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Friday, August 26, 2011

MBBS 2nd Year Sendup Papers Quaid-e-Azam Medical College(QMC), Bahawalpur

Quaid-e-Azam Medical College(QMC), Bahawalpur

From which and where the common carotid artery arises & where it divides? enumerate branches of external carotid artery and discuss the facial artery
Discuss the extent of cervical sympathetic ganglia
Describe muscles of mastication with their nerve supply
Define mediastinum, its divisions, name the structural contents of inferior mediastinum, discuss the blood supply of heart
Discuss rectus abdominis and rectus sheath
How and where portal vein is formed, give its names and tributaries
Discuss pelvic diaphragm and urogenetial diaphragm
write short notes on internal iliac artery and blood supply of ureter
give structural derivatives of 1st pharyngeal arch. a new born with cystic swelling in the neck was brought to surgical outdoor. explain its embryological causes
Describe microscopic appearance of Thyroid Gland

Enumerate physiological actions of insulin on carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism. write down four features of diabetes mellitus
What are the features of right sided hemi-section of the spinal cord
Which neurotransmitters are leased in the basal ganglia? enumerate features of the Parkinson's disease
enumerate the effects of the sympathetic stimulation through alpha adrenergic receptors and beta adrenergic receptors
What is the mechanism of determination of sound frequency
Define filtration coefficient and filtration fraction. enumerate factors which affect the GFR
What are the features, cause & compensatory mechanisms of metabolic acidosis
enumerate the physiological actions of Estrogen

What is the biochemical importance of glycolytic reducing equivalent shifted to mitochondria
Describe metabolism of LDL by diagram. How is HDL beneficial
Briefly describe the formation of neurotransmitters from amino acids
write down the steps of purine degradation
draw an outline of cycloxygenase pathway. what is its biomedical importance
Name the four hormones which bind to intracellular receptors. Describe the hyperglycemic action of cortisol
Explain Na+ ,K+ as following a) normal value b) Deficiency s/s of hyponateremia
What are the causes of lactic acidosis. How hyperlactemia is compensated by the body
Draw balanced diet chart for a medical student
Define tumor marker. Write down the three names of clinical useful tumor markers.

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