you have found an acne message because using the information from the message actually improves your health and deepens you level of self-awareness."

Below is a sampling of the some of the needs or unresolved issues that may be exposed by an Acne Message:

Needed diet alteration

Poor level of self-love

Reduction in over the counter medications

Internal detoxification

Need for more exercise

Move to a different relationship or end a current one

Need for more personal challenges

Poor stress management

Uncontrolled emotions

Social anxiety


Un-addressed personal fears

Unmeet goals

Unexpressed Feelings

Bodily neglect

Unadjusted to new settings

Contact with new environments

Poor understanding of cleansing agents

Misuse of hair care products

Excess hormones in foods

Weak organs

Extreme sensitivity to criticism

Acne is not a superficial condition. It strikes deep into the heart and psyche of everyone suffering with this disease. Once your acne trigger(s) is unveiled and dealt with, you, your health and self-esteem reap all the benefits.
Key Words:
Chloracne, acne mechanica, diet alteration, self-love, detoxification, stress management, Social anxiety

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