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Friday, August 26, 2011

MBBS 2nd Year Sendup Papers Fatima Memorial Hospital College, Lahore(FMHC)

Fatima Memorial Hospital College, Lahore(FMHC)


Q1) a) what is meant by oxidative phosphorylation? Name the un-couplers of o.phosphorylation [3+3]
b) What is G6PD deficiency?

Q2) a) How is galactose metabolized in the body?
b) What congenital condition results due to deficiency of different enzymes? [5+3]

Q3) Describe B-Oxidation reactions. [3+5]
Calculate energy in the form of ATP derived from complete oxidation of Stearic Acid to CO2 and H2O

Q4) Draw Urea Cycle. Give the sources of ammonia. [5+3]

Q5) a) How are purines catabolized in body. How are purine bases salvaged? [3+3]
b) Differentiate between Kwashiorkor and Marasmus [2]

Q6) a) What is point mutation? How does it occur? What is the amino acid change in Sickle Cell Anemia? [1,1,2]
b) Define replication. Give various types. Enumerate diff types of enzymes in replication. [1,1,2]

Q7) Give various steps of protein synthesis. Enumerate the post transitional modifications. How are defective proteins degraded? [4,3,1]

Q8) a) Give synthesis of catecholamines and briefly discuss the role of adrenaline in carb metabolism. [4]
b) What is pheochromocytoma? What lab tests u will perform to evaluate a case of pheochromocytoma?[2,2]


Q1) Explain counter current mechanism in the kidney.
Q2) Briefly describe actions of testosterone.
Q3) Name the hormones regulating plasma Calcium levels. Briefly describe the mechanism by which each acts.
Q4) Explain signs and symptoms of Parkinsonism. Which part of central nervous system is involved and how?
Q5) Explain the mechanism by which Insulin lowers plasma glucose levels.
Q7) Describe the formation, drainage and functions of Aqueous Humor. What is normal intra ocular pressure?
Q8) Draw and Label the auditory pathway. Enlist the functions of middle ear.
Q9) Describe the role of kidney in regulation of pH.


Q1) Name the components of JuxtraGlomerular Apparatus. Draw a Nephron.
Q2) Draw the Adrenal Cortex.
Q3) What are the embryological basis of Congenital Umbilical Hernia?
Q4) Enumerate the derivatives of Pharyngeal Pouches.
Q5) a) Enumerate the constituents of spermatic cord.
b) Trace the course of Ductus Deferens [Vas Deferens]
Q6) Differentiate between Anatomical and Functional lobes of liver. Give the clinical significance.
Q7) Write down the attachments of Investing Layer of Deep Cervical Fascia.
Q8) What are the anatomical parts of pharynx? Give their sensory nerve supply.
Q9) Write a note on Blood Supply of the Heart.

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