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Friday, August 26, 2011

MBBS 2nd Year Sendup Papers Nishter Medical College (NMC), Multan

Nishter Medical College (NMC), Multan

1) What is metabolic acidosis, Its correction by kidneys
2) How urine is concentrated in different segments of Nephron
3) Enumerate part of limbic system, Role of thalamus in motor activity
4) enumerate receptors a ANS, what is alarm response
5) Draw Pyramidal tract and label it. and effects of its lesion
6) Draw visual pathway and effects produced by lesion in optic tract
7) Growth hormone effect on protein metabolism. note on acromegaly
8)Name hormones of adrenal cortex. role of cortisol in inflammation
9)wat are the hormones that take part in pregnancy. how lactation is initiated

1) Where does glycolysis take place. enumerate its reversible steps and way of there reversal
2)Process of plaque formation by LDL
3) What is point mutation. Amino acid changes in sickle cell anemia.
4) Classify hormones. Metabolic effects of catecholamines

1) Development of vertebral column and anomalies
2) How coelomic cavity is divided. give anomalies in thoracoabdominal diaphragm
3) Describe partitioning of heart
4) Derivatives of urogenetial sinus development of prostate
5) Descent of testis and its congenital abnormalities
6) Classify cells of hypothesis describe epsilon acidophil
7) Describe olfactory mucosa
8) Classify glands of stomach and describe the cells lining those glands
9) Components of JuxtraGlomerular complex describe JuxtraGlomerular cells
10) Give layers of retina and describe ultra structure of cone cells.

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